Chapter 1035 Know Your Place

Chapter 1035 Know Your Place

"King John, it's time, we need to arm our-"

Marching to the forefront of the army where King John should have been stationed, Brigitta sought him out to relay the urgent message about preparing for the big fight. However, she abruptly halted, her words stuck in her throat as King John was nowhere to be seen.

Her forehead creased into an evident frown.

In confusion, she turned her head left and right to search for any cues of his location.

But she found none, he wasn't anywhere near.

Refraining from jumping to conclusions, Brigitta asked the Awakened around, hoping that one of them knew where he went. But she was disappointed as none of the Awakened had seen where he went, and this worried her.

Since Mavenna's escape, her mind always went for the worst.

Fearing the wrath of the Executor, she made sure that nothing like that would happen again.

Deserting the army is impossible now, every edge and perimeter of the army was stationed with trusted Awakened who were vigilant and ready to stop any attempt at desertion. It was more of a preventive measure served to maintain order, as the Awakened, Black Hands, and military personnel within the army were here willingly, not coerced.

All of them volunteered to come, and the numbers were way higher than expected.

It seems the Executor's charisma also appeals to a lot of people.

Maybe the thrill of a new leader gave them hope that Humanity would survive or even the fact that the Executor's ruthlessness toward his own people gave a picture of even worse treatment to the Supernaturals which tempted them.

Under the vicious war for more than a dozen years, hatred was still the main fuel of action.

Now that King John was nowhere to be seen, she panicked.

"Don't tell me he also deserted...? I didn't even sense his reluctance, how can he go now?"

Brigitta was starting to panic as if it was King John, he could desert.

He has a high standing in the army, and even if he separated from the army, there were none that would question him. Sure, some Awakened would question and find it suspicious, but it should be obvious that none of them would confront him head-on.

So if it's him, there's a high possibility that he could do desert if he wanted to.

Just as she was stressing, a voice pulled her back to reality, "What are you doing here?"

Upon hearing this, Brigitta quickly pivoted her body around.

Looking at the man behind him, she could heave a sigh of relief as it was King John.

He seemed to be coming back from somewhere and was definitely not deserting, it was only her mind playing tricks on her into overthinking the situation, "I'm glad that you're here, I was fearing that you went somewhere"

"Where else would I be?" King John raised an eyebrow. "Anyway, why are you here?"

"I was only coming here to tell you that it's time, the Executor instructed us to prepare for the fight. Go and alert your legion, I'm also going to do the same with my legion. Good luck!" She replied in a relieved tone before heading back to her section.

Receiving the news, King John turned to look to the front.

On the far end was the supposed creek that surrounded the Symposium of Upper Divinities.

It was the destination before the Executor's plan developed.

"His plan is now going to be getting the sacred weapon, and after this..." A bead of cold sweat could be seen trickling down the side of his face as he gulped harshly. "after this would be phase two, world domination"

Knowing the exact template of the Executor's move, King John couldn't help but frown.

If the Executor attains the sacred weapon, then it's game over.

Climbing back onto his mount at the very front, he looked down in contemplation, 'Gistella told me to wait, but this is really close to the fight. What's there to wait? When will he make his own move? I don't know... but I need to know'

Only then does the Witch force out the words from her mouth.

"Y- You were right..." She said grudgingly.

Locking eyes with the Executor, she pressed on, "I sought freedom on the other side, yet it was not as I expected, the price was too great. I am willing and with your permission... I'll pledge to fulfill my role as all my predecessors have, and aid you in this endeavor"

Just as she said that the Executor couldn't hide his devilish smile anymore.

It was exactly as he predicted.

"What made you decide to come to me now, Witch?" the Executor asked again.

Upon hearing this, the Witch shuts her mouth for a brief moment before she replies, "He- He went ballistic, crazy. His Werewolf side had already taken over, and I sensed not a single cue or the notion that he could win. I'd rather apologize now than being on the losing side,"

Receiving the news made the Executor's smile stretch even wider.

He was clearly ecstatic.

'Yes... losing the System that he relied upon all this time sent him to madness,' the Executor mused, giving himself a pat on the back for this move. 'Do you see now, my brothers...? I'm not worthless, I am not a mere good-for-nothing. If I am what all of you say I am, then how come I'm taking over the world right now?'

'I am as good as all of you can be, perhaps, even better!' He exclaimed inside his heart.

Exhilarated by this situation, the Executor focuses back to the Witch.

"I know that you and your predecessors have never been able to get rid of your selfishness ever since Father domesticated your kind, so I already expected this but..." the Executor's eyes glistened fiercely. "What makes you think I will accept you back?"

Upon hearing this, the Witch, despite her stoic face, felt her own body tense instinctively.

She was not expecting that the Executor would be like this.

However, it was not entirely out of her expectations, "Are you really not going to accept me back, Fifthborn? I understand your capabilities, but are you genuinely willing to venture into that creek without my assistance, especially when I'm offering it right now...?"

Naturally, the Executor knew that he was taking a big risk by coming here without her help.

It was a risk that he had already taken as the rewards were worth it.

But now that he had her offer, it would be even better for him to accept her back.

Regardless of his preparations, the Passue Matriarch is still a big threat, and his spear would be more effective in dealing with it if it was infused with the Witch's power. Chaos element wouldn't work on it, so cursed energy is the answer.

Declining the Witch would be a foolish move on his part.

Pondering for a brief moment, a smile then blooms on the Executor's face, "Of course, I am a kind ruler. I was only joking earlier, you are always welcome to come back. But before that, I want to make sure that you really know your place, Witch"

"Say it, what do you want me to do? I'll even infuse my pets into your spear" the Witch said.

However, the Executor's smile turned savage in an instant.

Under the onlookers' gaze, he stretches his hand out before he points down to the ground.

"Kneel..." He uttered with a commanding tone.

Just as he said that the Witch's expression twisted hideously, and so did her pets.

In the long history between the Witch of Chaos and the Humans, she had only ever knelt before the Supreme One and the Secondborn. No one else possessed the strength to be able to command such respect from the Witch of Chaos.

Now, the Executor wanted her to kneel, and it was inconceivable.

"What's wrong? Are you not going to kneel and show me proof that you know your place—beneath my name?" Looking at the hesitance, the Executor tilted his head, and his fierce eyes burned. "I SAID KNEEL BEFORE ME!!"
