Chapter 96: Separate From Lake

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 96: Separate From Lake

Separate from what Lake was doing, two events that would affect him were happening at the same time. Inside Donny's shack he had just woken up and could tell right away that his shield was gone. Donny was pissed and got onto his feet walking past all the rubble that used to be his roof he went over to his neighbors house, and kicked their door down.

"What the hell Donny, get out." Donny knew his neighbor pretty well because they saw him fight off some of the thieves that came for his shield every now and then. It was kind of like an event that everyone around here would watch when they were free. "Shut up, I need to borrow your spear."

Donny had used a spear before he inherited the shield from his father when he passed so it was the weapon he was best at. Pushing his neighbor away when he tried to stop him, Donny took the spear and headed into town. He had dealt with the thieves enough to know where they did business.


The other event happening was a fleet of carts were heading into the city. This had been happening non stop for the past two days as people evacuated to the city, but these carts held the residents of Corn town where Lake had stayed when he first got to this world.

Wallace had wanted to be some of the first to arrive to the capital but when he had told his plan to the residence, they told him they were not willing to go anywhere until the festival was over, and they had packed as much of the corn in their warehouse up as they could to be sold once they got to the capital. Continue reading on No_veLbIn

Wallace knew they would need the money and the festival had almost been over, so he had agreed to the plan, and luckily nothing terrible had happened to them. Wallace had been scared that what the Temple of Light had told him about the Demon Worshipers killing whole towns in the middle of the night would happen in the one night they had postponed the evacuation.

Now that he had heard about the forest massacre he thought they had been unintentionally lucky by holding off for a day. He was sure some of his people would have been killed during it if they had come yesterday

Wallace had hit the max of 100 in Intelligence long ago and had always wanted to buy the Elixirs the Alchemy guild sold that allowed you to pass 100. The problem was they were expensive and they only sold the weaker one that had less of an effect. This was also the reason he had become the Mayor of corn town because he had been unable to level any jobs that gave intelligence, so he had switched to earning Charisma for the day he opened his business.

If he was to join the alchemist guild he would be able to earn an Elixir with his hard work and finally raise his Intelligence past 100. Wallace couldn't wait to see what would be possible for his golems once he mastered a few more jobs and gained more skills that would boost his craft.


Donny had just arrived outside where the Thieves guild did most of their business, and was just trying to get a whiff of his shield. Since it was filled with his mana there was very little difference between it and a part of his body. As soon as he got close enough he should feel it react to his presence.

He just hoped his brother didn't already have it because his brother kind of knew how to use it, and that would mean he had no chance of taking it back with this shitty spear he had just borrowed, but if the thief still had it he had a chance in the fight especially once he had his shield back under his control.

Stopping to catch his breath Donny checked his Health to see all three of his stat bars were low not just his Health, so it looked like he wouldn't be using very many skills or spells. This was the first time in a long time he had to look at his health because most of the time there wasn't anything around that could get past his shield. It seemed his brother had finally busted out his portion of the will, their parents' money.

That had been what his father had decided Donny would get the shield and his older brother would get everything else but somehow his brother wasn't happy with just that he wanted something that was almost useless in anyone else's but Donny's hands.

The shield had been in their family for over ten generations and it was always handed down to whichever person could use it the best, and before Donny had been born that person was his brother. Who could actually get it to float, unlike their father who was only able to use it while holding it, but he could use it better than anyone in the last six generations.

His father had said that Donny would be able to revive the family with nothing but the shield, and that was the reason it was the only thing he had received in the will. Nothing but a shield was how their family had been started when his ggggggggggggggggreat grandfather found the shield while fighting in the first war against the Demon Lord.

Donny's head snapped to look off in a direction he hadn't been expecting for the thief to come from. He had just felt his shield for half a second which meant it was still full of his mana, so his brother wasn't here yet. Him feeling it also meant it was pretty close, so he rushed in the direction it was before it was no longer there.