Chapter 255: Tunneled
Seeing the stone change again Lake didn't stop for a break like he normally would and just kept hacking into the wall with his long sword. Seeing how dusty and loose the new stone was he did stay slightly further back as he dug in case it started to collapse. After looking at the new stuff for a while, Lake couldn't help but think of the road he had walked into town on; this new stuff looked almost exactly like the parts that hadn't been smooth stone and he wondered if this was where they had gotten it from.
Gravel was an easy way to make a nice road that didn't take mages so he could see them using the stuff they dug up like this. He was hoping it was also a sign that he was close to the surface and would be breaking through soon enough. After a while Lake saw a few stones fall from the ceiling and flew away as the first collapse started. The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin
It ended soon enough and after sending all the debris in his way down the tunnel he continued to dig. After a few more collapses like the first one Lake saw something he thought he never would again. The sky looked so bright and it actually took him a few seconds to realize it was night time.
He had passed days underground sometimes in complete darkness so any light looked bright enough for him to mistake it for day. Sticking his head out of the hole and looking around to see where he had come up, Lake didn't see anything that he recognized. He was also about halfway up a mountain and looking back at the top of the mountain Lake bet it was what was blocking the city from his view.
Getting out of the hole by flying up Lake saw the bubble that was the barrier slowly emerge from behind the mountain as he gained height. He wanted to stay out here for a while and look around more as an excuse to take a break but he quickly flew back down the tunnel to tell Wezz he was done.
It had been a while since Lake had gone to check on them as well since he had decided to finish the tunnel no matter what so it was past due for him to check in to see if they were fine. It would be a real shame if they died after all he had done for them so he really should have taken a small break to check on them after a few hours of digging.
There was also no reason for them to head for the tunnel until he was done so they might as well wait. "Ok see you in a few hours." After hearing Wezz's farewell Lake went back to the Elevator and started to dig out the side so everyone would be able to walk their way into the tunnel.
It took less time than he had expected because he found he was able to just hold the sword out as he flew back and fourth to carve out a large ledge for them to use and he was able to return to the base to tell Wezz he was ready. Walking in Lake saw everyone had gathered what they wanted to take with them in bags and even though he could tell some people were still preparing they were almost ready to go.
Walking up on Wezz who was holding another meeting Lake said. "I'm ready whenever you are." Wezz didn't stop what he was saying this time so Lake went ahead and listened to what they were talking about. "We can't waste time getting people to go and tell them."
"It won't take as long as you're saying, all we need to do is tell a few and let them spread the word." Lake was interested now so he asked. "What are you guys debating?" Wezz turned towards him after he asked them this question and said. "They want to tell some people that are hiding that there's a way out but I think it's a bad idea for a few different reasons."
Lake was on Wezz's side on this but it put him in a bad position because he had been playing a hero but Wezz wanted to leave right away without telling anyone where they were going to keep themselves safe. After thinking for a while Lake said. "Don't worry about that, I plan to get more people out after we find a safe place on the surface. I'm just going to bring you out now because of the lurking threats that are nearby."
Saying this Lake was able to make it seem like he was a hero who was being cautious for now to keep them safe while in reality he would probably never come back unless he was chased back down here. "You're right we shouldn't tell people how to evacuate until we know we aren't leading them to their deaths but I'm worried the Demon Worshipers will attack the people hiding here as soon as we're gone as a deterrent." Lake wasn't going to say this person was wrong to think this would happen but he really didn't care what happened to the people down here as long as the ones that survived had good things to say about him.
"They aren't in as much danger as you think. I'm pretty sure there's a reason they haven't come out to attack and I don't think it's just because you or I are here. That being said, even if I'm wrong we still need to go because we'll probably be the first people to get out with news of what's happening. I wouldn't be surprised if people are already here to help but just don't know how."
Seeing the effect the word "help" had on the people he was talking to, Lake knew he had convinced them their escape would be what saved the Metal Domain. "He's right, saving a few more isn't worth failing to get outside. If we spread the word the Demon Worshipers will give their all to stop us."
Seeing how pumped up everyone was, Lake wondered if maybe no one here had very high Charisma. His points had been good but not without flaws or even that convincing so he felt maybe he had been overlooking the fact he could talk them into almost anything as long as he proposed it right.