◇ ◇

A brown-haired boy less than ten years old and a black-haired boy about the same age were fighting each other with wooden swords.

Their fight was so fierce that you could hardly imagine it was a battle between children. 

When the brown-haired boy swung his sword, the ground was gouged by the impact, and when their wooden swords clashed with each other, that alone was enough to generate a gust of wind around them.

It was obvious to anyone looking that the boy with brown hair had the upper hand.

But though you might think it was only a matter of time before the battle was settled, the black-haired boy was able to just hang on.

“As expected of a Hero. Even the prodigy can’t stand up to him anymore.”

“That’s right. The prodigy, who used to grow at a fearsome rate, is now the same level as an ordinary person. After all, it will be the Hero Oliver who will fulfil our long-cherished dream.” 

“Yeah. Though speaking of which, that prodigy can can at least be the shield of the Hero.”

A short distance away, a few adults were conversing while watching the battle as the two boys finally concluded their match. 

The black-haired boy was lying back on the ground, while the brown-haired boy was gasping for breath, pointing his blade at the black-haired boy.

“Haa…… haa…… haa……”

“Oh no, I lost. I can’t beat Oliver anymore. Hahaha……”

“–su! Why can’t you get serious, Orn! You’re not supposed to be like this! You were way more awesome before!”

“……You’re exaggerating. That was….. all I could do. I might used to be better than you, but you grew up and overtook me, that’s all. There’s no way I could beat you, genius.”

“I don’t believe that! I still don’t think I’ve beaten you! Someday I’m going to beat you when you’re actually serious!!”

“But I just said I was serious…..”

“Shut up! Watch me. I’ll make you get serious!”

The brown-haired boy called Oliver declared, turned his back on the black-haired boy called Orn and walked off somewhere.

‘……………… I hope that chance never comes. I don’t — I don’t want to kill you….. I’ll hate it if you…… die because of me…….”

While watching Oliver’s back, Orn muttered softly without Oliver hearing him.

◇ ◇

“Mistress Zion, it is time for you to head back.”

Someone who looked like a maid called out to the silver-haired girl who was watching them fight at a separate location from the adults.

“Mm, okay. Then I’m going to say hi to Orn.”

“Understood. We will prepare the carriage for you.”

A silver-haired girl called Zion went over to Orn, still lying on the ground.

“Orn, good work. That was unfortunate.”

“Zion? You were here, huh. Sorry I showed you something lame.”

Orn got up with an uncomfortable look.

“No way. It was cool, okay? Besides, I know what you’re really capable of.”

“What I’m really capable of, right now…. this is all I’m capable of.” 

“But that’s–“

“Yeah. It’s because my heart was weak and I couldn’t handle the looks of fear from those around me, so I cried out. So in the end….. Oliver has to carry…… the burden… That’s why I’ll also help share–“

“I won’t let you be alone!”


“I’ll be strong enough to stand next to you! To defeat ■■ together! Because just like you, I’m also a ■■■■. I’ll always be with Orn! Even if you go far away, I’ll definitely catch up to you! So don’t do everything by yourself…….”

Orn stared blankly in response to Zion’s words, but his face gradually started to blush, his eyes began to moisten.

“It’s about time for you to go, right, Zion? I’ll walk you to your carriage.” 

Orn turned his back to Zion and walked toward the carriage while speaking quickly.

“Ah, wait! ……Eh? Hey, Orn? Are you crying because you’re too happy~?”

“Of course not. You can’t make fun of me until you catch up with…… me when I’m serious.”

“Hmm~?  Wasn’t the fight before all you could do? Then I’ve already caught up to you~”

“Guh…… Don’t twist my words.”


While chatting happily, the two of them walked toward where the carriage was stopped.

When they arrived at the carriage, Zion turned and looked firmly at Orn’s face.

“I know it sounded like I was joking earlier, but I’m serious. I’m serious about catching up to you. So for now, be my guide. Someday, I’ll show you that we’ll be able to walk there shoulder to shoulder!”

“……Got it. Don’t get lost, okay?

“I won’t get lost. My sense of direction isn’t bad. –Okay then, see you later, Orn.”

“Yeah, see you later, Zion.”

Zion finished what she had to say, turned and got into the carriage.

“Well then, Master Orn, we will take our leave.”

“Alright. Take care on your way.”

Finally, the maid bowed to Orn, entered the carriage, and the carriage started to move.

“Orn~, byebye!”

“Mistress Zion! That’s improper!”

Zion ignored the maid’s criticism, peeked her head out of the carriage, and waved her hand widely toward Orn.

Orn followed suit, sending her off with a big wave. 

A few hours later, all that was left of the place were the remains of a fierce battle. 

And all the people who were present–

◇ ◇ ◇

With the sunlight streaming in through the window onto my face, I wake up.

I sit up and stretch.

“–I slept well. Is it almost noon? I haven’t slept this much in a long time…….”

Today is the first day of Thanksgiving.

Since the work I had so far came to an end yesterday, and since I had the whole day free today, I indulged in a bit of idleness.

I don’t have anything special to do, but since I’m thinking of grabbing something to eat, I dress myself and leave the room.

◇ ◇ 

“Ah, Orn, hello.”

Someone calls me at the entrance of the building.

I look in their direction and see Sophie.

“Sophie, hello. Are you going somewhere now?”

“Yes. Today my job is to support the ‘Moon Teasing Pavilion’, so I’m on my way there.”

Moon Teasing Pavilion is a restaurant run by “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”.

During Thanksgiving, there are more customers than usual, so the explorers who can spare time go there to support the restaurant.

Incidentally, the place where Sophie and I dined when we first met was this Moon Teasing Pavilion.

