Chapter 1032 It's Up To Us Now

Chapter 1032 It's Up To Us Now

Adhara needed some time to sit down as she absorbed the barrage of information.

She was told about Rex's intention of not involving them or the alliance with the fight he was going to have with the Executor and his forces, and also the fact that they were going to go and awaken the Ice and Snow Princess.Get latest novel chapters on novelbjn(.)c/om

It was a being equivalent to Rex and the Storm Prince, hailing from the ancient world.

While sitting on a barrel in the alley, she looked at her own hand.

'Considering that my fire has now evolved, I should be strong enough to help Flunra. Also, if I master even the first technique of the Divine Pyroclasmic Emissary spell book, I'm confident in even fighting ninth-rank realm opponents...' Adhara pondered, clenching her hands several times in contemplation.

Naturally, she has grown way stronger.

Since she was now a True Fire user, this also meant all of her spells were stronger.

But as she thought of this, her eyebrows dipped into a frown.

"If we're going to awaken the Ice and Snow Princess, why do you need my help? Surely, only you know the method to awaken her. Are you expecting trouble? From who?" Adhara asked, confused as to why Flunra needed her help.

All of the Supernatural races were under a peace agreement, at least the higher-rank ones.

So she found it weird that there was someone out there who wanted to prevent the Ice and Snow Princess from awakening. With the Executor around, there's nothing wrong in having more strong pions amongst their ranks.

Flunra shook his head, things were not that simple.

"Lunirich Gods worked as one, they were the Gods who ruled over the power of the moon,"

"Just think of them as a council of Moon Gods, and each of them is an individual deity and has a different view from each other. Rex messed with the Blood Moon Lunirich God and thus created a strain between him and the Lunirich Gods. Since Iseldra asked us to awaken the princess, then she also must've offended the others"

Upon hearing his explanation, the dots started connecting.

But the more she understands the dynamic of the Gods, the paler her expression becomes.

"Are you saying that the Gods would try to intercept us...?" She asked lightly.

Flunra nodded firmly, forcing her to suck in a cold breath.

Such news could strike fear in the bravest, to go through means going against the Gods.

Knowing that there was a divine reason the Gods were Gods—living in their celestial realm, the mere contemplation of challenging these beings while they traversed the mortal realm sent a vicious tremor through Adhara's heart, echoing like the beat of a drum.

With quivering lips, she asked again, "Do you think we stand a chance against them?"

"I don't know," Flunra replied with a heavy tone. "But what I do know is that Rex is prepared to go through Hell for us... for you. I've been his opponent once, and I know how fearsome his will burns in order to protect the pack, and what he thinks is right. Adhara, our chances against the Gods are not the real question,"

"The real question is whether you are prepared to do the same for him...?" He revised.

Flunra's question made Adhara's eyes widen.

She came to a realization that she was thinking about the wrong things.

'No matter the chances, even against the Executor or the Gods themselves— if it meant that he can save us, or give us the peace we want, Rex would never hesitate. Despite all odds, his answer would always remain the same. So what's there for me to hesitate?'

Coming to a realization, Adhara stood back up again slowly.

Raising her face up again to look at Flunra in the eyes, she gave a firm nod, "Let's go,"


Inside Calidora's castle, the Vampire territory.


Burying herself on the soft cushion of a sofa in a living room was Mavenna, she was wailing and crying like a little baby. Then again, she has been forced to work her ass off by Rex and Calidora, making her absorb the Life Essence of other beings.

"If I do that, I would also be suffering the same pain. Don't make me do it!" Mavenna pleaded.

Even with tears and showing a pitiful look, Calidora didn't budge.

She still remained fixed on her declaration, and Mavenna was forced to comply.

As Mavenna wept and pleaded with her to not be involved in the fight, Calidora glanced to the side, a frown forming on her face. In contemplation, she thought, 'Hmmm... Maybe now might be the best time to activate the detection formation in his room, just in case'

Now that she started to know Rex more, she had some suspicions that might occur.

She decided that it was time to activate the detection formation she prepared firsthand.

A moment later.

Rex has been cramped inside a private chamber to train with all his might.

Immersed in the absorption of Life Essences skillfully amassed by Mavenna, albeit there was some need to use forceful methods, he found himself overwhelmed by the abundance of Life Essences that were managed to be gathered.

Easily exceeded his initial expectations.

Merely a few hours prior, he had achieved the seventh epiphany.

Despite the fact that he broke through another realm, the collection of Life Essences stored within the blank stones Calidora gave, now turned green, had diminished only an eighth of its original volume, which was a pitiful amount.

He thought that he would need to go out one more time to reach the ninth epiphany.

But it seems there was no need.

Upon the stone in his hand drained from its content, Rex consolidated the Life Essences that were turned into cursed energy by his Greater Cursed Body. Swirls of dense cursed energy move around the surface of his skin like a serpent.

It was compact and possessed the unpredictable nature of curses.

Soon, the cursed energy moved from his chest area to his head before eventually vanishing.

Gently, he opened his eyes and adjusted to the surroundings.

Nothing was inside the room, there was no furniture or anything, it was completely empty with only himself and his mind. He inhales deeply before wasting no time to look out of the unglazed window.

Seeing that it was still night, he sighed heavily and shook his head.

Huh... I need to calm down.

Fearing that he might've meditated too long and didn't realize the time, he always checked the time by looking out of the window and mentally keeping track of time. Rex feared that he would be too late in confronting the Executor.

Then again, he already told Calidora to notify him if he was taking too long.

But that doesn't diminish his worry completely.

Just as he poised to grasp another stone for further meditation, the corner of the chamber shimmered with a familiar energy. His gaze shifted toward that corner, revealing a gathering of cursed energy—coalescing into a figure he recognized.

Despite the countermeasures of the castle, this figure easily bypasses all of that.

An unnatural and eerie air surrounded this figure.

Most people would know that this figure is very dangerous, but Rex readily recognizes this figure as none other than the Witch who came to visit. Striding closer to him sitting at the center, the Witch then extended her hand.

"Seventh epiphany... still far from the ninth" She whispered lightly.

Upon hearing this, Rex grimaced, "I'm working on it, I'll reach the ninth no matter what"

"Well, you should be, because if not then your plan would be all ruined," the Witch replied in a relaxed manner, but there was a tint of worry in her tone, showing that she cared whether his plan worked or not. "I'm here to inform you that it's ready, I've got the location,"

"Location...?" Rex muttered as his body tensed.

The Witch nodded her head, "Yes, the location. Gistella got it, and it's up to us now..."