Chapter 969 Keeping His Promise

Chapter 969 Keeping His Promise

Blasting forward with a fierce determined look, Rex wasted no time and headed to the last two Demon bases that he would need to destroy before ending this fight. He needs to do this or else the Executor wouldn't let him go.

Earlier he wanted to keep low-key, but now is not the time for him to do that.

Like a bullet, he planted his foot firmly and dashed even faster.


Rex exerted everything that he had and even activated his Banished Dark Moon, King Mark.

With the help of the kingly energy of the Banished Dark Moon, he becomes greatly faster than before. A dash from him broke the sound barrier a hundred times over, he became an actual bullet as he zoomed through the vast snowy plain.

He doesn't care if there's an obstacle blocking his path, he would not stop and burst through.

From his front, he could see a hail of sharp icicles heading towards him.

While the desert landscape boasted erratic, mobile rock formations causing havoc, the snowy expanse of the Shifting Realm harbored relentless blizzards. These were not typical blizzards either, but rather tempests composed of razor-sharp icicles swirling with deadly grace, able to claim the life of anyone unfortunate enough to cross their path.

Even the reinforced tanks' hard armor was not able to block the blizzard for too long.

All because of the First Breath's effect.

On top of restarting the energy of the entire world, the First Breath also transformed the earth into a stronger space that would be able to sustain tenth-rank realm power or even beyond that.

Prior to the First Breath, a battle between ninth-rank realms was already deadly enough.

Usually, their battle leaves a very bad scar on earth.

So if the earth were to remain the same while the energy of the world expanded, clashes between powerhouses could spell the destruction of the entire world. However, as balance is inherent in all aspects, the world concurrently fortifies itself to accommodate higher powers.

Channeling his energy to his right arm, he made a swinging motion to his front.

Rex's firm movement blasted a shockwave to his front.

It was potent enough to disperse the icicles heading towards him from the front with ease.

But even then, the icicles showed some kind of resistance.

Had Rex not invoked his King Mark, he would've been incapable of dispersing the icicles, putting him in a very bad spot. Much akin to being hit by the rock formations earlier, the impact left him wounded, extracting a pained grunt from his lips.Get the latest novels at

Considering his ability to destroy even mountains, causing him harm is quite surprising.

Upon dispersing the icicles, he carved a hole in the approaching blizzard.

He didn't slow down or even hesitate to penetrate through that hole and continued onward.

Despite the interference of senses inside the blizzard, Rex was extremely alert.

Using the System, he spotted the Blue Demons around him.

All of them were concealed, burying themselves under the thick snow and hiding their aura, only detected by the System that triggered multiple stats interfaces from them. Had the army gone through this blizzard, they would've been ambushed.

Even the thought of the severe casualties would definitely give Brigitta a headache.

It would be a massacre.

Fortunately for them, Rex decided to take over this matter himself.


Particles of lightning swirled from the center of his chest to his outstretched right arm as he ascended into the sky. His claws elongated under his will, reaching the length of a ruler, and the emanating red force created a palpable buzz in the surrounding air of his arm.

He was amassing great strength that even the white sphere in the sky reacted.

It envelops its subtle energy around Rex, trying to suppress him.

Obviously, he easily surpassed the limit of the First Breath and began being slapped by the backlash. But he ignored the suppression entirely, widening his eyes fiercely, and swung down with everything he got.


Surprisingly, the ground was shattered by his strike.

But similar to the Vampires, the Demons' enchanters also have a spell to amplify them.

From the battles against these ancient Supernaturals, he gleaned a revelation.

In every war, their Enchanters possessed distinct methodologies to enhance their forces' powers that is outright a terrifying boost. Compared to the enchanters in the new era, their techniques are significantly more potent.

Ancient Enchanters were so much more advanced than the enhancements provided by the Enchanters in the new era, which was already strong. Their abilities were so strong that the latter pale in comparison. In the Blue Demons' case, it boosted their demonic energy and is unable to be dispelled.

Under their intense blue fire, Rex was slowed down a bit but eventually prevailed.


Rex managed to skewer the two bodyguards, the ones that were hiding from plain vision, in an instant with his sword. Coughing blood, their faces were that of shock but undoubtedly contained no fear. It was clear to him that their motivation here was not to win, which is why they were not afraid to die.

With a swift motion, he ripped their bodies into pieces before going for the Enchanter.

Despite his best effort, the Enchanter was too slow.

Tilting his head, putting on an indifferent front, Rex crushed the Enchanter's neck.


After doing that, he quickly stabbed his sword downwards as his calm front disappeared.

He breathed heavily as he exerted so much energy to do this.

Although he was practically invisible with his power aside from the Supernatural Elder-level power, fighting these ancient Blue Demons was tiring. Some were excessively hard to kill, reviving multiple times before eventually dying.

Despite his nigh-perfect fighting style, he also suffered injuries here and there.

It makes the right side of his outfit drenched in his blood.

"Okay, it's done. Now, I'll request for Gistella from him" Rex mused tiredly.

Just as he was about to turn and head back, he stopped in his tracks as he could feel the fatigue eating him alive from the inside. He was too injured and exhausted, in addition, the influence of the Hare Moon slowly came back again.

Despite giving it his all, he was not on time, he finished slightly above half an hour.

Mostly because the distance between them is far.

Crippled under the fatigue, Rex clicked his tongue in annoyance and kneeled on the ground while both hands are still on the handle of the sword. He decided to rest for a couple of minutes before heading back to the encampment to confront the Executor.

Additionally, he also already made a decision.

Instead of going back to Dargena City, he would go to the heart of the Vampire Kingdom.

He would seek Calidora, this couldn't be dragged anymore.

With him giving the victory to the Executor in the Shifting Realm very fast thanks to the pressure from the Hare Moon, the time has grown shorter for Rex again, and he has no choice but to go to Calidora to do what he needs to do.

But even then, he frowned finding that the influence of the Hare Moon is even harsher.

Almost instantly, his throat dried out, and the hunger for lust reappeared.

However, since he had already experienced the sensation already, he managed to endure the influence better now. He calmly regulated his breathing, and right around this time, he sensed a figure on the side approaching him.

In reflex, he gripped his sword tighter and swung to his back, aiming at the figure.

"Wait! It's me!" the figure exclaimed.

Rex stopped his attack in the nick of time when he realized that it was Mavenna.

Lowering his sword, he groaned lightly and averted his gaze away as viewing Mavenna would only serve to make his pain worse. "Are you still going to keep being stubborn? If you're like this when you meet the Executor, what do you think will happen?"

lightsΝοvel.cοm "Don't lecture me, I know already. But I can't do it with you" Rex sighed exhaustedly.

He knew that being in this state would be very bad.

But he already promised, what else could he do except keep his promise?

At this point, his longing to meet with Gistella intensified, as with her, he didn't need to hold back. Disregarding Mavenna's apprehensive gaze, wary of potential exploitation by the Executor if he remained in this state, Rex rose and strode past her.

"Let's just go back before the night gets darker..." He mused, limping away in pain.