Chapter 104: Going Deeper Pt.3

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 104: Going Deeper Pt.3

Entering the 41st floor that was supposedly used to practice magic for as long as the spire had existed. From what Joy had told him there were actually a few floors devoted to training the use of magic. Lake had thought it was a distance thing at first but then Joy had told him that when the teleporters worked distance was no issue and there had only been more than one to deal with the volume of people that used to live in the spire when this had still been the Mages guild.

It was funny to Lake to think about this massive training room not being enough at one time because now it was empty. It was weird to think the Mages guild had been so much stronger and had so many more members than the Alchemist guild when the Alchemist guild was still so much stronger than most other organizations.

Lake wondered if it was possible the other guilds and such had been affected in the same way that the mages guild had so they had also dropped in power leaving the status quo intact. That was very likely from what he had heard about how the Demon Lord was able to win people over or even just directly control you when you meet him in person.

"Joy, how do I enter one of these rooms?" There were smaller rooms that seemed to be for private practice and Lake wanted to use one but their doors were shut. "Use your badge." Lake guessed it was like how keycards worked in his old world. Putting his badge next to the door it slid open and he walked while telling joy she could go if she wanted. Continue reading on No_veLbIn

She probably wouldn't mind with her job literally being standing in one place for hours, but where she usually did it she had other guards to talk to to pass the time, so Lake had no intentions of making her silently wait till he was done because it might be hours. Once the door had closed behind him he looked around and sat on the bench that was in the center of the room.

He thought it had to be what he was supposed to do with it being the only thing in the entire room. Now that he was here he quickly went through what he needed to do and what he knew about the Wind element. The wind element was almost as simple as an element could get; it was literally three principles: form color and speed. The form being gaseous, the color clear and for some reason a certain speed.

The only thing he could think of was he actually understood what a solid was in some way that he didn't understand speed but the way he saw speed there was nothing to it he didn't understand; it was just the speed you were going whether it be fast or slow.

Lake started to stretch the cube by adding in more mana as he thought about speed and once he got it to a size where he didn't feel like he could make it any bigger without it losing its shape he contracted it and slowly got it back to its original size. Even though it hadn't taken him too long it had actually been pretty hard to condense that amount of mana into such a small area.

It had also caused a cool effect where the cube now looked like it was made of glass instead of being completely invisible like it had been at first. After looking at it for a while he started the stretching process again. It was much slower now than it had been the first time because the amount of mana he was having to add to keep the density the same was much higher.

He also found he was having a hard time getting it anywhere near the size it had been the first time he had stretched it, and the edges that had been perfectly flat were now starting to lose their shape. A few seconds after he noticed this happening he lost control of the mana and it popped like a balloon.

It actually just returned to being a gas, but it felt like a rush of air and sounded like a balloon popping. He hadn't really learned anything from that other than this process would probably help someone who was having trouble turning air into a solid so they could use it to defend but he already knew how it worked to begin with, so he hoped there was more to it if he made it to the next round of compression this time.

Forming the cube again Lake quickly finished the first round and was to the part where he had failed the first time Doing his best to make sure there were no bulges in its shape Lake slowly increased the size until it was finally at the size he needed it to be to start the compression right after starting he could tell he was quickly starting to lose control and one of the sides started to bend outwards which meant he wasn't even compressing everything inside at the same rate.

Letting up and getting the cube back to the right shape, Lake tried again but much slower and was able to shrink it slightly before it started to bend again. Stopping before it could pop, Lake did his best to reshape it into a perfect cube, but was unable to, no matter what he tried. Trying to let it grow out a little so he could try again, Lake lost control for a second and the density dropped as some of the mana turned to air and burst from the side of the cube.

Sighing Lake let the rest of the air out there was no reason to continue because the method he had read said once the density dropped it was easier to just start again. Reforming the cube Lake quickly went through the first cycle, and slowly made it through the second round of stretching. He only slowed down once he started the compression again.