Chapter 231: New Defense

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 231: New Defense

Lake had been running around for a few minutes trying to lose them but was surprised to find that it didn't seem to matter what he did, they didn't lose him. Up until this point he had figured he was almost untraceable unless someone could see him with their eyes because of Trespasser but he guessed all things were possible as long as you got the right skill. The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

Something that let you see through objects was the most obvious but he was sure there were other workarounds he couldn't think of. He was also starting to wonder how A Thief's Sense worked in a situation like this.

A Thief's Sense (U) Lv.1

Gives a 6th sense for how much attention is on you, Also gives lie detection, night vision and increased hearing.

He had always kind of assumed it meant people looking at him because that always seemed to be what meant people had their attention on him but maybe it just meant how much people were focusing their attention on him and had nothing to do with them seeing him. For all he knew this also detected the fact that they were looking for him because he was a threat.

It made sense that they were all thinking about him especially if they had lost sight of him. He could think of a way to check this. Detector could do almost anything if you could think of what to set it to. After thinking for a second Lake decided 'People trying to find me' was a good thing that would highlight the people he was looking for to test his theory.

Once he found someone looking for him and took them out he would know if A Thief's Sense was picking up on people that couldn't see him if A Thief's Sense sensed less attention on him. After running for a while Lake saw Detector highlight a fast moving person. Taking out an arrow and Imbuing it with Fire and using Crunch Lake sent the arrow at them.

Taking his destroyed chest piece off, Lake looked at what was left of the bag. It had been fully destroyed so there was nothing for him to even try to repair to retrieve the stuff inside. Throwing his old armor to the side, Lake started to put on the new chest piece. Once he was done he slung his new bag over his shoulder before moving around a bit to see if it would hinder his movements any.

The bag had been designed to hug tightly to you so it didn't move around but at the speeds he moved he was afraid it wouldn't hold up. That test would have to wait till later though. Grabbing the rest of the armor Lake started to test to see if it was his size. The arms and gloves were fine but the boots weren't his size.

Deciding it wasn't worth changing his identity permanently to wear new boots he threw them into his bag and ran outside. Drawing his bow, Lake set Detector to look for Demon Worshipers again and started to wipe them out again like he had been doing before he was attacked. At this speed as long as he wasn't attacked like that again he would be done here in an hour or so and he could move to clear out the base he had snuck through earlier.


After following the man through the fortress for a while Donny arrived to a wall that had formations covering it. He understood this was the other side of the wall that was being bombarded by the Demon Worshipers. He also understood what they would be doing when he saw a formation get damaged before quickly being repaired.

"Set a formation onto the wall and keep it up as long as you can. When you run out of mana there are beds in the next room for you to sleep." Donny nodded and asked. "Are we in charge of deciding which formation we use?" Donny knew a few formations he could use to help strengthen the wall and he saw there were lots of different ones on the wall.

"Yes but try and use ones that won't tire you out too fast. We have lots of people here so it isn't all on you." Hearing this Donny asked Fendis. "Do you know a wind formation you can use?" Fendis was very new to formations so he was just making sure. "Yes, but is it ok to use wind mana to power it or should I just use my own mana?"

After Fendis said this he looked at the guy that had brought them here. "You can use Wind mana if you can, most of the people here are earth mages or metal mages so they're having to use their own mana but you'll be a great help since you'll be able to last longer than the others."

The man was about to walk away when Donny stopped him and said. "There's a man named Hank who should be here as well." After he said this he went to get to work. Forming a formation onto the wall Donny got it stable and calculated he would be able to do this for seven hours before he needed to take a break with the formation he had decided to use. That was what he was going for so he just waited for a spell to hit the part of the wall he was reinforcing.