Chapter 209: Odd Behavior

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 209: Odd Behavior

Continue reading on No_veLbIn

Lake eventually started to see undead and gargoyles head towards them from the summoning area. They didn't seem to be after them though with quite a few of them passing right by the building they were in. He guessed neither type of monster were able to sense that there were a lot of people in the buildings they were passing.

This was very good because it meant he would be able to let them group up more before he went out to kill them. He knew these were still just the early birds and most of them had still yet to emerge so going out now would just be a waste of time.


After another hour Lake started to see some undead that had armor and weapons strapped onto them and thought that it meant the last of the undead were coming out now. The fighters had been the last to be dragged away so it made sense to him that they would be the last to emerge.

Waiting until the road was empty Lake jumped down from the roof and went inside. He planned to start another hunt soon because he wasn't tired yet and there were now enough monsters to make it worth his time. He needed to know if the others wanted to come with him though so he needed to wake them up.

Everyone was asleep except one person Lake assumed was a guard that was supposed to wake the others if something happened. "Have you slept yet?" Lake wanted to see if this person had gotten any rest at all since they were one of the dwarves that had skipped sleep before the first hunt as well.

"Yes we switched about thirty minutes ago." This meant they had gotten around two hours if they had gone to bed around the time they had gotten back. "Who was on the first watch?" The dwarf pointed at Grandy and said. "Grandy said you told him to get you if something happened so he would take the first watch."

The noise was making it so the monsters knew where he was before he saw them and they kept popping out in front of him and a few had gotten close enough that it made him think of the monster movies he used to watch back before he died. He didn't think they could kill him but he was worried he could be affected by whatever the gargoyles had used to turn the bodies.

Turning Lake used Imbue Fire and Crunch and took his first swing at the swarm behind him. He hit a few different gargoyles and undead with this strike and all of them fell back with a small fire burning in their wounds. He didn't know if this would kill the gargoyles but he knew it would work on the undead over time.

With the first attack working he saw no reason not to keep doing what he had but he did hold back a bit since his new skill had made him swing his sword much harder than he had meant to. Crunch doubled his Strength but because of Overpower it now made it six times higher during his attack and he had felt his sword handle bend slightly from the force behind his first swing.

After a while of starting fires on everything his sword sliced he felt the first Exp start to trickle in from the first undead that had succumbed to the spreading effect fire had. He also started to have repeat customers in the form of gargoyles that had been wounded by him already but were able to survive because his attacks hadn't gone deep enough or hit an important part of their body.

He wasn't worried about killing them though just keeping them back so he continued to just swing into the crowd while using Crunch every two swings. Eventually he started to get surrounded since he had stopped moving much and it made him wonder what would happen if he never ended his atack.

If he was to hold his sword out and spin while Crunch was active could he just turn himself into a monster blender forever without having to use Crunch again or would it eventually stop working. He felt it was worth a shot so doing a 360 degree swing first before he just went all out Lake found Crunch worked the whole time.

With his first test working Lake saw no reason he couldn't just drag his attack out forever so that was what he did. Spinning as fast as he could with his sword out, Lake started to move his way into the mass of monsters until the pile of bodies got too high for him to pass without stopping his spin.

He had been able to kill twenty or so monsters every second like this but the bodies piling up was something he couldn't really stop from happening so it wasn't really possible for him to drag out one attack forever if he was spinning. It did give him another idea though; He could just run while holding his sword out beside him.

He wasn't sure if this would work though since he wasn't actually swinging his weapon but he had enough leeway to try it out because there weren't many monsters left now after he had killed so many when he was spinning. Holding his sword like he would a knife when stabbing down, Lake started to run.