Chapter 1119 Basically just a butler

Name:The Innkeeper Author:
Chapter 1119 Basically just a butler

It actually made sense that Lex could so easily handle an immortal. His own strength was as such that he would immediately initiate the tribulation for the next realm if he hadn't kept his powers sealed. Thinking of it that way, what that meant was that he had already reached the power level of the next realm without actually entering the next realm.

But even if he was at that level, destroying someone's tenets using brute force wasn't something Lex could achieve. Unwilling to keep this farce going on for much longer, Lex immediately used Space Warp.

This was an ability he learned long ago which allowed him to bend space in a region as he wished, causing a massive spike in gravity. Considering the fact that he warped the space inside the immortal's soul, he finally managed to break his tenets.

Since the immortal realm was entirely based on tenets, the immortal suddenly became mortal. He coughed out blood, and the skin on various parts of his body erupted as immortal energy escaped his body. Technically speaking, the man would still have a physical body and soul of a similar strength to that of an immortal's, but he just would not have his tenets. The chances of him returning to the immortal realm were close to nil, not that Lex was going to leave him with the opportunity.

Lex pulled out the man's soul and used a sealing technique to imprison the soul inside a small gem. He'd question the man later. For now, it was best to focus on his sister's situation.


Lex reformed the Glyph on his chest, once again sealing a part of his power. It was too risky to keep his powers unsealed. He did not want to enter the immortal realm until the perfect opportunity came by, and that would take some more time.

"The palace is empty because I sent everyone away. I... I didn't want to be surrounded by servants and guards all day. Besides, my body's not as weak as you may think. I mean, technically speaking, this planet is also my body. Instead of imprisoning my soul inside the planet, they fused most of it with the planet. That way, my purification ability which constantly purifies my body will also automatically purify the planet. Theoretically speaking, I can create a literal holy zone for cultivation this way. So technically, my body is very strong. It's just my original body that's become a little weak. But because the planet is so large, and my soul is so weak, the fusion is not complete yet. That's why..."

Lex put his hand on her mouth, preventing her from speaking.

"Stop talking. You think too much. Just a few years apart is all it took for you to think you can have opinions now. You're forgetting that as the youngest, you're basically just the family butler. I'm taking you away from here, and then we can sit and catch up," Lex said sternly. Even his expression looked admonishing, though considering his youthful face it was hard to take it seriously.

"Are you sure I'm the younger one of us right now?" she asked using her spirit sense, a hint of amusement in her voice. Lex's lip twitched, but he ignored her.

There were two reasons he interrupted her. First was the revelation that her soul was actually fusing with the planet. Initially all he thought was that he would have to find a way to remove her soul from some kind of prison, but if there was a fusion process going on it might be much more complicated. Fortunately, the Inn did not discriminate in what kind of body its guests had when they teleported over. He just had to find out if he could actually accept a planet as a guest.

Secondly, he began to detect more spatial anomalies, and this time, they were much stronger. He could detect dozens of portals opening up just outside the planet's orbit, and his instincts were telling him he would not be able to deal with this situation as easily as he had with the single immortal.

"Mary, I have a new kind of guest I want to bring to the Inn. Do you think a golden key would work on an entire planet, or would I have to use a few more?"