Chapter 839 A day

Name:The Innkeeper Author:
Chapter 839 A day

"Gerard, pass my orders. During this next wave, all able soldiers will go out to attack and finish off the wave as quickly as possible. After that, everyone will retreat. The wave after that will be fought from the fort's walls."

"Any particular reason?" Gerard asked, though he immediately dispatched several messengers to convey the message.

"One complete day on this planet is around 30 hours, give or take. We have been fighting for 29 hours already, and I have a feeling that the wave that comes at one full day will be unordinary. We cannot afford to act half heartedly. Besides, the offensive formation that the elves are setting up should almost be complete as well. It's weak, but some support is still better than no support." novelB1n

By now they only had around 2900 soldiers who could go out and battle, despite the fact that in most fights the Midnight battalion took the brunt of each wave. The battalion itself was still surviving, and had not suffered any real injuries, though spirit energy exhaustion and physical fatigue were becoming an issue.

To combat the situation, Luthor had the elves also start working on a spirit energy gathering formation. Unfortunately, that would take some time to build. They were slowly approaching a state where even if they were uninjured, they wouldn't be able to fight.

Of course for now that was still far away, but considering the fact that nothing had changed for nearly 30 hours, it was a very real possibility they had to consider. Luthor was merely waiting for 1000 to return and give his report before he made any decision. After all, making a decision without having the relevant information could end them up in a worse position. After all, no matter how bad their current state was, at least they had walls and some formations to protect them.

Everyone was focused on their own tasks, so no one noticed when a few thin scratches appeared on the wall in front of Luthor, immediately attracting his attention. Luthor held out his hand and he felt a small weight deposited in his palm. It took a few seconds before a small crystal became visible.

This was a crystal used to record valuable information, and was often used to transmit techniques. The fact that 1000 used it now either meant that he had only just procured it in his latest outing, or that he had collected too much information and it was inconvenient to convey it through simple writing.

"Good job," Luthor murmured softly before channeling his own energy within. Immediately a stream of information flowed into his mind, startling even the steadfast battalion leader!

Anger flashed in his eyes when he finally absorbed all the information. This was not just an attack on them, but an attack on the Midnight Inn!

He immediately pulled out the Innkeepers business card, but before he could use it a spatial wave crashed into the formation around the fort. Then, there was another, and finally a third. Although the formation survived the waves, barely so, the space outside the fort did not. A massive horizontal tear spread in front of the wave, revealing a black void behind it.

Cracks formed in the air around the entire fort as the space around the entire planet became vulnerable, threatening to break due to the newly developed tear.

Z, who was standing on the fort, suddenly looked up, not at the tear but at a specific crack. He could feel something... a connection of sorts.

But the luxury of observing did not last long as a single, massive creature seemed to slither out of the Void. Its strength was far beyond and of the previous Void Dwellers, and most definitely beyond what the space here could withstand.

This was no longer a draining tactic. If the creature was not killed immediately, the Void would envelop them all, and then the survival of even the Battalion was at risk!