Chapter 140: Rumble Pt.1

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 140: Rumble Pt.1

Lake was silently sitting at his table reading the book on the fire element. With Fire being a more complex element that had more principles than Wind the book was taking longer than he had expected. Each principle had its own method of training so it was taking him time to memorize each of them well enough that he wasn't going to have to reread the book.

At the moment he was trying to wrap his mind around the method to train the heat principle. It seemed like how the Wind element was set to a certain speed naturally Fire was set to a certain temperature. There was a difference though depending on what the fire was burning that set temperature could change but that happened after you used it to cast the spell.

Also the heat and burning principles were different things and there was also the spreading principle that let the fire find new things to burn. These three principles made up the basic structure of fire and they were also the main three you had to train to make your fire spells stronger.

He also found that there was an extreme version of the spreading principle that a lot of people seemed to be naturally inclined towards that made their spells more explosive than normal and it seemed he was one of these people because he had unlocked the second tier of fire attack spell before he had ever trained with fire.

He had found the fact he had unlocked Fire Blast odd at the time but had never given it any thought because he had been trying to level up as quickly as possible at the time but reading this he still found it interesting when he had read it because it made him realize there were already two principles he seemed to have some affinity with: The solid principle and the explosive principle.

As he was trying to refocus on the method you were supposed to use to gain better control of the heat principle, Lake heard a voice from the balcony. "Sir, it seems to be starting." All three of his servants were currently out there and it seemed what they had eagerly been waiting for was finally here. Putting his book down, Lake rushed outside and looked out towards the city.

... The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

Tiff was silently sitting in the corner of the training room watching the other members of the 23 train in the use of the Holy weapons they had all been chosen to wield. Usually she would have been part of this as well but there was a difference compared to how they used to train and what they were doing now that they had the actual holy weapons they had all been trained to use.

With her not actually having hers she had been told to sit out by their handlers so that was what she was doing. She was fine with this because this gave her more time to plan what she was going to do once the expected giant actually showed up.

The fact Greg was saying this clearly having not even put that much thought into it really just highlighted how much better he was at warfare and why the temple had chosen him to be one of the three swords.

Of course she knew she was being silly to be mad at him for being smarter than her but it was just how she felt and you couldn't really control that. The only thing you could control was your actions and she never treated him badly just because she was jealous of him even if he made it hard sometimes.

Greg was one of the few in the 23 that didn't really seem to care about the bond between them and she was pretty sure it was the same reason he was such a good general, he was cold and calculating and unlike the others he saw them as a military group which was what the Temple wanted them to be so Greg was obviously the Temples golden boy.

She used Golden Boy because she had heard a lot of the Temple higher ups calling him this and with an obvious reason, he was perfect and the best at using Holy magic which was golden. A pretty lame nickname but she still wished it was hers, she had mostly grown out of the part of her life where all she wanted was the approval the other members got from the temple but you never really got over the problems you had when you were a kid, even if you could fool yourself into thinking you were over it.

Sitting down to watch the others be fitted into their armors. Like usual Dawn got done first and walked over to her. They both wore light armor so they always got done first and they always talked while they waited for the others to finish and it seemed Dawn wanted to continue the tradition.

"What do you think the higher ups wanted from you?" Tiff was pretty sure all they wanted was for her to be away from the others so they could get rid of her and make it seem she had run away later when the others returned but Tiff knew better to say this so she said. "They probably want to know why I didn't go and look for the dagger today."

Dawn seemed to agree and asked. "Do you have a reason?" Tiff could tell Dawn didn't mean anything by this question and was just curious so she said. "I ran out of leads, I plan to go out again after the battle to see if there's any more thieves kicking around when the dust settles."

Tiff hated lying to the others but sadly she had done it so often at this point that she didn't even have to think to say something believable. It had started after the first time she had told the others they needed to leave and she had seen how much the others didn't like what she was saying. That had also been when she had gotten the reputation of being a runner that she was sure the Temple planned to use when she disappeared.

"Maybe the temple will have more people to spare to help you look after the battle." Tiff nodded but didn't say anything because she knew that wouldn't be happening. She knew the temple had other people looking for it already and they had her doing it by herself because they wanted her to be as valuable as possible.

Right when she was going to try and change the subject Tiff heard the activity in the hallway outside start to increase and a second later someone came into the room. Knowing what they were about to say, Tiff pulled Dawn into a hug and said. "Goodluck tonight." Right after she said this Tiff rushed out of the room. As soon as she was in the hallway Tiff disappeared and headed to where the soldiers would be getting ready.

The person who had walked into the room was one of the higher ups she didn't trust so she couldn't afford to actually listen to what they were going to say to the other 23 members before they went out to fight. She needed to leave now while the others were still here. It would be easy to slip out with one of the scouting groups.