Chapter 975 Beyond My Concern

Chapter 975 Beyond My Concern

"Are you sure you're going to let him get away right now?"

"Yes, it's not the time yet"

"We might not have a better opportunity than this in the future, is this really okay?'

Standing in front of the quarter were the Executor and Brigitta, both were watching Rex rushing in a panic toward his quarter after his meeting with Gistella. It was obvious that Gistella had done what she needed to do, and the plan was a success.

But even without witnessing this, the Executor could already tell that it was a success.

Appearing before his eyes was a magical blue panel.

He saw this panel the first time when he met with Rex and ended up in a fight, and now, he could see this blue panel again, informing him that he was targeted by the System Relaying Bet Quest, where winner takes all.

It was so exhilarating to see that the Executor couldn't hide his smile anymore

Now he has the chance to obtain the ultimate power.

'From what I remember, this System is the power that made Father very powerful. He relied on it to create me and my brothers too. If I win, If I gain this System, will I be able to become as strong as him...?' the Executor wondered, his future prospect looked promising.

With him gaining the System, nobody would be able to oppose him, even his brothers.

The Executor turned around as Rex disappeared into his quarters, and soon after, his entire presence vanished completely. "This is not the opportune moment, it's the Hare Full Moon—the third most strongest moon for Werewolves, trailing only behind the Super Moon and the Blood Moon. Striking now would only be a foolish move"

Brigitta looked at the Executor's back with a questioning frown on her face.

Curiosity loomed inside her head.

'Never have I witnessed such an extreme reaction from Rex, not even when the Executor awakened, he was panicking. What could the Executor have done to induce such panic in him?" She wondered, intrigued by the mystery that had shaken Rex to his core.

However, she would probably never know that the Executor is not really a talker.

Glancing to the side, she went ahead in a direction.

In a moment, she scoured the entire encampment which was quite surprised at the sudden howl from Rex, and didn't find who she was looking for. 'Huh... The kid is also gone, that last howl must be a signal to escape'

Despite finding it a waste for Ryze to still be stubborn, there's nothing she can do about it.

Brigitta went to Rex's quarter leisurely.

Entering the quarter, she surveyed the surroundings at ease. Her eyes then landed on the bed in the center, covered completely by a veil, "Mavenna, Rex is gone already. It's time for you to return to your cage" However, she was met with silence and found it weird that the space was vacant. "Mavenna...? Come out immediately, or I shall report this to the Executor"

Finding yet no answer, she quickly went over to the bed and pulled the veil to the side.

It was at that moment, her eyes widened completely.Get the latest novels at

"She's not here? Where did she go?" Brigitta questioned and quickly rushed outside.

Navigating the vicinity, she sought the guards assigned to monitor Rex's quarter including Ryze and Mavenna. Perplexingly, they eluded her notice, she couldn't find them anywhere. However, her focus shifted to the neighboring tent, zipped shut, drawing her attention.

Upon opening the tent, she frowned and bit her lower lip.

Inside were the guards she was looking for, all of them were sleeping peacefully.

But they were not slacking off as they were also dreaming pleasantly, reaching into the air to squeeze something or even mimicking sexual acts, which only leads Brigitta to one possible scenario that instantly comes to mind.

"Useless good for nothing!" Brigitta cursed, kicking a guard in sheer frustration.

Obviously, this is very bad for them.

Placing her hands firmly on her waist, she looked around with a troubled expression, "While our attention was fixed on Rex, she exploited the opportunity to flee. Damn it, the Executor would be furious about this. But he's the one who gave those instructions, so he shouldn't be excessively angered, considering it's mostly his responsibility"

"No..." Brigitta massaged her forehead. "Knowing him, I would be blamed for this. Damn it!!"

King John quickly pulled away when he heard this, smiling awkwardly.

"Our agreement specifies that I'm allowed to incapacitate Rex, not kill him, and I did exactly that. I didn't cause him physical harm, ensuring his continued existence without any problem. But as for your relationship with him," the Executor suddenly interjected, his smirk widening as he said this. "that remains beyond my concern..."

Listening to this, Gistella's expression turned hideous.

Now her relationship is strained, and the worst thing is, she doesn't know what she did.

It happened so fast, and nobody was explaining the situation.

Although she really wanted to know which made her gradually feel frustrated the longer she didn't get the answer, she realized that getting a straightforward response from the Executor was an unattainable feat. His penchant for ambiguity and indirectness will only fuel her escalating sense of madness.

Right now, it's best for her to get out of here and take a step back.

"King John, please lead the way," Gistella said dejectedly.

Upon hearing this, King John glanced at the Executor and found him nodding in approval before he escorted Gistella away. He knows that letting Gistella be here is not the best idea, so he quickly leads her to the other room.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Supernatural territory.

Rex and Mavenna were teleported away, arriving in front of an ominous black castle.

Not a trace of light could be seen inside the castle.

Even the surroundings of the castle were filled with an open place before houses could be seen across the bridge, medieval houses that spanned as far as their eyes could see. Judging from the layout of the place, Mavenna is quite sure that this is some kind of abandoned city or some sort.

"Where are we? And where did Ryze go?" Mavenna asked in confusion.

She expected that she would be brought to the hideout of the Silverstar Pack with Rex.

But this is definitely not the hideout.

It was not that Mavenna couldn't believe that a castle could become the hideout, but because near the entrance of the castle were two Blood Bunyas. Not normal ones either, a higher-rank mutation that supplied thick blood energy to the surroundings.

Upon hearing this, Rex replied, "Ryze was teleported back to my place"

"You were supposed to be with him, not with me. But with the situation earlier, I have no choice but to bring you here" He added through gasping breaths, trying his hardest to sustain the increasing Hare Moon's effect.

Mavenna frowned, she pointed at the place and asked, "And where are we exactly?"

"Vampire territory, help me go inside" Rex struggled to stand up.

Looking at this, Mavenna quickly rushed in to help him before she trained her eyes on the castle with a peculiar expression. Only one entity resides inside the castle, and she wondered who this entity was that has a connection with Rex.

Even though it should be relatively safe, she couldn't shake this odd feeling within her.

It feels like someone is watching her from the shadows.

'No matter who was inside this castle, it must be someone very powerful' She thought.


A moment later.

Rex and Mavenna entered what should be the throne room's entrance, the door slowly opened with a loud grating sound before the view of the throne room greeted them, with a silent entity sitting on the throne with her legs crossed.

"Hands off, Succubus..." the entity said commandingly.

Upon hearing this, Mavenna raised an eyebrow, "And who are you again?"

"Me?" responded the figure, a sinister silhouette emerging as she leaned forward, revealing her vampiric countenance from the shadow that concealed her earlier. "I'm not someone you'd wish to make an enemy of..."