Chapter 77: Forest Massacre Pt.4

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 77: Forest Massacre Pt.4

His body was moving much slower than he would like, but he guessed this was the walking speed of the person he was pretending to be right now, and since he couldn't control what he was doing, Lake just pretended like he was watching tv.

He would take control but he was interested in seeing what was going to happen when this thing saw what seemed to be its own body. It was possible this identity wasn't aware it was fake, and just the result of one of his skills, and if that was true it meant it would freak out when it saw itself dead and would no longer be useful.

Lake was pretty sure he felt this small because he had handed over most of his brain to let this identity function normally. It was also possible this was some form of hiding. In case something inspected him, him being squished into the back of his brain would make it less likely he would be discovered.

... Continue reading on No_veLbIn

He had just seen the dead body and realized whatever was moving his body right now was unable to see whatever was left of its original face, and instead of freaking out it walked over and picked up the body. Carrying the body, it started to walk deeper into the forest.

Lake was a genius, so he could guess why someone who could use Unholy magic would want a dead body, and he also remembered the things Joy had said about a new job the Demon Lord had just rolled out. It allowed people to control undead, and with there being plenty of Unholy mana around he was sure there would be a load of undead here soon.

Lake realized he had just done what he always did when watching tv, he had guessed the big twist, and now the rest of the movie was going to be boring, with the only good part being when he saw he was right. With the fact this movie could take hours, Lake wondered if there was something else he could do while waiting for something to happen.


Lake could tell he had been caught, and the fact that his identity was acting innocent wasn't really going to stop the fight that was about to happen, so he turned his skill off and retook control of his body. Seeing the robed figure was about to grab him Lake activated burst and put a few steps in between him and the, well Lake thought it was a woman but he couldn't really tell because of the robe.

Not wanting to fight this person Lake said. "I would be happy to leave if you would let me." This was the truth, Lake had just ended up here by accident, and really didn't care what they were doing. "I can't make that decision. now surrender." Lake felt a sensation from his ring and guessed it had just activated.

He didn't know from what, but he guessed the other person had just tried to inspect his stats and the ring had stopped it from working. Lake didn't think it would be smart to stop and look how much mana he had lost, so going off of what he felt he would say about three.

He had just pulled this number from nowhere, and for all he knew it had almost broken his ward but it didn't really matter because it had done its job well enough that Lake saw the figure take out a potion and pour it onto her face. In the process exposing her face enough to be able to pour the potion onto her burnt eyes, her hood fell off and allowed Lake to see her face.

The fact that she was just some normal looking person was kind of funny to Lake, but how you looked really had nothing to do with how strong you were in this world, so he didn't laugh at her. "If I surrender will you let me go after you're done here?" This was really all Lake cared about, he was fine sitting somewhere out of the way until they left.

"Um, sure." Lake could tell they were lying because of his skill but he played along. "Ok." After he said this Lake walked over like this wasn't a life or death situation. Showing no resistance at all seemed to catch the woman off guard and she said. "Alright it's this way." Lake could tell she wanted him to walk in front of her.

It was probably so he couldn't run, or stab her in the back. Lake just went with it like he didn't realize she was trying to keep him in control. Lake saw this as an opportunity to make some small talk and maybe get some information so he said. "You guys making an army or something?"

Lake chose to be direct, but in a nonchalant way. Like he didn't care even though he knew already. He was hoping to make it seem he was cool with what they were doing, and they didn't need to worry about him trying anything to ruin it. It didn't really seem to work because the woman didn't answer him.

Turning his head to see if she was still with him, Lake saw she had fallen to her knees for some reason. "You ok?" Lake pretended to care as he bent down to try and get her back on her feet, but when he tried to pull her up she smacked his hands off her robes.

Lake knew some people tried to pretend they weren't hurt when they tripped, because they were embarrassed, so he said. "It's ok I won't tell anyone you tripped." This got a reaction from her and she looked at him like he was an idiot. "He can't see me." Lake held his ears, and looked up to see nothing. He guessed this person knew what they were talking about.