Chapter 35: To Serve

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 35: To Serve

Walking through the door lake was expecting to see three people but instead he saw one. It was a boy probably 2 or 3 years younger than Lake. "Hello I'm Solomon, I live in the room next to yours so I'm here to show you where yours is." Solomon was waving his hand around while he said that Lake wasn't sure why he was so excited but it was kind of funny so Lake hoped he did this all the time. "I'm Lake." Lake reached out with his hand for a hand shake.

Solomon grabbed his hand and shook it like crazy. "It's nice to meet you. They told us yesterday that you'd be here. Let me tell you it's so nice to finally have another person to talk to; well that I don't have to walk 30 minutes to see at the least." Lake didn't like the way Solomon held onto his hand after he was done shaking it so he said, "Can you show me my room? I have to do something before Master Lucas comes to get me."

"Sure thing, follow me." Lake was happy to see Solomon was willing to save their new friendship for later because Lake needed to read this book and he wasn't sure how long it was going to take. "Hey Solomon, where are the other two people that live here? Master Lucas told me there were three."

"They're in the library. This is normally our study time but I stayed to show you to your room." Lake wondered if Study time was an enforced rule or just the schedule that was recommended. "Ok here's your room, the one across the hall is mine, so if you need anything ask one of your servants or knock on my door." Lake wasn't sure what Solomon meant by his servants because he had yet to be given any. Continue reading on No_veLbIn

Opening the ornate door that led to his room Lake wasn't sure what to expect so far the rooms he had walked through hadn't been too fancy but the door kind of gave away what was going to be behind it. Looking into the room Lake saw what he had expected; it looked like a palace; he could also see stairs that led upwards. "That explains why It took so long to walk up to the 32nd floor." Every floor seemed to encompass multiple subfloors or maybe some of them just have really high ceilings.

"Hello Sir." There were also 3 people dressed in fancy clothes bowing next to the door. Lake guessed these were the servants he had been hearing about. "Hello I'm Lake."

"We know Sir, they told us to expect your arrival today."

Getting to the last page Lake was disappointed to find it was just a regular entry about Amanda's divorce in her last life. This journal had been 60 pages of things that had happened to Amanda in her own world and Lake had to say it sounded like she had lived on the same Earth he had.

Thinking about what he had just read, Lake understood Lucas was telling him that his Unique skill gave the fact that he was reincarnated away and he should probably just keep it to himself. Maybe no one had a way to tell so his secret was safe as long as he didn't say anything.

Putting the book down, Lake started to look through his clothes they had brought him. This was the first time since he got here he actually got to pick from multiple outfits. Lake picked out some black pants and shirt and a white robe that looked like the robe every member of The Alchemist guild wore just with no color.

After putting everything on Lake looked into the small mirror on his desk he looked more like an Alchemist now that he had everything on. "Sir the Guild Leader is ready for you, he's in the Lab right above us."

"Alright, will you carry me up there." Lake was just messing around but he wanted to see if this guy would do it. "Right away sir."

"Wo wo, I was just messing around." This guy hadn't even taken a second before he went to pick Lake up. Thinking about it, if this guy was fine with it, so was Lake. "You know what, go ahead. I don't think my legs got it in them." Lake let the guy pick him up and just like Lake expected this guy had no problem lifting him. "Alright, grab that book, I want to take it with me."

After getting the book The man started carrying Lake to the lab that Lucas was waiting in and Lake had to say this dude was a stair master he was going so fast it was like they were going downhill. "This was the right choice. I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am because I'm gonna have you do this every day." Studying His servants face as he said this Lake saw no dissatisfaction and could only conclude he really didn't mind so this just became a good way to save time.

Lake would probably use this time saving method until he learned how to fly. "Alright we are here sir do you want me to bring you inside or do you want to go in alone."

"I'll take it from here. Thank you for your hard work." After the guy put Lake down he bowed and left, Lake guessed he was heading back to the room. So far Lake had to say he was very satisfied with his servants, just one was already so helpful and he had three. He was definitely going to learn that guy's name later so he could brag about him to the others.

Turning around, Lake walked into the lab to see Lucas standing next to a table filled with what seemed to be Alchemy equipment, lots of bottles and cups filled with powders and liquids. "That was quite fast. I was expecting it to take you a few more minutes to get here. Alright come over here so I can see if you know anything or if I need to start at the beginning."