Fairyland, dog days, this is the holy land of heaven.

The dog days are built on the top of the clouds. From a distance, it looks like a boundless sea of clouds. In the middle of the sea of clouds, there are rays of sunlight.

All of a sudden, a figure came from the horizon. The figure was strong and ordinary. It was like a powerful man, and moved to the center of the sea of clouds step by step.

If you look closely, you can see that there is blood in his empty sleeves.

Obviously, this is the messenger of heaven who has just been cut off his arm.

His body suddenly stood in place, eyes inside the rhyme angry signs, anger quietly erupted.

"Hateful, our heavenly emissary was reduced to this end. Not only did he not kill Chen Mo, but also defeated him at the expense of his troops. This deep blood feud, I xuanyue, should give back ten times."

"Chen Mo, you wait for me. As long as I enter the holy land of heaven, I will have a way to deal with rice."

In other words, xuanyue's legs stepped out again, and his innate self-confidence poured out from his body. At last, he was mixed with towering anger and sent out to his surroundings.


In the middle of the cloud, there is a white jade palace.

This palace seems to be a towering immortal beast. It is not only huge in momentum, but also swept out by his terrifying and peerless authority. It is surrounded by xuanyue, which is powerful. At this moment, he also enters the palace with respect.

On both sides of the palace, there are figures crisscrossed and crossed to form a majestic meaning of Xiao Sha. Xuanyue's eyes were fixed, and she took out her own token and threw it out of the air.


In the void, there is a big hand out in vain, and the token disappears in a few seconds.

But soon, there came a majestic voice from the void.

"Xuanyue, didn't you follow Xuantian and another Tiandao emissary to pursue Chen Mo?"

Hearing this, xuanyue lowered her head and said, "yes!"

"Then why are you alone?"

As soon as this sentence fell, he immediately had the intention to kill xuanyue, which made xuanyue difficult to breathe. However, his face was still firm, and even his will was crazy. He said: "the mission failed."

As the words fell, there was sword light in the void. All of a sudden, it was washed with a long intention of killing. With a Shua, xuanyue's other arm fell on the spot, and a large amount of blood spilled onto the ground, forming a suffocating bloody smell.

Xuanyue felt the pain brought by the broken arm, and his face was ferocious. However, he knew that he could not have any dissatisfaction, because this was the holy land of the great Mac.

As long as he makes a slight move, he will fall into the end of irreparable doom. So xuanyue knows this situation and has no discontent on his face. Even at this time, he explains: "Chen Mo has the spirit of Lingtian God and Lingtian God's palace. It's very terrible in terms of speed and combat effectiveness. When we three deal with him, we meet the strong men of the underworld Although he can't match Chen Mo's strength, he and several other five elements are against us. "


With xuanyue saying these words, the space filled with a figure, this figure is more powerful than xuanyue countless times, as if it is a peerless strong, the whole body has a supernatural temperament.

When the dark light dissipated, the strong man's body appeared completely. Xuanyue immediately looked up and saw that the other side was gray haired, but full of energy. There was a terrible will of the strong in her eyes.

"The spirit of Lingtian God appears?"

The old man began to speak, as if asking, but also as if he was affirming something. His tone soon became very heavy. His old eyes were staring at xuanyue and crossing a cold look.

"Xuanyue, your mission failed this time, but you can be excused, but you didn't report to the holy land of heaven in the first time, so that the holy land of heaven will lose two envoys of heaven."

"And I guess it's true that you have lost the edge of domination?"

Voice down, xuanyue can not buy no nod.

When the old man saw this, he waved his hand and there were two heavenly messengers around him. The two heavenly messengers were the same in body and appearance, just like twins. People could not tell the truth from the false, but xuanyue knew that they were two.

However, they have a unique origin and are called the bright Gemini in the holy land of heaven.

The two men looked at the old man and said in the same voice: "I don't know what the nine elders have to say?"

After hearing this, nine elder Shuishi nodded his head and said: "Guangming Er Zi, you two practice the law of light and the law of light respectively, and also have the body of light and the body of light. Now Chen Mo has the spirit of Lingtian God. I need you to kill Chen Mo and bring back the spirit of Lingtian God and Lingtian God's palace?"

Guangming two sons smell speech, look at each other, and then seriously look at nine elder water stone.

"We can do this by ourselves. After all, Chen Mo is not enough to be afraid of. But since elder nine has already ordered us, we will soon take Chen Mo down."

Hearing these arrogant words, nine elder didn't talk much nonsense. Instead, he looked up at xuanyue. "This time your mission failed. In order to make up for your mistakes, you take Guangming Er Zi to Chen Mo's position. You must help Guangming Er Zi to win Chen mo.""Yes

Xuanyue replied heavily and forcefully, and then looked at Guangming Erzi. He knew that this was the only chance that nine elders gave him. After all, there was no xuanyue thing to follow Guangming Erzi.

But because xuanyue once dealt with Chen Mo, in order to be safe, nine elders let xuanyue with Guangming Er Zi to look for Chen mo.

In this way, xuanyue is just a runner.

"Elder nine, it's not right to let xuanyue, a waste, follow me?" Guangming Er Zi looked at xuanyue with disdain on his face. "The defeated general, following us will only waste time, and we can completely deal with Chen Mo, and there is absolutely no problem."

Xuanyue's voice fell from the sky, which changed xuanyue's face. However, he knew that it was normal for him to be looked down upon, so xuanyue immediately looked up at nine elder Shuishi.

At the moment, nine elder shook his head and said with a smile: "Guangming Er Zi, Chen Mo, this son controls the spirit and palace of Lingtian God. His strength is extraordinary. In addition, he also has the inheritance of reincarnation daozun and reincarnation sword. Although you can make me feel relieved when you deal with him, you still take xuanyue for safety."

Reincarnation sword?

Guangming Er Zi's eyes suddenly brightened. They heard of reincarnation sword, which is the weapon of reincarnation daozun. The power alone makes people feel terrible. Originally, Guangming Er Zi didn't want to carry xuanyue.

But now, they don't care.

As long as Chen Mo's heritage and treasures are divided up, their strength will certainly advance by leaps and bounds.

"In that case, let's go."

Guangming Er Zi looks up to xuanyue, then controls Guanghua and leaves Tiandao holy land.

Xuanyue immediately followed up, and the figure of the three disappeared quickly.

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