Chapter 972 Power is Power

Chapter 972 Power is Power



Several echoing steps from the dark corners of the hallway piqued Dorlus' attention, he was utterly stupified as nobody was able to sneak around without being noticed by him. But this silhouette, veiled by the shadows was able to do that easily.

Dorlus widened his eyes as he stared into the shadows.

His eyes had night vision, able to peer through any kind of darkness, but it was not working.

Even though the sound of footsteps approaching was unmistakable in his ears, indicating that someone was heading over to him, Dorlus found his vision shrouded in obscurity. It was as if the darkness had thickened, rendering his eyes incapable of penetrating its veil.

Nothing like this has ever happened to him before, even against dark users.

In a moment, the silhouette eventually emerged.

"Who are you...?" Dorlus asked, his eyes scrutinizing the silhouette that came out of nowhere.

Judging from the appearance alone, it was a Werewolf, some kind of unknown mutation of a Werewolf that even Dorlus had never seen before. On his hand is a staff with a full moon head, shrouded in the enigmatic power of the moonlight, and his face was covered with a deep purple hooded cloak that encased his entire body.

Additionally, Dorlus couldn't sense anything for this figure.

He couldn't sense any aura or scent, but he instinctively knew that the figure was strong.

'No doubt, this person is as strong as the Storm Prince or even more. I don't see his King or Herald Mark. How come he could alert my senses with danger signals, without actually having any substantial energy exposed? He's almost like a ghost, and his presence alone is enough to boast about his power' Dorlus thought with a deepening frown.

Instinctively, he needs to take this Werewolf seriously.

Pivoting his body to face the figure, he elongated his claws, ready for a sudden battle.

Earlier, Dorlus was dawned with utter shock, he was not expecting anyone's visit at this time of the night. But his body responded differently, the presence of the figure made his legs tremble, depicting the instinctive fear he was experiencing right now palpably.

Despite not wanting to feel this way, he couldn't suppress it.

Almost as if his own body has a mind of its own, and wouldn't listen to his control.


Only when the figure fully emerged did he stop.

For a brief moment there that felt like an eternity, there was only silence, heightening Dorlus' nervousness about this figure. But then, the figure finally spoke, his voice was haunting and dominant at the same time.

"My child... Do not fear me" He said, raising his gaze to look at Dorlus.

A sharp pair of eyes greeted Dorlus from underneath the hood, bringing a lethal effect.

.cοm Upon seeing the eyes underneath the hood, an immense effect hits Dorlus, he isn't able to keep his alertness and is forced to be relaxed. He wanted to fight back the effect, but he simply could not, even raising his own claws became a problem.

One look makes the prospect of attacking the figure completely impossible for Dorlus.

Looking at Dorlus who was stunned on his spot, the figure strides forward.

Stopping right before Dorlus, the figure caressed his head with a tint of love in his eyes as he continued, "Recline, my child, for I am no adversary. I am here solely for the Storm Prince, bringing an unfortunate pressing matter"Get the latest novels at

With the touch of the figure, Dorlus finds himself being forcefully calmed down.

It was almost like the touch of a God.

He couldn't rebut this enigmatic figure in front of him, he was utterly rendered helpless.

Amidst his confusion regarding the figure's identity, a subtle clue emerged, solidifying his certainty. Though skepticism lingered, the dangerous yet calming presence, shroud of mystery, and distinctive appearance of the figure made it challenging to think otherwise.

Smiling at the sight of Rex's shocked expression, the Executor then asked, "Have you come to admit that I was right, Royal Black Prince?" His eyes gleamed with chaotic intensity. "Back then, you asserted that I lacked the authority to speak on matters of power, your reasoning was that my privilege of inherent strength precluded me from understanding the hardships to achieve power. Yet, I said power is power. All of the glories you extolled from earning strength through adversity are but the clamor of the weak"

"All of that experience, camaraderie, and willpower you gain from hardships are nothing more than a justification of inferiority. Power will always be power, no matter the source. Even Gistella seeks me for help instead of you, doesn't that prove enough that my statement is correct? Only I alone am pure and clean in this new era"

Rex's expression darkens as he hears this.

Obviously, the banter between them would always end up back at the talk of power again.

Both were still aiming to make their opinions reign above the other.

The Executor drove home a compelling argument, revealing that hardships were not needed, only the stronger had the power to dictate the entire world and bend it to their will. With Gistella willingly coming to him for help, he effectively demonstrated that the comrades Rex acquired through adversity were nothing but fake power.

Only inherent power is real, and the Executor stands firm on it.

However, Rex remained stubborn and shook his head, "Liar, you lured Gistella to be here"

Employing the ancient method to lure the weakest link in a Werewolf pack, it should've been evident that Gistella was coerced rather than coming here willingly. But it was not the case, the assumption proved false as the Executor clarified, "I thought that too at first, but I was wrong. She did come here willingly"

"But I know that believing me is not possible, so why don't you ask her yourself?" He added.

Rex's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Although it was within his decision to send Gistella here, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease because he hadn't been able to contact her for days now, and meeting with her was something he desperately wanted right now to ease his worry.

Just then, he groaned and suddenly grabbed his face when a painful sting hit his mind.

It was a crippling pain that disorientates him completely.

<Warning! The user's sanity stat has been decreased!>

<The user's sanity stat will continue to decrease until the user has sexual intercourse>

Damn it, the Hare Moon!

Suddenly, the influence of the Hare Moon surged to the point that his vision became blurry, and even his own body started steaming. His eyes flickered from blue to red multiple times, and his body went back and forth to his Werewolf form.

Rex fought back with his mental power, trying to desperately remain in his human form.

Upon seeing this, the guards around moved back in panic.

Only the Executor seemed undisturbed and even found it amusing to watch Rex struggle.

After a moment of hazardous retaliation, Rex's breaths returned to normal.

Even though he managed to retain his human form, he was sure that this was not going to be the last time the Hare Moon would annoy him. He would need to get out of here as soon as possible, or better yet, meet with Gistella to ease the Hare Moon's influence.

The Executor then suddenly flicked his fingers.

One of the guards hesitantly stepped forward and turned to face Rex, sweating bullets.

"Go and follow him, he will lead you to Gistella" the Executor suddenly instructed. "I am a magnanimous person, and I acknowledge your help. I'll not let you take her back, but I will let you have a moment with her, especially seeing that you need it dearly..."

At this instruction, Rex, for a brief moment remembered what Mavenna said.

However, he simply had no choice.

I need to meet with Gistella, she should be able to help me, or else I'm going to lose it.

Just like that, he was escorted out, following the guard who would lead him to Gistella. In his mind, Mavenna's words kept on ringing repeatedly, but he still decided to trust Gistella, she would never do anything bad to him.

On the other hand, the Executor smiled eerily when he saw Rex get out.

"Now, the time has come... After this, I can finally kill you. Be prepared, Royal Black Prince"