Chapter 284: Help Us

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 284: Help Us

Once the Temple Head was done talking all the other members of the 23 left quickly to get back to training but Tiff stayed and walked out next to the Temple Head. "If we find Lake and he agrees to help, will I be able to go out to look for the dagger?" Tiff didn't think she would be allowed to go after Dawn since the people she would be fighting to get her back would possibly be the same ones that had taken her so she didn't even ask.

"It's up to you. It was a task given to you by the God of Light so I can't tell you not to do it. I don't think you should, though it would be wise to send someone with him to make sure he doesn't keep it. A divine weapon is hard to turn down even if you can't use it correctly." Tiff had to agree considering it seemed the person who had stolen it couldn't actually use it. Continue reading on No_veLbIn

"I'll decide after we find him." This was a lie, she had already made up her mind that she would be going to find not only the dagger but Dawn as well. All she would need to do is talk Lake into it by telling him what had happened to Dawn since it seemed he was a helpful person. "I'm going to go and select people to go with him if he decides to help."

Waving bye to the Temple Head as she walked away Tiff headed for her room. She needed to sit down again because even now she didn't feel quite right. She didn't think anything was actually wrong with her because it was just a headache but she needed to sit down in case it made her get better faster.

She didn't want to be unable to go with Lake because she was visibly unwell. Walking into her room and getting into her bed Tiff wondered if she should go back to the healers. They might have a potion or something that could make her head feel better.


"Someone is coming towards the barrier." Looking around Lake didn't see anything glowing golden and was about to say they weren't a Demon Worshiper but realized their range might be greater than his. Waiting a while he eventually saw the person who was running towards them with his eyes and with them still not glowing he knew for sure they weren't a Demon worshiper but there was no reason to say this since everyone else would be able to tell from how they looked.

"People from the Light Temple gather to help us identify them." Lake wasn't sure if he was part of the Light Temple so he didn't get up but he did switch Detector to look for members of the Temple of Light just to make sure they weren't being tricked. Seeing the person start to glow he went back to looking at the formation in Helain's hand.

He had been listening to the people studying the formation for around two hours at this point and while it hadn't made him any better at mana control he was at least able to repeat some of the stuff that had been said about this formation if someone wanted to ask him a question about it.

He found it interesting that the longer the people studied it the less confident they were that they would actually be able to do anything once they got to the Metal Domain and it made him think about what the Demon Worshipers had been trying to accomplish with their attack on the Metal Domain.

Seeing Tiffany staring at him, Lake gave a small wave and started to follow the Temple Head. He would do a proper introduction once they got to the office since it seemed the Temple Head wanted to hold the conversation away from anyone else. As they were stepping into the office, Lake went ahead and said an actual introduction before the Temple Head sat down so it wouldn't get in the way of the meeting.

"Hello Tiffany, I'm Lake."


Reaching out to shake Lakes hand Tiff didn't really know what to say so she just said what she normally did when someone her age introduced themselves. "You can call me Tiff, thanks for saving me."

Lake gave her a thumbs up and sat down at the chair in front of the Temple Head's desk. Seeing they were about to start the actual conversation Tiff sat in the other chair and listened. "A girl named Dawn was taken as she was crossing the area in between the gate to the Light Domain and here and we were wondering if you were willing to find her for us like you did for Tiffany."


Once again the Insider was completely silent so Lake said. "Sure, are you going this time as well?" If she said no Lake wouldn't have to hide any of his skills and would probably do just fine on his own so he was kind of hoping no one would be going with him. "I will for this one but there's something else that we would like your help finding."

After she said this the Temple Head pulled out a drawing of a dagger he knew very well. "Is this the thing you keep asking Lucas about?" Lucas had asked him if he had it so it would be weird if he pretended like he had never even heard of this problem the Temple had. "Yes, does your ability work on items as well?"

Lake nodded and took an arrow out of his quiver as he said. "It does but let's find Dawn first." Spinning the arrow in the air, Lake set Detector to look for an arrow pointing at the girl named Dawn that the Temple Head was looking for. "Let's get going, I just got her trail."

"Does this mean she's alive?" Hearing Tiff's question Lake did some tinkering with the setting of Detector before answering. "Yes she is, let's go." Turning back to the Temple Head he could see her looking at the arrow and was about to ask her what was wrong when she said. "Could you use that to identify traitors or spies?"

Lake nodded and said. "Yeah I think this combination of skills could be used to find anything. It might be kind of confusing if there's a lot of something close together and it can't tell us distance either so it has some problems."

"Either way I need your help with something before we can leave." Lake shrugged and said. "It's up to you." He had already decided to help so he might do everything they wanted this time before leaving so they didn't keep calling him back every few days.