Chapter 250: Waste Of Time

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 250: Waste Of Time

Continue reading on No_veLbIn

Lake, done with everything he could think to do, started to head back to the book room to continue reading when he saw Wezz turn the corner. It seemed he had finally woken up. "Hello." Wezz was the first to start talking but Lake wasn't far behind. "I'm about to head out, I'll be back in a few hours."

Not wasting any time, Lake was outside and had Detector set to look for items over level 30 before Wezz could say anything. Once he had the mana he cast fly and was heading over the city at a high speed looking for new gear for himself. Once he was done with this he would go see if his tunnel was ready for him to start digging again.

Stopping as he passed over a pile of bodies Lake pushed them all to the side until he saw the item he had seen with Detector. Taking the helmet off of the corpse, Lake saw it had done its job and the woman's head was in one piece. This hadn't stopped the spray of blood from her mouth though and he would need to clean this helmet before he had any interest actually putting it on.

Packing it away Lake moved himself back above the buildings before he continued on his way. Passing over another item Lake was about to go after it until he realized it belonged to someone still living. They were inside a building and wanting to know who they were he lowered himself onto the room before using Detector and setting it to look for enemies.

When this didn't light up the people inside Lake gave up on the sword and flew away. He really wanted new armor because the stuff he had taken from the Demon Worshiper was already damaged again with a couple uncomfortable dents and his swords level didn't really matter that much with Crunch.

Stopping after a while when he saw something he wanted Lake looked at the ring on the man's finger and guessed it made sense that rings had levels too. He hadn't really thought about it but it seemed setting Detector to look for items over level 30 and not just weapons he had opened up what he was going to find to everything.

Trying to take the ring, Lake found the man's finger was too fat to get it off. Lake had heard of this happening as people got older or fatter but he was pretty sure the reason had something to do with the smell coming off the man and not what he had been eating for the last few years. Seeing this as a good way to christen his new Knife, Lake quickly took the finger off and slipped the ring into his pocket once it was free.

Realizing this guy had some kind of barrier or ward up that was stopping him from getting any closer, Lake really started to wonder what had killed them. He guessed the barrier had acted late or there might have been an attack like the one that had been able to hit him in the back even though he had a ward ring on at the time.

Trying to get a better look at the barrier that was keeping him back, Lake wondered about how much longer a personal barrier with no apparent formation could last and decided it was worth his time to find out. But, there was no reason for him to just stand here the whole time. Placing a mark on the ground, Lake went towards the elevator shaft.

It was time for him to see how the tunnel was doing. Flying into the tunnel Lake was happy to find the leak hadn't seemed to get any worse while he was gone but it didn't seem to be better either. Getting to the natural stone and seeing water still pouring in through the cracks, Lake turned around and headed back to Wezz's base.


Looking out from behind the tree she was hiding behind Tiff wondered if their attempts at hiding really mattered. The People they were really trying to get past were looking down from above and Tiff didn't think a tree could block their eyes. She shouldn't be complaining yet because it seemed to be working.

Tiff didn't get it but it was her turn to move so she stopped thinking and dived from where she was hiding to the next tree. As soon as she got back into cover she instantly started criticizing this method of getting home by trying to guess how many more trees she would hug until she was there.

They had already been moving like this for over an hour and she didn't think they had even passed the first town on the way back. Of course every inch they took like this was one less they would have to run once they were spotted so she needed to stop complaining and get ready to move to the next tree.

She took the chance to look up while she was passing to the next tree and was happy to find the clouds hadn't started to spin fast yet. This meant at worst they had a few more seconds of safety to waste going from tree to tree. Looking back and seeing the Temple Head make it to her tree Tiff went to the next one. "There!"

Tiff guessed the jig was up and started to run like they had planned ahead of time. Activating her stealth She just trusted the fact that the Temple Head could see her just fine and headed out into the open to get a look at the clouds. She didn't know how fast the ones up there would notice the chase happening down here but she wanted to be able to anticipate the first attack.