Chapter 89: Making Money Pt.3

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 89: Making Money Pt.3

Going through the sounds words could start with, Lake saw the formation finally do something new. It seemed whatever the password was it started with a "CA." sound. Looking at the amount the Ca sound had activated the password formation before failing, Lake would say Ca was a seventh of the word or phrase that was the password.

Lake started running the test again by following Ca with every letter of the alphabet, finally seeing progress when he said "Can." Now that he had a word, he wanted to know if this was a completed word, or if this was just the beginning of a longer word like Canada. He knew Canada probably wasn't a word here but he still said it.

With Canada not working Lake went through a few more words he knew that started with Can. "Cannon Canoe Cancel Cancer." With this method not really helping, Lake just went back to adding a letter at a time. It didn't take long for him to say "Cand." Lake could only think of one word with Cand in it. "Candle."

Seeing he was exactly halfway through the password now Lake said. "Candlewick Candle Light." After he said candle light the black metal door flashed a bright golden color before parting. Lake was really lucky the first word and the second word had to do with each other, because if they didn't it would have taken a lot longer. Continue reading on No_veLbIn

Lake also realized how cheeky the password was. If he was a normal person he would have probably used a candle to light his way, and the door going from black to a golden light was the same thing that would have happened to the passage as the candle lit it.

Lake was a little surprised they had picked this password though, because someone using a candle might say Candle light by accident and open the door without meaning to. Of course it was unlikely someone would say "Man, this candle light is sure doing the trick." They would probably say "Man, this candle is sure doing the trick." and since they wouldn't know candle was half of the password it wouldn't matter.

Lake knew hiding something in plain sight could work very well in certain situations, so he couldn't really call it a dumb password, just a cheeky one. Before he stepped in he took a second to check where the owner was.

Of course he put it in the secret space he could store stolen items in because his bag was already full of junk. Mainly gold actually Lake really needed to find a place to keep his gold because he couldn't just keep carrying it around, It was starting to get heavy. [New Quest: Acquire one million gold]

Lake was stunned, was the way to unlock this mission really to just think he couldn't carry all his gold. At least he had been right about gold being the way forward. Lake had realized the Insider seemed to subtly nudge him in the right direction so that was what had caused his recent obsession with gold.

It was trying to help him unlock the mission by making him like gold, so he would eventually have too much and unlock the mission by thinking. "I can't carry all this gold." It was very roundabout and a weird thing for something that had just told him what to do with a vision to do.

Why hadn't it just shown him a vision of him getting gold. Lake guessed it was possible the Insider couldn't control when the visions happened so it had to just do what it could the rest of the time.

Realizing he was in a very dangerous place to be just taking his time to think, Lake started to leave when he looked back at one of the swords. He thought it was a real shame he could only take one. Maybe in the future he would come back and switch if he ever wanted to try something new.

The Insider should have no problem with him trading them out as long as he didn't take more than one at a time. It was kind of like how a library made you return the books you had before you could take more.

Once he was in the tunnel Lake said the password again and once the door was sealed he walked up the tunnel and crawled out from under the chair and into the living room of the fake house.

Lake wondered if the people who lived here were also the ones who were supposed to wield the weapons if the city got attacked, and if so why aren't they here, and why didn't they have beds in their house. Also this place was big but 23 people was a stretch.

Maybe there were 23 people in the city somewhere who all had normal lives until they were needed. It could be like the secret protectors of light, or something. Looking out towards where the owner of the house was, Lake thought maybe that was where the war was being fought at the moment, and maybe they hadn't busted out the big guns yet, which was why all the weapons were here and not there.

It was pretty common for wars to escalate, so the fact they had hidden weapons wasn't that surprising. Opening the door out onto the street, Lake moved as fast as he could to get away. What he had just done really only hit him once he opened the door.