Chapter 1048 The Third vs The Seer(1)

Chapter 1048 The Third vs The Seer(1)

Noticing that now was the perfect time to stop the awakening process, Dorlus came striking, aiming at Flunra's arms that were dispelling the sealing energy. But he was caught off guard when his claws were met with a steely resistance.

He saw that his claws were stopped by claws.

One that he didn't expect since there was only Flunra and Adhara inside this dome.

Raising his gaze, he locked onto another's gaze.


Dorlus sucked in a cold breath when he saw that there was a figure right in front of him that protected Flunra from his strike, and the reason that he was shocked was because he didn't sense anyone nearby.

Even though this figure was standing before him, he didn't exude any presence.

It was as if he was a glitch in reality.

A being that was not supposed to be in this world which made him possess no presence.


Out of nowhere, Dorlus got swatted away.

Planting his feet into the floor, halting the pushing momentum, Dorlus blocked the attack but couldn't help but frown as an unexpected visitor came to stop him. He observed the figure's form and found that he was supposed to be a Werewolf.

Planting his feet into the floor, halting the pushing momentum, Dorlus blocked the attack but couldn't help but frown as an unexpected visitor came to stop him. He observed the figure's form and found that he was supposed to be a Werewolf.

But oddly enough, he hasn't seen any Werewolf that resembles this unknown Werewolf.

'Four eyes, and azure furs...? What kind of Werewolf is he?' He pondered.

Hailing from the third generation of Werewolves, during the most intense time of the ancient era, there were numerous mutations that were unlocked by his comrades that didn't really fit into any normal Werewolf.

Dorlus has seen a fair share of weird mutations throughout his life.

Even he, in the fierce pressure of battle, had gone through an evolution of his senses.

He unlocked an ability, many suspect as a foresight ability.

But even then, he has never seen a mutation as severe as the Werewolf before him.

Having two sets of eyes was not exactly a mutation seen normally, even amongst the other Supernatural races. More importantly, the sudden appearance of this Werewolf made him raise his guard.

Dorlus could tell that this Werewolf is different than Adhara and Flunra.

On the other hand, Flunra was also taken aback by the Werewolf's sudden arrival.

It was a moment ago that he thought it was the end.

Just when he observed the Werewolf beside him, looking at him with a profound gaze, his eyes widened as he realized who it was. A person that he had never thought would come and save the day, considering his condition.

"Kyran...? How did yo- Huahkk!" Flunra coughed blood in the midst of his sentence.

His body was suffering from the wounds.

Additionally, the Yule Moon's power has the property to block his wounds from regenerating.

A troublesome property that made persevering even harder.

Upon seeing him coughing blood multiple times, Kyran remained silent and turned around.

"Do what you have to do, I'll deal with the rest" He muttered firmly.

Flunra who was seeing him act like this was dazed, he remembered that Kyran wouldn't be this calm in a situation like this. 'Something about him changed, I can tell almost instantly. It feels like he was more composed, or should I say more mature...?'

Seeing Kyran like this raised a couple of questions in his head.

On one side, he suspected that Kyran was possessed, and someone else was in his body.

However, judging from his eyes, it doesn't seem to be the case.

But the dependable air around him was evident, Kyran had undergone an immense change.

It was safe to assume that something happened while he was slumbering.

Just as the distance between them shortened to ten meters, Kyran moved.

Responding with the same ferocity as Dorlus showed, he accelerated onward with extreme speed. But this doesn't intimidate Dorlus, his eyes observed each of Kyran's limbs, making predictions about Kyran's attack.

'I have superior durability, I'll focus on power' Dorlus nodded and clenched his fist.

Cognizant of his enhanced skin, a perk he gained from being birthed as the third-generation Werewolf, Dorlus opted not to evade Kyran's impending attack. Instead, he concentrated his focus solely on delivering a powerful punch with all his might.

Aside from his durability, this would also show Kyran the difference in strength.

But as they were about to clash, something odd happened.



Dorlus' head recoiled to the side when a powerful punch landed right on his face.

On top of that, Kyran executed a swift maneuver when Dorlus' punch was inches away from making contact. He deftly ducked down, evading the punch entirely. Dorlus was caught off guard, and the punch was also heavier than he initially thought.

Gritting his teeth, he pushed the punch with his own face and launched another attack.


Similarly, the next exchange ended up the same.

Evading yet another attack, Kyran managed to stab his claws into Dorlus' stomach cleanly.

Blood spewed out, forcing a rough grunt out of Dorlus' mouth.

'How? My senses... they could only predict his attack a fraction of a second before it landed, leaving me no time to dodge. Normally, I could foresee the attack two or three seconds prior, so what's different about him?!' Dorlus growled in anger.

Having his signature ability nullified, it was natural that he was burning with fury.


Making a swift horizontal swipe in an attempt to catch Kyran by surprise, Dorlus was the one to be surprised as he was met with a nigh-perfect dragon tail, sweeping his legs off the floor cleanly. Following that, Kyran placed his hand on the floor, infusing it with his energy.

Dorlus sensed something coming before his eyes flashed at the sight of a thick icicle.



Not expecting that Kyran would have some sort of ice power, Dorlus took a blow solidly to the stomach, sending him flying. He landed twenty meters away, clutching his throbbing abdomen, shooting Kyran a menacing glare.

Had it not for his armored skin, that dark blue icicle would impaled him easily.

Even then, a crack formed on his armored skin.

'It's his mastery over his energy...' Dorlus pondered with a frown, realizing the method that Kyran employed to bypass his foresight ability. 'His non-existent aura masked his energy, but that wouldn't remain like that if he's in a fight. An accumulation of energy would reveal his aura and intention to me, so he created this method to counter me'

Kyran's control over his energy is immaculate, and Dorlus realizes that.

During the initial phase of dashing into attack, Kyran evens out his energy across his body.

A move to mask his aura and intention perfectly.

Just when he was about to attack, he flowed his energy into the limb he was using to make the attack in an instant, and this caused his attack to come out faster, and unpredictably. It was the reason why Dorlus only managed to sense the attack for a fraction of a second prior to the attack connecting.

Such a move shouldn't be accessible to someone like Kyran.

Only those who have hundreds of years of energy control experience could achieve this.

For Kyran to be able to showcase that level of control is impossible.

However, the evidence was right before his eyes to see.

Kyran bypassed his foresight ability easily.

'Not only his control, but his combat skills were also very high. I can tell that he had endured countless fights in his time' Looking at Kyran who raised to his feet again, still with his stoic expression while Dorlus was reduced to the ground with wounds, a frown came decorating Dorlus' face.

Resoluteness crossed his eyes as he stood back up again, his expression turned serious.

'Something is off about him. He's strong... I need to take him seriously'VIsiT n0(v)eLb(i)(n).com for the best novel reading experience