"Is that guy still alive?" In the center of the city, the man in bloody clothes stands proud.

In his hands, it was like a blade without a handle.

"My attack of killing Luo couldn't kill him, but let him escape. If this matter is not solved, killing Tian Bai will die. He has a spirit under the spring, which is also my inability to kill Luo."

"However, the boy got the help of Lingtian God and successfully escaped

"Only next time, kill him again."

The bloody man closed his eyes and fell into a mysterious state of cultivation.

Around him, it is the power of Shura, which seems to contain the law of Shura, which makes the whole person of killing Luo become extremely terrifying and overflowing with blood.

Chen Mo, who left the city, flew quickly to the West.

Along the way, he took control of Lingtian's palace and came to the northwest state for half a month.

Here, everyone worships martial arts, and the monks everywhere are practicing the body.

Most of them are barehanded, physically strong and powerful.

Seeing such a monk, Chen Mo naturally became interested.

"At present, I have come to the area of Northwest state, Xumi Dongtian is still missing."

"In that case, I don't have to look for it."

"And I believe ice will come to me in person."

The reason why Chen Mo is so confident is that he believes that he is enough to become a disciple of Xumi Dongtian. As for why binghe doesn't contact him, Chen Mo already thinks it's not important.

Chen Mo paid too much for this mission, and almost died in the hands of others.

Now when he comes to Wen northwest state, he can't see Xu Mi's cave. Chen Mo has no mind to continue searching.

After all, it is very difficult to find a place.

In a small teahouse, Chen Mo has nothing to do and feels the abundance of the mysterious power around him.

Since Chen Mo got the help of divinity, his physical body has become strong and has the state of crossing the six levels of robbery. In particular, Chen Mo's metaphysical power has undergone subtle changes.

If the power he had before was immortal.

Now Chen Mo is equivalent to having divine power, which can make Chen Mo more challenging and make his physical strength stronger. This is Chen Mo's foundation at present.

"With my brother, can you hear that there is a purgatory war in Northwest state recently."

"It's said that this purgatory battle is to find a monk with a strong body. The winner can get the blood of ancient gods."

At a table next to Chen Mo, someone suddenly opened his mouth. When he said something, the monks in the teahouse were slightly surprised. "I have heard about this purgatory battle. It is said that the purpose of the informant is to find a strong monk with a strong body."

"If you really want to participate, there will certainly be a lot of strong people signing up. "

" and the ancient gods' blood is very strong, once refined, you can obtain the power of ancient gods. "

Some people say this, the eyes have fanatical meaning.

The ancient god's blood can be seen from its name. However, it is very difficult to obtain the ancient god's blood. This is because there are so many participants, it is not so easy to obtain.

Chen Mo heard the words of ancient god's blood, and his face already had the idea of heart beating.

Now he needs to improve his strength. With the ancient god's blood, his body will surely be able to break through again.

Therefore, Chen Mo has the idea of participating in purgatory.

Chen Mo then inquired about the location of the purgatory war and left the teahouse.

As far as he knew, purgatory was held in the northern desert city.

The northern wasteland city is a city opened up, and there are not many strong ones.

It belongs to Sanwu area, but the northern wasteland city often holds various activities.

It can be seen that the northern wasteland is not simple.

Chen Mo goes all the way to Beihuang city. Looking up, he finds that Beihuang city is built in a desert area. From a distance, it looks like a mirage, which is very unreal.

However, Chen Mo knows that the northern wasteland city is an existing city.

He entered the city without paying any fees and found a common inn to live in.

In this inn, the good and the bad are mixed.

Chen Mo is also at ease. He doesn't have to worry about being bothered by others. He arranges a simple sound insulation array and a spirit gathering array in his room. Chen Mo is in the state of practice.

He is now in the state of six levels of robbery, and because of his divinity, the whole person has become more powerful than before, but Chen Mo knows that such strength is far from enough.

Only by achieving the realm of immortal respect can Chen Mo have a place in the fairyland.

Time soon passed three days. In these three days, more and more powerful people were in Beihuang city.

This means that the purgatory war will start, and the ultimate goal is to compete for the blood of ancient gods.

Chen Mo got subtle results in three days.

Chen Mo also has a general understanding of the five elements world.

As long as Chen Mo controls the power of a certain law, the world of five elements will have one more power of law.In this way, the five elements world will be improved.

"The road is 3000, how difficult it is to master the three thousand laws, but I only control the power of several laws. The next three thousand laws are hard to complete in my life."

Chen Mo pan sat on the bed and felt the endless difficulties of the three thousand rules.

So far, Chen Mo has not heard that others can control the three thousand laws. This is because it is impossible for the owners of the three thousand laws to appear. After all, the law of heaven does not allow it.

You should know that controlling the three thousand laws is equivalent to driving away with the way of heaven and controlling the heaven and earth at the same time.

Chen Mo knew this reason, so he realized that it was too difficult to control the 3000 rule.

However, as long as he can control the power of a certain law, Chen Mo will certainly strive for it.

for the past three days, Beihuang city has become more and more heated.

All the friars can be seen everywhere have the realm of celestial dignity, and the monks of Hongmeng can only exist at the bottom of Beihuang city.

The purgatory war was held in the most prosperous area of Beihuang city.

Early in the morning, Chen Mo washed himself and put on his clean clothes. He didn't remember going to the central area of Beihuang city.

Here, almost all the monks Chen Mo met were physically powerful. Most of them had some kind of strong blood force, which gave people a feeling of fierce beasts attacking.

"Everybody, today is purgatory war, I hope you can let me, otherwise let me do it, I will let you know that I snow tiger is powerful."

Suddenly there was an overbearing voice in the crowd.

People can't help but see a man in tiger skin standing in the central position of the square, in his body has the momentum of a tiger, making his whole person become extremely strong.

At the same time, Chen Mo also felt the law of ice from his body.

Although the law of ice is weak, it also makes us feel the chill of the space.

This shows how strong the other side is.

At the moment, the man blinked, glanced at the whole audience, and continued to threaten: "I am the little master of ice snow city, you should think about my interests."

"What? Is it the little master of ice city

We were shocked. We were not unfamiliar with the ice and snow city. There was an ice and snow city thousands of miles away from Beihuang city. This ice and snow city is always full of ice and snow, which is suitable for practicing the law of ice.

Bing Yu, the leader of ice snow city, is also a superior God.

Hearing the words of ice and snow city, people looked at the snow tiger with a dignified look.

"My God! It turns out that he is the little master of the ice city. Now we meet him, we should give up the competition of ancient gods. Otherwise, Bingyu's holy daughter will be angry, and there will be no good fruit for us to eat. "

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