Chapter 266: Looking For The Spot Pt.2

Name:The Insider System Author:
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Chapter 266: Looking For The Spot Pt.2

Not long after the face disappeared another took its place and said. "Let me see the scroll." Lake did so and like he expected the fact it had just a name on it made it not great at proving who he was. Seeing the new face disappear as well, Lake went back to waiting and wondered what would happen if he just let himself in.

He had no plans to attack anyone so even if they tried to fight with him he didn't think it would continue when they saw he was peaceful. Lake decided to just wait after he played this scenario out in his mind, Detector had saved him so much time digging that he could stand here for two days and still have plenty of time.

After a while the second face appeared again and said, "We're going to let you in, someone here said they know you." They had taken his name from his guild scroll so he guessed they had asked everyone inside if they had ever met him before. Once the wall was down Lake looked around to find who knew him.

Seeing a few people that he thought it might be on the other side of the barrier, Lake took off his helmet to show his face to them. He wasn't sure if they had ever gotten a good look at him but they had slept in the bunk together so maybe they had gotten a glimpse of his face before he started trying to hide it after he saw the girl he had met in corn town.

Once he got closer to the barrier Lake saw someone else he knew in the form of the Metal Temples Head in the back of the crowd that was inside the barrier. Lake didn't know what to say since the last time they had seen each other they had been rushing off to try and stop what had happened which they failed at so he said. "How'd it go on your side?"

"I'm guessing slightly worse than it went for you since you're outside of the other barrier." Lake could understand why the Temple Head would think that but they were slightly wrong. "I was let out by the Demon Worshipers when they came looking for their army of summoned gargoyles and the undead that the gargoyles had made."

He had left for a reason so he needed to be careful as he went back down to the other barrier. Flying down the shaft until he reached where he would need to enter the 41st tier of the city, Lake slowed down because this was where he had run from to begin with. He didn't want to have to fight as he passed through the entire city and would like to keep it to the time that he was passing through the base that had the stairs down to the 42nd tier.

Quickly sneaking his way to the part of town that he had collapsed the roof of the cavern they were in, Lake made his way to the secret door. Seeing it didn't have any rubble in front of it even though it should have he knew it had been cleared by whoever was inside. Getting his sword out, Lake broke the hidden entrance open and walked in.

There was still another door he needed to get through before he would actually be inside but thanks to Detector he was able to tell there weren't any Demon Worshipers that were close to the door he needed to go through. He wasn't surprised that they had almost no one left here because he had killed all of them before he had run away.

Really all that should be left were whoever had been inside the small barrier that had been in the wooden room and maybe some of the people that had attacked him if they had survived. Opening the next door into the secret base, Lake just headed for the room where the staircase down was.

On his way Lake realized the base had been completely abandoned and tried to think what would make the most sense for the Demon Worshipers to be doing. He had been a little worried for a while that the people he had left behind would be dead by the time someone came for them so he wouldn't be surprised if that was where the Demon Worshipers were right now.

Getting into the staircase, Lake ran down them as fast as he could hoping that the barrier hadn't been reclosed by the surviving Demon Worshipers. Bursting out of the staircase's secret stone door, Lake saw that the barrier had been closed and guessed he had stayed away too long. It was really too bad that all of them were probably dead because they had seen him do a few things that had saved the Metal Domain a lot of problems.

With his first group being dead, all that was left of his first few days here was what he said he had done since the evidence of what he did could be attributed to anyone. He didn't think they would question what he had done here though since there wasn't going to be anyone else who knew what had happened here.

He had also taken credit directly to the Temple Head so it was probably fine if they had all died though he might get blamed for the members of the temple he had left behind. Walking around the small space he had to work with Lake set Detector to look for the best place to start digging for this barrier's weak spot and once he found it he wasted no time keeping his ears peeled for a pipe or something that would make it as easy as it had been last time.