Chapter 93: In progress Pt.3

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 93: In progress Pt.3

It seemed the key was in a safe. Lake guessed Ry liked to keep his things safe at home as well. Lake didn't have time to waste so he walked over and activated Decrypt. This safe had a handle, but no keyhole, so Lake was expecting it to be opened with magic.

Once the three formations were lit up Lake went through them real quick and found the way to open the safe was to grab the handle for a while then let go without pulling. If you pulled, you would set off an alarm, but only if the safe had things in it.

Lake guessed this Ry guy really liked tricking people because both of his safes had tricks in their design. Opening the safe Lake grabbed the key to the safe in store, and left through the hole in the roof. Running to the store Lake hopped up and a few moments later he was in the jewelry store's attic. Dropping down to the safe, Lake looked at the key before inserting it.

It was really thin and kind of shaped like a lollipop with the head being round with just a few small divots that kept it from being a perfect circle. Lake wasn't sure which way the key went in, so he just tried the way he was holding it.

Once it was in, he wasn't sure which way he was supposed to twist, so taking the tricky nature of the safes owner he spun it the opposite direction of what a normal key would. Lake wasn't too worried about being wrong because he had seen the formation that set off the alarm earlier, and it only went off if he moved the safe from its spot or damaged it in some way, so if he was wrong he could just try again.

Hearing a click, and seeing the door open slightly, Lake knew he had used the key correctly, but before he grabbed anything, he looked around using Mana Vision, while checking if Ry had reacted by seeing if his mark had moved any from where it had been.

Everything was ok, so Lake finished opening the door of the safe and looked inside. There were a few different types of jewelry inside but it was mostly rings, and since Mana Vision was still on Lake could see none of the rings were normal. Lake was sure the other things that weren't giving off any mana were good as well since they were in the safe also, but it might just be because they were expensive, or special in other ways besides magic.

Opening his satchel Lake put everything inside the safe into the hidden inventory Booster Bag made next to the dagger he had stolen earlier. Once that was done Lake escaped, [Level up] [Level up] [Level up] [Level max] and only stopped once he found a place where he could calm down in peace.

While he calmed down he opened his stats to see what they were and to check his two new skills and see if they were as helpful as Fast Hands was. Pickpocket was said to mainly give skills that helped with dexterity related actions so Lake thought there was a good chance. Continue reading on No_veLbIn

Race: Human Lv.9 ( 8/10 )

Job: Pickpocket Lv.10 ( Max )

Special: The Insider Lv.0 ( 4/5 )


Health 90

Stamina 90

Mana 210

Strength 43

Endurance 15

Agility 77

Dexterity 87

Perception 83

Intelligence 114

Charisma 23

Free stat points: 111

Must have appropriate Affinity to use.

Lake was happy to get through the rings and moved on to a set of earrings. They were on the big side of earrings so Lake guessed they actually did something other than look fancy.

Earrings of the Scout

Increases Perception and Agility by 10.

Can't be used to pass the max of 100.

Lake could see why these cost so much now. 2700. It was like having another maxed out common job if you wore them. Lake guessed the rest of these bigger items would be giving various amounts of stats but he was still going to look through them to see if any of them were like his ward ring, and were Mana vessels.

He could always use more Mana so he might consider actually keeping anything that he could use. It would be a risk to use stolen goods, but the fact people still bought them meant it wasn't that big of a risk. Gabbing the next item, a bracelet, Lake looked at its details.

Bracelet of Strength

Increases Strength by 10.

Can't be used to pass the max of 100.

Lake guessed this was only more expensive because of the increased material used to make it. With it being much bigger than a set of earrings, but that didn't change the fact its effect was only half as good as the earrings. Lake had more hope for the next bracelet because it was clearly designed to show off the fact it did two things with it being two different colors of metal intertwined.

Bracelet of the Warrior

Increases Strength and Endurance by 10.

Can't be used to pass the max of 100.

With the next few items having almost the exact same price as this Bracelet Lake was guessing they would only be different in appearance. He was right there were three more items with the effect of the Bracelet of the Warrior with slightly different names.

Moving on to the first item with a price tag over 4000 Lake tried to look at its details. When he felt a sting in his eye he knew he was going to have to use Decrypt to get the info. Once the two formations on the thin gold chain were lit up he skipped over the one that kept him from inspecting it unless he was wearing it and looked at the one that was the item's effect on the wearer.

It was a plus 5 to all stats, so 35 stat points in total. Lake thought it was good, but he would prefer an item that specialized more. Like something that gave 35 to one stat would be nice but Lake guessed that was harder to make for some reason. Lake could tell this 5 to every stat formation was just a bunch of weak effects changed together into one.

Picking up the next one, Lake could tell this was one was different right away. He could feel that it could take his mana which made it something that would give him an ability instead of just stats. They looked like gold glasses with really thin brims but they had no lenses in them so Lake guessed there was another reason they went over the eyes.

Once went through the tree effects on the glasses, Lake understood why this item cost 4500. Once you filled it with mana it was able to imitate the effects of the Appraiser job to some extent but Lake bet if you already had the job they made it much better. They also protected your eyes from counter spells that would damage them to some extent so they were really something.

Once he was done with the glasses he moved on to the last item, the amulet which was also able to take mana. Using Decrypt Lake saw this amulet had 4 separate effects the first off course being an anti inspection formation. The second being an effect that raised your intelligence by 10 but the next two were the real effects you could only use when you fed it mana.

They were both effects Lake could see mages liking so he guessed that was why this thing also increased Intelligence by 10. This thing seemed to help with casting high level spells by making the mana you fed it more stable while you changed the element you were going to use for the spell, and it didn't just work on your own mana you could feed it the stuff you gathered from the surroundings as well.

Lake knew you had to control the principles of whatever element you were using if you wanted to be able to cast stronger spells, so he guessed this amulet made the process easier and faster. The last effect was just one that let you store more mana to use for spells, so overall this thing just made a mage's job much easier.

It was also the only one of these items that gave Intelligence other than the one that gave 5 to all stats and there was nothing that gave Dexterity and Charisma either so Lake guessed this chain with the 5 to all stats was much better than he had thought and if it was a Mana vessel it would probably be much more expensive than any of these other items.

Lake decided to keep five things: the chain, the amulet, the earrings, the glasses, and one of the Bracelets of the warrior. Everything else he was going to sell for cash, but in a few trips because he didn't want to walk around with thousands of gold in his bag because to be honest his satchel would probably rip and spill it all.

Lake was sure he could get around 18000 for the 18 things he was going to sell though and that was quite a bit for one night of work. He was actually kind of happy he hadn't gotten any more because he would have had to buy a house or something in town to keep all the money he made.

Lake wondered if there were coins more valuable than the gold ones, so he wouldn't have to carry around so much. Maybe something worth a thousand gold, or something. Then he would get 18 instead of 18000. Of course you couldn't use something like that in a normal store because they wouldn't be able to exchange it but still.

Heading towards the alley to get the first 1000 to spend tomorrow, Lake started to think about the skill he had received when his Intelligence had hit 100. It was similar to the amulet in some ways and the reason he had chosen to keep it. He thought maybe tomorrow was the day he would finally get around to learning to fly.