When we saw clearly that the figure above the turtle's back was Chen Mo, we all subconsciously swallowed the saliva in our throat.

Chen Mo is no stranger to them.

This guy first opened the palaces of the ancient gods with the power of blood, and then took away the warriors of the ancient gods with the power of blood. Now he is the first to get on the turtle back and lie down.

In any case, Chen Mo makes them feel unfathomable.

Ling Qingxue's mouth is even more stiff. She looks at Chen Mo in surprise. "This guy is worthy of being a strong bloodline. He even goes to Xuanwu turtle back and lies down. Isn't he afraid of death?"

Ling Qingxue is powerful. She can see that the body of turtle back is Xuanwu, but she didn't expect Chen Mo to appear on the turtle back, even lying on it.

Obviously, Chen Mo has lost the ability to fly and can't escape.

"Not long ago, I read ancient books. It is said that under the ancient god's seat is Xuanwu, which has the ability to create the world. However, with the disappearance of the ancient god, Xuanwu also disappeared."

"Now it seems that the Xuanwu is the ancient god's vehicle." Ling Qingxue reached out and stroked her hair. Chen Mo could not help her. Xuanwu is a real beast.

And it follows the ancient gods to death, regardless of combat effectiveness or realm are far stronger than Ling Qingxue.

So for such a huge thing, Ling Qingxue's only way is to look across the mountain.

"Is this the ancient god riding the Xuanwu?" The rest of the people listened to Ling Qingxue's words and took a breath.

"Chen Mo is really stupid. Even if he wants to die, he has to find a better position."

"Xuanwu followed the ancient gods from life to death. It was no longer an ordinary beast. It was easy for him to kill Chen mo

We can be Lingba looking at Chen Mo, did not mean to help.

In particular, ice Yu snow girl and snow tiger, with a smile of schadenfreude on their faces.

"Xuanwu is very powerful. Chen Mo can't deal with Xuanwu even though he is powerful."

"Wait for him to die, and then take the reincarnation sword."

Bingyu xuenu is the middle God, and her real fighting power is the upper God. In addition, she has the law of ice. As long as Chen Mo dies, she is confident to take the reincarnation sword.

At the moment, Chen Mo is lying on the turtle's back. The whole person can't move. There is a tremendous pressure in the forbidden area around him. Chen Mo has exhausted all his strength just by resisting.

It's almost impossible for him to deal with Xuanwu.

"Boy, I'm Xuanwu, one of the four sacred beasts. You even came here to offend me. I'm sure I can't spare you for such behavior. Next, you'll die for me."

The body of Xuanwu moves again, and the huge turtle back moves a little bit. There will be signs of earth shattering around the whole area, and a large amount of pressure will be shrouded from heaven and earth.

The friars on the edge of the cliff urged Xuanli to resist.

As the first to bear the brunt, Chen Mo's internal organs, four limbs and hundreds of skeletons burst out with wisps of blood. His skin was festering and his face was pale. He was unable to return to heaven.

"Am I really going to die here?"

Chen Mo is not willing to die, and the forces of various laws are madly driven, forming a completely different terrible power. The thunder and lightning are rolling, and the atmosphere of death is diffused. The two laws merge with each other and penetrate into the body of Xuanwu.

However, turtle back immediately has the power of Xuanwu to resist, directly let Chen Mo open his mouth to spit out blood.


Chen Mo's face became more pale, and the law of life was running slowly. At the moment, he only felt that the whole person had been hit unprecedentedly, but he soon began to call out the ancient god soldiers.


With the appearance of seven ancient god warriors, they look at each other, and then subconsciously stab the turtle back with a gun blade. The powerful penetrating force directly bursts out sparks.


Between the electric light and flint, the power of Xuanwu also blooms.

"Boy, did you get the ancient god warrior?" Xuanwu was surprised and turned into a middle-aged man in a gray robe, but he was still unfathomable.

Looking at Chen Mo, the middle-aged man said slowly, "the ancient god soldiers are the followers of the master before his death. They have a strong will. They are afraid to defend the palace for the master after death."

"But you let them listen to you, which is really unexpected."

The middle-aged man said this and looked at Chen Mo with his thick eyes and strange eyes.

He was under the command of the ancient gods together with the warriors of the ancient gods, and his feelings were not generally good.

However, he did not expect that Chen Mo would have such a powerful means to take away these ancient god warriors.

At the moment, Chen Mo looks at the middle-aged man, his body slowly straightens up, but his heart still has serious internal injury, but he has not taken care of too much, a pair of eyes become a bit gloomy.

"Master, ancient warriors absorb the power of my blood, and they naturally obey my orders."

"I didn't mean to offend you. Please forgive me."

With that, Chen Mo arched his hands with great respect.

The ancient God saw this, and his face became a little cold."Boy, I can't understand you even more if you take away the ancient god warrior by this way."

"No matter how, these ancient god warriors are also my brothers. They used to guard the ancient gods with me, but now they are made into puppets by you. If I don't kill you, what will I do?"

In other words, the middle-aged man's palm has the power of Xuanwu blooming, and he is about to kill Chen mo.

"Hold on, master."

At this time, Ling Qingxue flew down from above, her eyes have been locked in Xuanwu.

"Girl, what do you want to say?" Xuanwu looks at Ling Qingxue lightly.

Ling Qingxue came to Chen Mo's side and said, "master, although Chen Mo has taken away the ancient god soldiers, it is understandable that they are willing to follow Chen mo


Xuanwu looks a little moved. According to Ling Qingxue, the ancient god warrior is willing to follow Chen mo. if he deals with Chen Mo, it will be unreasonable.

But Xuanwu looked at Ling Qingxue and asked, "What proof do you have to prove that the ancient god warrior was willing to follow Chen Mo? If not, I'll still kill this kid. "

As soon as this was said, Ling Qingxue frowned and looked at Chen Mo and said, "before, you took away the ancient god warrior with the power of blood. Now you should be able to let the ancient god warrior speak and prove your innocence."

Hearing this, Chen Mo immediately nods his head.

at the moment, he has no way. Facing Xuanwu, Chen Mo's strength is not enough to deal with each other.

Therefore, Chen Mo endured the pain of tearing heart and lung, and urged his blood force to enter the body of the ancient god warrior.

With the blood light surging, the eyes of several ancient gods suddenly widened, and then they looked at Xuanwu. There was blurred light in their eyes, which made Xuanwu fall into a complex color.

"Is the ancient god warrior really willing to follow this boy?" Xuanwu shook his head in disbelief. "Why did they forget their original intention after following their master for many years?"

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