Chapter 1084 Trouble for the Trusted Left Hand

Chapter 1084 Trouble for the Trusted Left Hand

Moments earlier, Ryze was surprised to see Kyran was awakened from his slumber.

He distinctively remembers that when he departed from Dargena City alongside the alliance army, Kyran was still in slumber. It was obvious that Kyran was not going to be participating in the big fight that would determine the course of the future.

But here Kyran was, reaching Brigitta and the Horsemen of Chaos.

Additionally, he was obviously stronger than before.

Judging from the fact that he was able to bypass the formations of the Human Army before managing to imprint a mark that weakened the opposing army-it was clear as day that he had gotten stronger.

Even in slumber, he was still improving rapidly.

Such was the competitive space around the Silverstar Pack, a leading force in the new era.

At the sight of this, Ryze felt his heart thumping rapidly.

Rex had used Kyran many times as an example for Ryze to aspire to become.

Despite the fact that Kyran was a little bit older than him-the two of them are undoubtedly still kids compared to the others. But even then-Kyran proved to be more mature than the people around his age should be.

Or at the very least, in Ryze's eyes, he seemed reliable and mature.

As proof, Kyran was even able to stall the Executor and work together with Flunra perfectly.

It was true that Ryze took pride in managing to deliver a motivating speech and managing to take over the responsibility of leading the alliance army, but that feat paled in comparison to what Kyran was doing right now.

Unconsciously, Ryze wanted to stand out more than Kyran.

He wanted to show to the others, especially Rex, that he was also a key player in this fight.


Responding to his prideful emotions, his draconic bloodline was stimulated.

1084 Trouble for the Trusted Left Hand

Moments earlier, Ryze was surprised to see Kyran was awakened from his slumber.

He distinctively remembers that when he departed from Dargena City alongside the alliance army, Kyran was still in slumber. It was obvious that Kyran was not going to be participating in the big fight that would determine the course of the future.

But here Kyran was, reaching Brigitta and the Horsemen of Chaos.

Additionally, he was obviously stronger than before.

Judging from the fact that he was able to bypass the formations of the Human Army before managing to imprint a mark that weakened the opposing army-it was clear as day that he had gotten stronger.

Even in slumber, he was still improving rapidly.

Such was the competitive space around the Silverstar Pack, a leading force in the new era.

At the sight of this, Ryze felt his heart thumping rapidly.

Rex had used Kyran many times as an example for Ryze to aspire to become.

Despite the fact that Kyran was a little bit older than him-the two of them are undoubtedly still kids compared to the others. But even then-Kyran proved to be more mature than the people around his age should be.

Or at the very least, in Ryze's eyes, he seemed reliable and mature.

As proof, Kyran was even able to stall the Executor and work together with Flunra perfectly.

It was true that Ryze took pride in managing to deliver a motivating speech and managing to take over the responsibility of leading the alliance army, but that feat paled in comparison to what Kyran was doing right now.

Unconsciously, Ryze wanted to stand out more than Kyran.

He wanted to show to the others, especially Rex, that he was also a key player in this fight.


Responding to his prideful emotions, his draconic bloodline was stimulated.

Only then that Brigitta's eyes widen as she pivoted around.

Finding that Ryze was reaching out his claws towards her, Brigitta raised her longsword with the intention of blocking the charge. She also managed to conjure one defensive spell which summoned an aegis made from a mix of spirit energy and arcane mana.

It was a Pneuma Spell, a defensive Pneuma Spell.


As time dilated, Brigitta sucked in a cold breath when she saw the aegis shatter.

Even though she was confident in her defensive Pneuma Spell, it couldn't resist Ryze's might as the aegis shattered into a million fragments of energy. Not even reducing the momentum, at least not substantially, Ryze pressed on.


Just like that, Brigitta had her longsword fly into the air and stabbed the ground behind her.

It got knocked from the firm grip of her hands.

'My longsword is made of pure silver, and he's unfazed?! Brigitta exclaimed in


She could see that Ryze's draconic claws crackling with heat, not from his own flames-from other sources instead. He was influenced by the pure silver, but even then, Ryze showed not a single sign of relenting.

Despite the pain and poison from the pure silver, he pressed on with his

willpower only.

Backflipping back to dodge a swipe, Brigitta charged back at him.


Not wanting to lose out on Ryze's aggression, she locked hands with him in a power struggle.

