Chapter 1063 A Fight of the Era (2)

Chapter 1063 A Fight of the Era (2)

Looking down at the battlefield, Rex could see the Field Spells were being made.

In mere moments, fissures began to tear through the earth—their jagged edges pulsating like blood vessels with an ominous crimson glow. Naturally, it started from the earth beneath the main Enchanter, Carmilla, and widened, suffusing with a deep vibrant red hue.

From these ruptures emerged pools of shimmering scarlet liquid, scattered across the field.

Each throbbed with strong ancient blood energy, the Pristine Blood Energy of the Vampires.

A higher version of the normal blood energy, reserved only for the strong.

Root-like tendrils extended from these blood pools, spreading across the battlefield akin to twisted veins. In each passing moment, Rex could evidently feel the air grow heavy with the essence of Vampiric power, and the Vampires, attuned to this dark magic, found themselves invigorated by the surging blood energy.

Under the onlookers' eyes, their armor started to bleed as if they were alive.

Gradually, the entirety of the Vampire soldiers was covered by a cascade of running blood, turning them into a ghost-like being, the state of being borrowed from the Blood Realm, the very source of Carmilla's power.

Such an unfathomable change was surprising even for Rex.

It's beyond my power... An enchanting spell from Carmilla turned even the barely sixth-rank realm Vampires to the peak of the seventh-rank realm. A double in power, no... their power tripled from her Field Spell alone.

Earlier during the briefing, he was told about this Field Spell each race possesses.

Rex was skeptical at first, the prospect of turning a barely sixth-rank realm entity into that of a peak of the seventh-rank realm is definitely an exaggeration. Even the Ruler's Blessing, the inherent formation of Dargena City could barely push a sixth-rank realm to the next realm.

Knowing that the items from the System are very strong, he didn't believe this Field Spell.

But now, he could see that he stands corrected.

No wonder the Elders only view me, not my forces as a threat.

Meeting with the Elders multiple times already, especially Elder Tilrith, Rex could sense that it was him that they were wary of. He could feel that the Elders didn't consider his forces, such a thing is odd for Rex.

Having pride in the residents of Dargena City, he thought that the Elders were too prideful.

Just like the Executor, their age made them underestimate his forces.

As it turns out, it was he who was too prideful because of the System—with the Field Spell that Carmilla used, the Vampire Kingdom would be able to absolutely destroy Dargena City. His presence was the only thing putting pressure on other forces.

It was then that his attention was pulled to the other side, to the Demon Army.

Demon Enchanters began their dark rituals and summon their own Field Spell.

Each one of them spoke the language of the neverborn, unclear to the living or the dead but loud to the nightmarish creatures in the Unspoken Realm. Similarly, fissures split the ground, belching forth rivers of molten lava that seethed and hissed.

A Field Spell of the Demon, capable of painting the earth in shades of fiery crimson and blue.

Under the relentless heat, the horizon warped into a hazy mirage of swirling heat waves, that served the purpose of summoning a sinister pentagram mark upon the skin of every Demon present—glowing with a malevolent glow that mirrored the flames licking at the landscape.

Not losing to the Vampire, the Demons also grew more powerful.

It was evident from their growing bodies.

Also, the effect it caused on the Demons varies depending on if it's the blue or red Demons. Alll latest novels at

Rex observed from above the Red Demons' demon core, deep within their bodies erupted—unleashing chains of molten metal that intertwine together, forming towering behemoths of writhing, fiery Demon.

Some are a combination of two Red Demons, while others are a combination of up to five.



Despite the natural menacing appearances that the Demons have, this new breed of Demon—bounded by the Field Spell power was even more terrifying. Multiple limbs and heads, but it was not the worst, as the worst was that their demonic energy tripled.

It strengthens their physical prowess to a horrifying degree—an absolute unit of physicality.

On the other hand, the Blue Demons' forms compacted and hardened.

Having armor-like skin, akin to exoskeletons is already an unfathomable advantage against any other race, but now, that advantage becomes even stronger. Despite their ability was focus on spells, they were now also impervious to physical harm.

Just from the density of their armor-like skin, killing them would be a hassle.

One of them managed to come surprising him from his six and hitting him on the back.

Upon landing the attack, Rex grunted and got tossed rolling away in the sky as a laser was shot at him from point-blank range. It scorched the surface of his skin, indicating that the laser's potency must've been able to injure even the peak of the seventh-rank realm.

Since the First Breath is still thick, his physique degrades substantially.

In the normal form, his endurance stat was around the mid of the seventh-rank realm.

Gritting his teeth, he abruptly arrested the force of the push and extended his acute senses across the sky. Swiveling around, he discovered a barrage of not just skypears, but also the roaring-seeking missiles hurtling towards him.

Knowing that his elemental prowess was not enough, Rex flexed his muscles and growled.

"Symbol of Lightning!"

Immediately, his body was invigorated with the power of black lightning.



Like a lightning ghost, he started moving even faster in the sky, piercing the air and dodging each lethal attack sent toward him. Explosions rumbled in the sky, creating a breath-taking scenery of destruction and war.

Rotating his body in a spiral, he managed to dodge all of them with his insane reflex.

Moreover, in each dodge, he also launched a counter-attack.

Every single one of the skyspears was destroyed with a cleave of the Amuerus Katana.

Since there were two pilots inside the skyspears, each destruction stimulated the icy power of the Amuerus Katana, making it sturdier through the Gem of Frost. Rex danced amidst the jets—eyes darting left and right in a quick manner and sent forth a black lightning strike from his fingertips.

He uses one of his very first spells, Lightning Salvo spell to mark the skyspears.

In quick succession, he followed with the Mystic Shock spell, messing with their machines.

A dazzling display of aerial fight that he never thought he would be doing in his entire life, as there were little to no Supernaturals that preferred to fight in the sky. Messed by the fight—the sky became a canvas for their aerial ballet, a dizzying spectacle.

Throwing his weapon skywards, Rex grabbed two skyspears and slammed them together.



Catching the Amuerus Katana, his eyes violently crack with lightning.

He could see that the Supernatural army and the Human Army already clashed while he was busy dealing with the aerial attacks. Due to that, he was going to try and blur the formation of the opposing army.


Pointing at the sky, Rex summoned thunderclouds that instantly shaded the sunlight.

Making a union with the strongest spirit above the sky, Rex had the ability to alter even the weather. Soon, lightning mana fueled the entire space of the battlefield before he began to chant one of his signature moves.

It may not give the strongest assault, but it has a very wide range of attack.

"Devo, pour me all of your strength into this..."

As he spoke, his body gradually was enveloped by a crackling armor of lightning and golden chains could be seen coiled around his wrists. He activated his black-lighting Gladiator Form, causing the lightning around him to become even more frenzied.


Responding to Rex's influence, the sky began to rumble thunderously.

Looming above, Rex raised his weapon, summoning a multitude of ominous black dots that materialized gradually within the thunderclouds. It was the precursor to his formidable spell, the Sky Rupture Assortment spell with a horrifying scale of attack.

Akin to the God of the Sky was going to rain down divine punishment to those below.

I know that all lightning strikes I'm going to summon will not hit their mark, but I'm sure that even the Executor wouldn't be able to block them all. Even if just one or two lands, it should be enough to disorient a portion of the Human Army.

Nodding his head, Rex prepared to launch his spell before he was interrupted.

But it was then, his heart thumped once hard abruptly.

Looking down at the Human Army from above, he gritted his teeth, "I need to do this..."