Chapter 50: Back to Work

Name:The Insider System Author:
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Chapter 50: Back to Work

Leaving the Master Lab Lucas turned to him and said. "I wasn't expecting you to win her over in such a manner, Is it true you're going to help the Temple fight the Demon Lord?" Lake was being forced technically but that didn't change the answer. "Yes, I promised the Temple Head before I left."

"So what?" This was a good point if Lake was a normal person who could blow off his promises. For whatever reason The Insider wanted him to work with the Light Temple and he was just going to do it because he didn't care what side he was on. "I have other reasons to fight." Nice and dramatic the only problem was Lake didn't think Lucas would let him out of the spire now.

If Lucas let him run off to join a war he wouldn't be doing what was best for the guild and with his title of Guild Leader that was probably his number one priority. "Don't worry I have no intentions of doing it any time soon only if the world is at stake." Lake wouldn't mind saving the world if he didn't have a way of leaving it.

It seemed he was stuck here, so he hoped the Demon Lord didn't try to end the world as a big F.U. to the gods. "That's good to hear because I doubt the Demon Lord will end the world while he's still stuck on it." That was a rational expectation but Lake wondered just how long the Demon Lord would stay rational especially now that the God of Light was coming back from his manhunt.

Lake bet it was about to get very chaotic. He wasn't here for the last big war so he didn't know what it had actually been like. "What was it like during the Battle between the gods and the Demon Lord?" Lake felt like this information would help him be ready for whatever happened. "Very hectic. The situation changed on a daily basis. At the beginning we all thought it was going to end like every time before, then he had his first win. He attacked the dark domain Amanda was newly ascended but we all thought she would be able to at least hold him off until the other gods were able to provide backup but we were wrong a few hours after the attack we felt the Dark element drop in power slightly, a telltale sign that a god has lost some of their divinity."

20 something minutes later, Lake was walking the hallway towards his room. He was about to eat lunch and he bet his servants were better cooks than he was. "Long time no see." Lake turned to see the girl Nia he had seen last night on the way to the library had just walked in behind him. "I'm pretty sure it's been less than 8 hours since we met."

After Lake said this he realized she had probably been being sarcastic, and he was stupid. "Are you about to eat?" Lake was about to eat or at least he hoped so. "Yeah I was about to have lunch." Lake wondered if Nia was going to end up like Solomon. She was clearly about to invite him to lunch but he wondered what her intentions truly were.

"I eat Lunch with Millie around this time every day, and I was wondering if you had met her yet." Lake didn't know who this was so he shook his head no. "Well, do you want to come?" Lake wanted to flip a coin because he felt both options sucked so he just went with the more polite one. "Sure, is it right, right now, or do I need to wait for a while?"

Lake was hoping he could go home for a while to change because he had sweated from all the running he had done. "It's right right now." Lake shrugged in his mind, it wasn't a big deal if he smelled bad, at least not for him. They might not like it while they are trying to eat. "Lead the way I only know where me and Solomon's rooms are."

Lake noticed when he mentioned Solomon's name Nia's demeanor changed slightly and this made Lake more excited about the lunch he was about to have. Maybe this was a shit on Solomon party, and he was the guest of honor. Starting to walk down the opposite hallway to the one he would take to his room, Lake could tell Nia wanted to say something but was holding back until they were in a private place.

"This Is millie's room, mine is the one across from her, so if you ever need anything just knock on her door. She stays in her room most of the time so you have a good chance of her being available." After she said this Nia knocked on the door and a few seconds later someone Lake guessed wasn't Millie opened the door.

"Come right in Madam Millie is just about to finish the food." The older man that Lake assumed was one of Millie's servants guided Lake and Nia to a table. "Millie makes the food, not the servants?" Nia looked at him like he had caught on to something that was meant to be a surprise. "Just wait and see, there's no reason to ruin the surprise." This was starting to seem like Lake had made the right choice in coming here.