Chapter 1076 My Superhero

Chapter 1076 My Superhero

Rex got blasted by the unforgiving torrent of chaos energy.

Each strand of chaos tore through his armor like paper, leaving him exposed and vulnerable.

His senses, dulled by the overwhelming assault, betrayed him.

From the lens of Rex's eyes, the world seemed to spin, a typhoon of pain and confusion that threatened to consume him whole. A persistent ringing echoed in his ears, drowning out the dissonance of cheers around him.

Alongside the ringing sounds were the warning notifications that kept on appearing.

It was all written in red—reflecting the dire situation.

But even then, there was no help, it was only warning him of the impending death.

What happened? Did I get hit...?

Seeing through eyes blurred by tears and blood, Rex struggled to make sense of everything.

His senses were already numb, and each breath came very hard and ragged, a sharp sting followed each of his breath, a harsh reminder of the fragile thread that bound him to life. It was certain that his body suffered greatly from the attack.

Even with an attempt to move, Rex couldn't—he found it extremely hard to move his body.

I miscalculated... the Ice and Snow Princess is still not here, and the Executor is too strong.

A relentless amount of agony crushed his spirit even though his body remained standing. His vision was slowly being swallowed by darkness that sought to claim him—and each exhale of his zapped more and more strength out of him.

Responding to his waning consciousness, his heart rate began to slow down.

Rex could feel all hope seemed to be lost.

Only when he felt that his body was about to fall that Rex realize what was happening.

Gathering every ounce of strength he could muster, he defied the will to fall—clinging with a tenacity born of desperation. In a frenzied, yet weak manner—Rex grabbed his weapons and charged forward even though his speed was inconsequential.

He was very slow, like a normal human.

Upon seeing this, the Executor descends back down with a slightly annoyed expression.

It was hard to believe that Rex was still wanting to fight.

Reaching the Executor's front, he swung the Amuerus Katana with everything he had.



Easily, his attack was parried by the Executor, sending the Amuerus Katana flying away.

Following that, Rex got punched in the face squarely.

Just from the sheer force of the raw punch, imbued with nothing but the Executor's strength—Rex got slammed to the ground and bounced off of it. He screeched meters away, his own body slumped weakly on the ground.

"Garrghh!" He spat out a mouthful of blood, grimacing in pain, then expelled a tooth to the side.

Despite the pain he was going through could be felt directly by the spectators—his senses were too numb to feel anything. Rex could only feel his body becoming heavier and heavier by the second as he lost so much blood already.

Inside his head, there was a voice calling out to him.

But even the voice inside his head was muffled, Rex could only hear his own thoughts.

Not yet... I can still fight.

Struggling to rise to his feet again—disregarding the pain his body was going through right now that made his entire frame trembling, Rex dragged the Blood Devourer, which now felt as heavy as an anchor, back towards the Executor.

Garnering the little strength he had left, he lifted the Blood Devourer and attacked again.

Once again, the Executor blocked it and slapped the weapon away.

Now that he was weaponless, Rex proceeded to use his fist and swung for a punch.

"That's enough..." the Executor's heavy voice resounded.



Upon hearing this, Rex's eyes widened a little before he shook his head—smiling inwardly.

Naturally—he remembered telling the new mayor of Lountain City and also her bodyguard to groom Nadia as he had given her a lightning affinity. It was his sole request, and it appeared they had groomed her well for her to reach this state.

Defying his expectations, Nadia was a fourth-rank realm Lightning Elementalist.

She could be considered a genius even if she was brought to Ratmawati City.

A moment later, the two sat on a bench on the town square.

"Mister, aren't you supposed to be fighting?" Nadia asked, tilting her head curiously.

Even though she was only a little kid, now knowing that she has standing—it was not quite surprising to find that she knew about the fight against the Executor, "No, I'm nothing more than a lunar clone to watch over the city,"

"Right, that's so like you mister," Nadia giggled sweetly, seemingly expecting the answer.

Looking at her with interest, the lunar clone asked, "What do you mean so like me?"

"You always fight against injustice and protect others who need it! You are very cool because of that, mister!" Nadia exclaimed, praising his name. "I always wanted to meet you again, but it's hard to do. But I know that if I aspire to be like you—to be strong and never give up—one day, I will meet you again!"

"Now, look! We're sitting side by side," She added and hummed cheerfully.

Upon hearing this, the lunar clone was stunned.

A mix of emotions surged inside of him.

Never in Rex's recollection had he imagined that someone so innocent would look up to him, and aspire to be like him. He never once thought that he would leave a substantial imprint on the lives of others.

Rex's hands were full of blood, he lived to protect those close to him.

But inadvertently, there are also others who view him very highly—others like Nadia.

"Oh-!" As he was trapped inside the confines of his mind, Nadia suddenly rummaged into her pocket and retrieved something—a small pouch. It was the one Rex had given her long ago—the one he used to store the lightning affinity he gave for her.

Contrary to back then, the small pouch was now adorned with colorful cloth and cute pins.

However, the lunar clone's eyes were fixed onto a decorative pin at the center.

"This...?" He pointed at the decorative pin.

Realizing what the lunar clone was pointing at, Nadia offered an embarrassed smile.

"I found out Mister's full name not too long ago, and I put the pin there to always remind you," She replied, peeking out from behind the small pouch. There was an evident silver star pin at the center. "Why did you have to notice it, Mister? I'm shy..."

Upon hearing this, the lunar clone was stunned but he didn't have the time to process it.

Suddenly, Nadia rose up from the bench and stood in front of him.

Disregarding the onlookers' gaze—she bowed her small body deeply toward Rex and handed over a black handmade plush toy that took the shape of a wolf. Its eyes were two sunlit gems that emanated a sliver of mana, showcasing that they were magical gems.

It was a gesture that completely caught the lunar clone off guard.

"Please accept this, Mister," Nadia said pleadingly, holding out the wolf plush toy. "I know it's not much, but I've always wanted to properly thank you for saving the elders—gifting me the chance to become an Awakened, and providing us a home that you're willing to fight for,"

"Even though I heard the rumors that you are a Supernatural, a Werewolf, I never once think of you differently," Her expression then turns annoyed. "I know that people are saying many bad things about you, but I never doubted you,"

Lifting her head with the same bright smile, she continued with words that struck the heart.

"So don't wear that gloomy expression because as long as you are around I feel the safest"

"For me, Mister... you will always be my superhero!"

Just as he heard this, the lunar clone reached out his hand to accept the gift gently.

His expression darkens as he holds the plush toy with his trembling hand.

Pausing for a second, he quickly rubbed Nadia on the head, blooming the smile on her face.

Although he seemed to do it out of the sway of the moment, the lunar clone did that to hide his unsightly expression—on the brink of tearing up. Desperately trying to hide the turmoil of emotions inside, he stood up with his hand still rubbing Nadia's head.

Her silky hair was pleasant to touch, seemingly magical, giving him strength.

"Thank you, Nadia..." the lunar clone suddenly said. "For those undeserving kind words,"

Only a few seconds passed, and Nadia suddenly felt the weight was lifted.

Upon sensing that the warmth on her head was gone, she lifted her head up and found that the lunar clone was already gone—dissipating into traces of sparkling and beautiful essence, going back to its source.