Chapter 1068 Perpetual Onslaught

Chapter 1068 Perpetual Onslaught

Deep within the enemy's ranks, Brigitta was on a rampage—cutting many Supernaturals akin to a big boulder, suffocating a river stream. She was shining with radiant power, a symbol of hope for the Human Army watching from the other side.

Just like the older generations of Supernaturals, they also have monsters on their side.

Her presence increases the morale of the Human Army.

But in a split second, faster than the eyes can see, her radiance was vanquished completely.

None of those who paid attention knew what had happened to her.

Refocusing her eyes to the Vampire who was clasping her face tightly, she could see that it was a very old Vampire adorned in regal clothing that showcased his ancient aristocracy. A Vampire that didn't entertain any emotions or the sort.

It was obvious, judging from his reaction alone that he had gone through a lot in his life.

His skin, an alabaster pallor, seemed to drink in the scant light.

Unlike the Vampires of the new era, he assumed a form of sheer hunched monstrosity.

Some features that stood out were his twin peaks of ears, and his hands that ended in talons that could rend flesh from bone adorned with rings crafted from the bones of ancient beasts—an appearance adorned only to the third generations of Vampires.

He is Lord Marcus of the Blackwood Aristrocat Family.

Enraged to be manhandled by Lord Marcus, Brigitta's eyes glowed bright green.


A powerful blast exploded from her body, forcing Lord Marcus to leap a distance away.

Composed, he stood with his hands discreetly tucked within the billowing folds of his loose sleeves, fingers intertwined in a subtle display of restraint. His manner was that of a saint—graceful and fluid.

Brigitta looked at his demeanor and got riled up further, her anger burning like a flame.

Gaining a boost of power from the Executor, she will not expect to lose to anyone aside from probably Rex who was assumed to be on-par or even close to the Executor. Other than that, she will not accept defeat.

'He's only a pion, I should be stronger than him!' Brigitt exclaimed inwardly.

Seeing the symbol of a pion on Lord Marcus' neck, she presumed that he must be weak.

A pion is the weakest member of a Vampire Family.

Lowering her stance with her longsword poised, she surged forward, attempting to strike the Vampire before her. But as she prepared to institute the attack, Lord Marcus suddenly pulled out his hand and flicked his fingers.



It was only then that Brigitta halted in her tracks, her body stiffening against her will.

Peering down at her body, she found four slender threads made entirely of blood energy had ensnared her completely, making her unable to move from her spot. She could feel each one of the threads gripping her limbs tightly with an iron grip that refused to yield.

Upon realizing that she's trapped, Brigitta tries to force her way out.

But her attempt was futile, it only caused her skin to break and ooze blood instead.

"Once again, you overestimate yourself, Human," Lord Marcus shook his head in disapproval, he could tell clearly that Brigitta was underestimating him because of him being a pion. Had she not done that then she would be more aware of her surroundings. "I may be a pion, but that doesn't mean I'm weak"

"Don't think that you could reach the esteemed, Madam Carmilla alone" He added firmly.

Even throughout the exchange, his expression was still stoic.

Managing to stop Brigitta's momentum stirred nothing inside of him, it was normal for him.

However, at the next second, a powerful torrent of energy blasted out of him.

A thick Pristine Blood Energy came out of Lord Marcus' body, pressuring Brigitta strongly.

It was only then that Brigitta realized what she had mistaken for a sheep was, in fact, a wolf disguised in sheep's clothing. The abundance of Pristine Blood Energy he had shocked her, contrary to his unassuming facade, Lord Marcus was extremely powerful.

"Take it seriously young Human, or you'll die here," He warned with a deadly tone.

Meanwhile, the appearance of Lisnguanx riled the entire battlefield.

Rex was grinning maniacally at the prospect of taking down Lisnguanx, showing evidently to the Executor that allowing Lisnguanx to fight him was a mistake. Crushing Lisnguanx would serve as a stark reminder that underestimating him was a grave error.

However, in the following second, their expressions are ashen.


One hit from the blood shard made the barrier they conjured tremble uncontrollably.


The second blow inflicted a sizable crack upon the barrier, allowing a torrent of energy from the impact to breach through, forcefully displacing military vehicles. It was obvious that the barrier was not going to last long.

At least, not as long as the five Cessation Knight commanders were expecting.



At the third hit, the entire barrier shattered and sent the commanders flying away.

Despite successfully blocking three blood shards amplified by Rex's red force, two remained unhindered in their path. Like a relentless tide, they surged on a freeway and wreaked havoc upon the Human Army with devastating consequences.

"Watch ou-argghh!!"


Since nothing was getting in the way of them, hundreds died.

Each military vehicle struck felt the merciless wrath of the blood shards, even their thick and plated armor was nothing in front of the two remaining blood shards as they pierced through with ease, detonating the entire vehicle in a big explosion.

An invincible shard, rendering even the most fortified defenses futile in their wake.

Not stopping at that, Rex dived into the middle of the Human Army.


Killing against his own will, he lets out a thunderous roar, casting the Alpha Bearing skill and forcing all those who met his gaze to kneel on the ground. Only a selected few were able to stand, while the others couldn't move.

His mental stat was paramount compared to these normal people in military uniforms.

Following that was a total massacre.

Rex draws liters of blood everywhere he goes.

Though to onlookers it may have appeared as though he were mercilessly massacring them, his true intent lay elsewhere. Rather than killing them with one swing, he strategically inflicts fatal wounds before he uses the Drain Touch spell to suck the Life Essence out of them.

All Life Essences were immediately absorbed by his cursed source.

During this onslaught, he was also channeling the absorbed Life Essence properly.

It was already the size of a soccer ball and growing, getting closer to the next epiphany.

On top of that, the death he inflicted on those who succumbed to death first before he could use the Drain Touch spell got absorbed by the Amuerus Katana. The Gem of Frost is already glowing brightly, forging the blade to become stronger.

Rex was exerting his expert ability of multi-tasking, a skill very few people could do.

Just as he was going through this perpetual onslaught with the Amuerus Katana, his senses suddenly picked up a quickly approaching hostile figure coming from the side. True enough, he could see Lisnguanx heading towards him.

Even though the Demons and Vampires were still attacking, it went over to Rex.

It probably knows that Rex is the main target to kill.

Suddenly, the battlefield was dyed in a purple hue when Lisnguanx lifted its wicked halberd.

Upon seeing this, Rex could feel his senses were alerting him of danger.

So much energy, I need to use my King Marks if I want to meet this attack head-on.

Although he was unparalleled in the new era, even without relying on his King Marks, Rex still remained grounded in reality—knowing better than to become complacent. Rex understood that he would need to push himself a little bit further, calculating from the energy Lisnguanx was emitting.

But as he was about to do that, a notification suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

<The user is inflicted with Pain Utopia!>

<All stats have been increased by 20% at the cost of excruciating pain during the effect>

"Hmm...? Pain Utopia?" Rex muttered out loud in confusion.