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Chapter 206: High Intensity Combat
Lake didn't know how much time had passed exactly but it had definitely been more than an hour since they had come in here to rest. That meant if he wanted to go with the plan he had told Grandy earlier it was time for him to wake everyone up to see if they would be coming with him or not.
He decided to give them a few more minutes though because of how deeply most of them were sleeping. If he woke them up too early they would be mad at him and decide not to go and he didn't want to leave too many behind because he couldn't guarantee their safety if they were alone.
All it would take was for another swarm of monsters to show up and this place would be overrun within a few minutes. Of course he had no idea if the gargoyles would ever come back out onto the streets and gather up but since he didn't know he couldn't say it wouldn't happen.
He would actually much prefer if they did end up doing that because he wouldn't have to go building to building and could just wait here as wave after wave came here to get killed by him. It would save him a lot of walking but he was sure there would be people here that would get mad if he tried to save the city by sitting on his ass.
It was really annoying to have people around that made you act a certain way so things would turn out the way you wanted and if you didn't play along they would be a pain. It made him realize he wouldn't save Grandy if he got into danger while they were out hunting because so far Grandy was really the only person Lake was worried about making him look bad.
Lake could already see Grandy calling him a coward if he was ever interviewed while the guild was trying to add up how much they should pay him. One bad review wasn't enough to tank his reward but he would rather have a perfect record since he was going to be doing nothing but this for the next few days.
Thinking about this made him realize he would have been so much better off if he had just stayed at the first Fighters guild and never even came here because he would have been able to make one million in a week or less and he had no guarantee of making anything here since the Metal Domain was probably going to be short on money with having to rebuild itself.
This would cause them to underpay everyone and use the fact that you would look greedy if you complained since they had just gone through a tragedy. He could already see the fake happy face everyone would be putting on as they received a percentage of what they were actually owed.
He wouldn't be like that though, if they tried to rip him off he would just find the biggest vault he could and take what he could. It wasn't like they would have the manpower to go after him or anything and completing the mission was worth the small chance they realized it was him who had stolen from them.
Swordsman (C) Lv.0/10
On level up:
Strength 1
Agility 1
Exp conditions:
Bonus Exp conditions:
X2 Sword kills
Skills from job:
This Job was almost exactly the same as Spearman but that wasn't surprising; Strength and Agility were definitely important for someone who was fighting up close. Pulling his sword Lake rushed in while using Crunch and since the enemies were stationary he was able to get two of the gargoyles with the first swing.
Using the next swing to finish off the last one, Lake backed off to see if the undead would react to what he had just done. When it didn't move, Lake wondered if these undead were similar to natural undead and took a while to get on their feet after being created. If that was the case this would probably be a lot easier for them and it might even be safe for him to take the others into the buildings with him.
That being said he needed to kill the undead not to see what happened before he made up his mind. Using Crunch then Imbuing Fire onto his sword Lake cut the undead in half before baking away again. A few seconds of burning later Lake felt the Exp but could tell by how it felt he hadn't gained much even with the X2 Exp bonus for using a sword.
That made him think he had been right about these undead being weak because they had just been created a few hours ago. Looking at his Exp Lake saw it had only given 4 Experience and shrugged. He hadn't been too interested in the skills from a common job anyway so he was willing to wait until his next kill.