"I'll be gracious since you're still a kid" Brigitta taunted-resisting Ryze's monstrous strength firmly. "Consider joining me one more time before it's too late for you. Despite the forces you have rallied to help Rex, he would not win. Our victory is still imminent. If I were you, I'd make the smartest decision to change sides while I still can"

Despite knowing that Ryze would not accept, she still extended an offer.


As the flame grazed the tip of Brigitta's fingers, a mere ember at first, it swiftly

erupted into a blazing inferno-engulfing her in searing agony within moments, prompting a pained grunt to escape her lips.

Even her Gladiator Form couldn't resist fully Ryze's absolute flames.

"I'll make sure you regret doing it," Ryze whispered again. One fatal mistake was made as Brigitta-infatuated by her new corrupted wind

elements-forgot that she was fighting someone capable of controlling fire, absolute fire nevertheless which was a natural counter to her.

Her corruption made her wind elements stronger, but it was still wind in


It takes only a flicker of fire to make her own elements betray her. Not wasting the opportunity from Brigitta's carelessness, Ryze unfurled his

wings and lifted her up moderately high. With a powerful shove, he drove his horns forward-delivering one resounding head-butt that sent Brigitta hurtling towards the earth.

A crater was created from the formidable impact.

She could see his deep crimson flames crawling on his arms, heading towards

his hands.

Looking at this, a frown crept into her countenance.

Contrary to her, Ryze was looking at her with profound intensity, "Don't treat

me like a kid..."

Upon hearing this-Brigitta could only click her tongue in displeasure and tried

to withdraw her hands, knowing full well what Ryze was aiming for. But, to her astonishment, she found herself hitting face-first into another problem as she was unable to break free.

Regardless of how hard she tried to pull her hands back, she couldn't. Her hands were tightly gripped by Ryze's iron hands. "Especially since I'm a dragon," Ryze added before he controlled his flames

toward Brigitta.



As the flame grazed the tip of Brigitta's fingers, a mere ember at first, it swiftly

erupted into a blazing inferno-engulfing her in searing agony within moments, prompting a pained grunt to escape her lips.

Even her Gladiator Form couldn't resist fully Ryze's absolute flames.

"I'll make sure you regret doing it," Ryze whispered again. One fatal mistake was made as Brigitta-infatuated by her new corrupted wind

elements-forgot that she was fighting someone capable of controlling fire, absolute fire nevertheless which was a natural counter to her.

Her corruption made her wind elements stronger, but it was still wind in nature.

It takes only a flicker of fire to make her own elements betray her. Not wasting the opportunity from Brigitta's carelessness, Ryze unfurled his

wings and lifted her up moderately high. With a powerful shove, he drove his horns forward-delivering one resounding head-butt that sent Brigitta hurtling towards the earth.

A crater was created from the formidable impact. Showing no mercy towards Brigitta, fueled by the anger from her ridicule-

Ryze drowned her entire form with his fire breath. He did it so quickly that Brigitta was late to react, and she got scorched asunder by the flames. Her scream of pain resounded as she propelled herself outside with a blast of


Emerging from the flames, Brigitta's condition was unsightly. But despite the damage she endured, the chaos energy began a rapid regeneration process, quickly mending her wounds. Paying no heed to Ryze looming behind her-Brigitta fixed her gaze ahead and propelled herself forward with a blast of wind.

She made a quick dash towards her pressing targets.


Meanwhile, Adhara saw her advancement towards them and quickly moved to


Activating her Blood Moon Herald Mark, she charged straight at Brigitta.


A powerful explosion was created from their collision, and it was obvious that

Adhara lost in terms of power to Brigitta as she got pushed back. But then out of nowhere she chanted a spell that sent danger signals to Brigitta. Seeing a fiery roundhouse kick, Brigitta raised her arms to block the attack in


But this exchange gave Calidora the time to close into Gistella. However, leveraging on her corrupted wind elements, Brigitta moves even

faster and reaches Calidora in the blink of an eye. Her fist hurtled towards Calidora, only to be met by the sturdy barrier of Calidora's crossed arms.

Additionally, Gistella also helped Calidora, creating a protective shield for the attack.

Even though she was trapped, she could still help the fight.

In quick succession, Brigitta went for another punch but she made eye contact

with Calidora.


A sudden daze infiltrated her mind when she gazed into Calidora's eyes.

Just when she recovered from the daze-Brigitta caught sight of Adhara

managing to reach Gistella's cage and kicked it in the Supernatural Army's direction. She was smiling at Brigitta as she did this. Under natural chemistry, Adhara and Calidora perfectly worked together in this


Easily, the two make a fool of Brigitta's attempt to stop them.