Chapter 1160 An offer II

Name:The Innkeeper Author:
Chapter 1160 An offer II

Velma took a sip of her tea. Normally she preferred some sugar or honey in it, but felt that it might be awkward to ask for some, so she gently placed the cup back.

"I have a friend," she began. "He's a good fellow. Loyal and trustworthy. A little odd at times, but who isn't? Some time ago, he came to me and a few others asking for help with a delicate situation. Although right now it seems like the situation is under control, I don't know why, when I heard about his problems, I couldn't help but think that if this wasn't handled well, that he may end up joining your family."

Aslan, who had been smiling softly up until, suddenly frowned. His light and easy demeanor suddenly changed, and a certain heaviness filled the room.

"What's the situation?" he asked. Updated chapters at

"His sisters have been targeted by a terrorist organization. Although for now it seems like one of them has been saved, based on what we know, it is unlikely that the terrorists will leave it at that. They surely have an agenda. My friend thinks that they're baiting him into reacting. The thing is, neither will they leave him alone, and nor will he let the terrorists get away with targeting his family to begin with. A clash is inevitable."

Up until now, Velma refrained from mentioning details because she did not want to use sympathy to get Aslan's help.

"I am not here to ask you for your help," she clarified. "I just couldn't help but think, when I heard about all this, that if you knew about this you wouldn't ignore it. After all, like I said, my friend is a good guy. He has actually walked through fire and fury to aid his friends. If someone like him were to suffer a tragedy... Well, you can guess where I'm going with this."

Waging a war against an impossible enemy, alone, and coming out the victor had earned him that right, especially when his enemies had been Celestials - not the cultivation realm, but one of the dominant races of the universe.

Aslan leaned forward, and began to discuss a few details with Velma, interested to learn more not only about Lex, but about how they planned to face Sanguis Pluvia.

Simultaneously, across countless star systems in the Origin realm, members of the Inn were silently meeting hidden and reclusive cultivators who wielded great power and authority. Unknown and unseen to the forces at large, an invisible thread began to connect powers that should have had no interaction ever. Names that had been forgotten in history, or had never been known to begin with, were quietly called upon by the various forces of the Midnight Inn.

The only thing that connected all these forces was that, at one point or another, they had visited the Midnight Inn, and the Midnight newsroom had collected information about them. Lawful and aboveboard organizations made deals within lavish meeting rooms. Dark and dingy corners of the most forsaken lands in the realm witnessed an understanding between unlikely allies. Even deities were not spared from the temptations the Inn offered, as no place else could so readily provide fruits containing divinity. At the same time devils, who were known across the universe for their ability to offer a tempting and irresistible deal to their targets, became targets themselves when they were presented with offers they simply could not refuse.

Amidst the chaos that the realm was embroiled in, no one noticed the shift taking place.

While all of these deals were being struck, allies being contacted and leads being followed, Luthor and John entered a particularly notorious building, the existence of which was famous across the realm.

Powell smiled at the two new guests.

"How can I help you gentlemen?"