Chapter 379: The Deal Pt.15

Name:The Insider System Author:
Chapter 379: The Deal Pt.15

As he slowly made his way to the city he got to watch as the cloud in the sky eventually opened and let a few things out. They looked like people to him but because of the distance he was able to see them he was pretty sure they were giants not just regular sized people.

This finally gave him the real reason the Demon Lord had shown himself again, which was that he was dropping off the forces necessary to hold the Holy Domain now that the Temple of Light left. This didn't mean he had been wrong about his guess that the Demon Lord was organizing a force to go after the people from the Temple though.

Either way it made him feel that as long as he just acted normal he would have no problem entering the city or the Alchemist Guild because he didn't really look like a member of the Temple of Light other than his shoes which had come from there.

He could just get rid of them now and fly his way to the guild barefooted which would solve this problem. Thinking about what he would want for his next pair of boots, Lake remembered one of the items on the list he had made earlier that were theorized to be a level 60 pair of metal boots and wished he knew if they were close by so he could stop having to get a new pair every few days when the ones he was wearing started to fall apart.

It was something he really wanted to fix but for now he was just going to have to deal with whatever the guild had laying around when he got there. It would probably help if he was to ask someone like Lucas what he did to get shoes because he had seen how fast Lucas could move so he was sure the man had dealt with this same problem at some point. The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

After passing through another set of trees that had blocked his view, Lake saw the cloud had closed again and had started to shrink in the sky. At first he found this weird because he didn't understand why the Demon Lord wouldn't just stick around to keep an eye on his new territory but he quickly remembered the Demon Lord was currently in hiding from the God of Light.

This meant that the Demon Lord probably didn't want to keep himself in the open for too long at a time which was why both times he had seen the Demon Lord's cloud recently it had only lasted a few minutes.

"No it's fine I just wanted to see what you would say. I honestly don't care if you feed them information or not. As far as I can tell they're going to be forced into accepting a similar peace deal by the demon Lord as everyone else soon enough." Lake liked what he heard until the Insider reacted in a negative manner to what Lucas had just said.

He had no idea why it wouldn't want this war to end earlier than anyone could have ever seen coming but he guessed there was a reason it was bad so he asked Lucas a question to get more information. "What do you mean? I know the God of Metal had to make peace with the Demon Lord because of the attack but have other gods already done so as well?"

"The God of Fire just did a few hours ago but to be honest that's been a long time coming than there seems to be a good chance the God of Wind will be also making peace with the Demon Lord because an attack like the one in the Metal Domain will be unstoppable for her followers with the weak fighting power they posses and that's two out of the five origin gods that are currently alive so I'm sure you can see where this is going."

Lake could indeed see how this could continue to spread from god to god until all the gods except for the God of Light had made peace with the Demon Lord. "Does that mean he'll be ascending soon?" Lake knew the other gods had somehow been stopping the Demon Lord from ascending for a very long time so if they were signing some type of deal he couldn't see a world where this deal wouldn't include him being allowed to finally become a god.

"It looks very likely but I haven't actually gotten to see the details of the deals he's making with all the gods so it's still to be seen when or if it will happen." Lake had never been here for a god's ascension and normally he wouldn't ask but Lucas was already aware of him coming from another world so Lake wanted to know what was going to happen and asked. "What happens when a god ascends?"

"It's always a bit different depending on the Element but to be honest because of the fact Unholy mana is already everywhere and people are born/gain the affinity I think we can disregard the period of adjustment that comes with that and just focus on the economic changes that will happen as new trading opportunities arise. These will probably still be less drastic than normal though so I think there's nothing to worry about this time around."

"What do you mean by this time around?" This clearly signified there had been problems with some of the gods in the past and Lake wanted to know why. "The God of Antimagic is the best example of a god's ascension causing problems. For the first few weeks magic all over the world stopped acting as it had for all of history and it took all the gods forcing him to restrict his influence for it to go back to normal. Nothing like that's going to happen this time since Unholy is a more normal element like the others and at most the people who live in the Dark Domain will have to adjust a bit to the new balance of elements there."

After hearing Lucas say nothing bad would happen, Lake started to wonder why the Demon Lord had ever even been blocked in the first place. He could understand the fact that he was a demon being a problem since the gods didn't like the race the God of Fire had taken from his old world but surely there was more to the story.

"Do you know why the Demon Lord was stopped from ascending?" Lucas probably knew more than even the Temple Head because he was older and owned the building that had once been the Mages guild so he felt like there was a good chance he was going to get his question answered but Lucas disappointed him when he shook his head and said. "You would have to ask the god of Light when you meet him. I'm going to get back to work now."

Hearing Lucas wanted him to leave, Lake started to walk up the stairs even though he had wanted to ask the man about new shoes. It honestly wasn't that big of a deal and he would be fine with whatever until he got his hands on one of the items on his list.