Chapter 996 Breaking the Traditions

Chapter 996 Breaking the Traditions


Perched atop the closest mountain peak that he could find, Flunra drew a deep breath and unleashed a resounding howl that sent forth a reddish-hued soundwave. It was the same howl that he used to locate Rex during his initial awakening.

By far, this howl was the best method to find Rex in the Vampire territory.

Flunra doesn't need to ask Evelyn to know where Rex is, he already has an assumption.

Due to the berserk incident, he definitely considered moving in with Calidora.

It was the way Rex was with his condition.

Even the mightiest Werewolf, the Origin himself with all his formidable powers still needs to be cautious during the full moon. Ultimately, no Werewolf has ever lived was capable of fully severing the tether of the full moon's influence.

With the right time and situation, all of them could go berserk and cause destruction.

In the past, many Werewolves succumbed to this pain.

Lower-rank Werewolves went berserk more.

However, they could be suppressed by other Werewolves rather easily.

On the other hand, high-rank Werewolves were different.

Every time they went berserk, it was even more troublesome as they couldn't be suppressed by others as easily due to their innate strength. Because of that, whenever one of them goes berserk, another Alpha from other packs would need to come to help.

But more often than not, when the other Alpha came, the damage was already done.

Despite their tribal nature, killing their own pack members hurts.

Flunra has seen countless Alphas kill themselves from the immense guilt they suffered.

Such is the life of a Werewolf, the curse will forever haunt them.

It was a common occurrence for high-rank Werewolves to experience this fear of hurting their pack members, and Flunra, with the knowledge of this situation happening over and over again, already anticipated Rex would eventually go to Calidora.

Adding to his tragic past, Flunra was a hundred percent certain that he go to Calidora.

Flunra had been following Rex's light presence that he could sense when he reached the border to the Vampire territory and reached quite deep, but now, that light presence was suddenly gone without a trace.

Now, he was left with no direction.Visit novelbin(.)com for new novels

Scanning the surroundings from the mountaintop, Flunra frowned.

"No reaction..." He murmured, finding that his howl wasn't able to expose Rex's location.

Flunra doesn't know that Rex is cultivating his cursed energy.

With the unique nature of cursed energy enveloping his entire being, combined with the fact that he was confined within the Banished Realm's dome, it was not a surprise that Flunra's absolute method failed to produce any result.

Rex is simply unreachable right now.

Just as he scanned his eyes around, he laid his eyes on an eye-catching tree nearby.

A Blood Bunya.

Catching sight of a Blood Bunya, also known as the Vampire Trees, he quickly dashed there.

Landing right beside the Blood Bunya, he use his claws to scratch it.

Despite not knowing where Rex is, Flunra knows that he must be nearby, so he assumes that this is Calidora's territory, and he would be right about that. He did it a couple of times, and eventually, he sat down and waited for any Vampire to come to him.

Since he howled earlier, there should be Vampires heading to him right now.

It was already the first streak of darkness.

Flunra waited for a little bit over an hour and found no Vampires appearing.

"Hmm... All of them must be evacuated, which is why no Vampires came to me. But Calidora should be here, or am I mistaken?" He pondered out loud, expanding his senses, attempting to see whether there was anyone nearby.

It was then, a blast of wind gushed to the surroundings as Flunra stopped right before her.

His claws were an inch away from touching Calidora's face.

To an observer, it appeared as though Calidora had wielded her power to stop Flunra in his tracks, but in reality, she hadn't employed any such manipulation. Her smile widened as she gazed at Flunra, tilting her head with a provocative question, "Do you truly intend to harm me, Flunra...? Someone as old as you should know that you can't hide the truth, even if you try so hard to conceal it"

"Your life and death is dictated by your next move" Her sentence was dripping with threat.

But even then, she was right, and Flunra couldn't do anything about it.

Flunra rose to his full height again, towering before her with eyes ablaze with hostility.

Clearly vexed by her actions, by what she did, he voiced his extreme disapproval, "I am well aware that your parents vehemently oppose this, and you think that it's fine, but it's not. What you did not only broke your kind's sacred traditions but also mine, the Werewolf's tradition..."

"Only the Luna can do this!" He continued with his tone raised.

Looking at him, Calidora replied, still with her provocative smirk, "And yet, the deed is done"


Upon hearing this, Flunra growled and turned around, pacing left and right in contemplation.

"You forced him into this, and he will not accept this" Flunra rebutted.

Calidora shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, she even had the time to sit on a nearby rock with a graceful demeanor, rubbing the fact to Flunra's face, "Are you sure about that? Will you bet your life on the assumption that he would not accept it?"



In a fit of anger, Flunra roared and punched the tree right behind Calidora, blasting it away.

"You don't understand, you created an abomination!" He barked viciously.

Seeing that there was no change in Calidora's expression, Flunra backed away, heavy stress burdening his mind. He made some distance to calm himself down, trying to ponder about the situation with a clear mind.

On the other hand, Calidora sat sweetly on the rock, waiting patiently for him.

Eventually, Flunra was able to grasp the situation properly.

"Don't be stressed about it too much, Flunra. Traditions are as it is, traditions. In due time, it would change. We are in the new era, there's no need to follow the traditions of the old. Even Rex wasn't following the normal traditions of Werewolves" Calidora eventually said.

Naturally, what she said was the definite truth.

Rex has never considered the tradition of the old Werewolves, he didn't abide by it.

So there's no need for him to fret about this too much.

"It wasn't only a tradition, there's a bad effect, but I guess we can prepare for it," Flunra said, massaging his throbbing forehead. "Let's focus on the present first, there's still time to think about your situation"

"To be clear, I will never do anything to harm it" Calidora replied, making his stance clear.

Upon hearing this, Flunra waved his hand in annoyance.

He didn't want to hear about this right now, there's another thing that needed his attention right now, "I need to see him. Take me to him right now, there's an urgent matter that he would need to know"

"Tell it to me, and I'll deliver it to him" Calidora instructed lightly.

Although he wanted to rebut, there was no use in fighting Calidora, so he decided to comply.

Flunra told her about the situation with Kyran and the Ice and Snow Lunirich God.

Even though he knows that Rex is busy preparing himself for the fight against the Executor, as the plan is already in motion, he needs to give a clear answer on what to do about this. A mistake to the Lunirich Gods would bring a heavy backlash after all.

Listening to what he said, Calidora went silent, seemingly contemplating the information.

"It's indeed a troublesome situation, there's no guarantee that the Ice and Snow Lunirich God will fulfill the other end of the deal," Calidora said, voicing out her opinion. "But then again, I know one thing for certain, and you should know already too"

Upon hearing this, Flunra raised a brow in question.

Gazing at him, Calidora continued, "If there's any chance of helping Rex in his fight against the Executor, then what's there to hesitate? He will need it. Go and complete what it wants, and see what would happen, there's no harm in trying"