“I see. I don’t have any special plans, and I’ve got some time so I’ll drop you off there.”

“Oh, oh no! You don’t have to send–“

“I’ve heard there are a lot of people around now, so just to avoid any unnecessary trouble, right?”

In the past few days, there have apparently been a number of child abductions in this city.

I’ve been told that all the victims are under ten years old, so I think Sophie will be fine, but even so, Sophie is cute and could get tangled up with some strange guy.

I can’t protect her all the time, but I’d like to at least keep pests away when I can.

“……T, then, is it okay, if I count on you…..?”

“Alright, then, let’s get going.”

“There’s really, a lot more people right now…..”

“Right. It’s my first time seeing a place this packed with people.

I had heard about it, but I didn’t think it’d be this much…….

Having to face this many people all the time seems like it’s going to make me feel sick…….

I guess I’ll have to take breaks from time to time while looking around the city.

“Is this, your first time?”

Sophia asks me with a puzzled look.

“Yeah, when I was in the Hero Party, I never walked around the city during the day. I’ve heard about it, but this is the first time I’ve actually seen it. To be honest, I didn’t think it’d be this much……”

“Oh. This happens every yeah, so I thought for sure you would be used to it.”

I’ve been in this city for nearly a decade, so it’s only natural to think like that.

If I were in Sohpie’s position, I’d think the same. 

“There’s even people drinking during the day, it’s quite peaceful…….”

Although I say it’s peaceful, there will probably be some trouble with this many people gathering.

However, since measures such as increasing the number of troops stationed here, as long as nothing really bad happens, it should be fine. 

In addition, some explorers from major Clans are also contributing to maintaining public security.

From our side, Will and Anson should also still be patrolling now.

“……Is alcohol tasty?”

“Hmm, I like to drink while talking with people, but the alcohol itself is neither good nor bad, so I rarely drink alone I guess. Are you interested in alcohol?”

“Yeah. I think like anyone else. I’m curious about how it tastes.”

In this country, a person is considered an adult from the age of 15, and it’s also from the age of 15 that they can drink alcohol.

By the way, in other countries, your age doesn’t change until the day of your birth, but in this country, you get older the moment you reach your birth month.

For example, if someone’s birthday is on April 15, their age changes on April 1 in this country.

Sophie is currently 14 years old.

In other words, she’ll be able to drink during her next birth month. 

Sophie’s birthday is in December, if I’m not wrong, so there’s six months to go.

“When December comes, you can get Selma to take you. I’ve heard that Selma sometimes goes to bars on her own, so I’m sure she’ll know a lot about it.”

“…………You remember my birthday month?”

Sophie’s eyes widen and she looks very surprised.

“Even though it’s also part of the Clan policy, you’re my student. To a certain extent, I’m aware of your background information.”

“I see…… Sorry. I didn’t keep track of Orn’s birth month…….”

While saying that, her head turns down apologetically.

I don’t think you really need to worry about it……

“I just happened to remember it. There’s no rule that says you have to know the other person’s information once you become master and student, so don’t mind it.”

“Yes……. Um! May I know your birth month, Orn!?”

She approaches me with a serious face.

It’s a bit, too close…… When Sophie gets serious, she becomes oblivious to this. 

“My birthday month is June.”

“–Eh, June?”

When I inform her of my birthday month, Sophie flusters. 

“Yes, is there something wrong?”

“N, no! Nothing!”

It feels like she’s hiding something, but it doesn’t feel like she’s in trouble, so it doesn’t seem like something I need to purposely ask about. 

And so, we arrive at the back entrance of the Moon Teasing Pavilion.

“Thank you very much for sending me here, Orn!”

When I told her the month of my birthday, she looked like she was in a panic, but now she’s all back to normal.

Really, what’s this all about?

“You’re welcome. Well then, good luck with your work at the store.”

“Yes! I’m off!”

Sophie exclaims cheerfully and then heads into the store.

–Now, as originally planned, let’s have lunch while strolling around the city.

◇ ◇

Walking through the city randomly, I come to a street lined with stalls.

And delicious smells waft from everywhere.

Deciding to eat here, I look around the stalls and find a store selling grilled chicken skewers.

(Come to think of it, Grandpa did tell me the other day that it’s ‘stylish to walk around the city on Thanksgiving with skewers and beer’. I don’t feel like drinking, but I might want to try the skewers.)

Having chosen to buy some skewers, I quickly weave my way through the waves of people and head for the skewer stall.

As I get closer, the smell of charred skewer sauce intensifies, making me feel even more hungry.

Reaching a spot where I can see the owner, I see a black-haired girl in foreign clothing behind the counter.

Looks like they’re having some kind of conversation.

“I’ll be right back with the money. So just give me one first.”

“Miss, I’m not saying I don’t trust you, but we only do cash first. I’m sorry, but can’t you bring the money first?”

The rejected girl has a despondent air around her, with her head down as her stomach rumbles. 

……Though she’s as expressionless as ever. 

(It’s amazing how she can convey how depressed she is even though her face barely changes….. Wait, I mean, what’s she doing?)

In front of such a girl, the owner also looks awkward. 

There are people other than me who look like they want to buy skewers, but it’s hard to buy anything if there’s someone like that……

As I approach the owner, the girl confirms that it’s me and says “…..Orn?”

“Uncle, two skewers please.”

“O, oh. Three large copper coins.”

Ignoring the girl’s voice for the moment, I order two skewers from the owner, and the owner gives me a price despite his puzzlement. 

After handing over the three large copper coins as stated by the owner, I receive the skewers.

“Thank you very much. –Hey, for now, let’s get out of here.”

After thanking the owner, I hand one of the skewers to the black-haired girl next to me — Fuuka Shinonome — and tell her to go.