Think of the world as a piece of white paper, once mixed into the hearts of all people, that paper is not clean.

Let's talk about the practice.

How many years has this been?

These mortals know that if they practice according to their methods, the chance of becoming immortals is less than one in ten thousand, but they still rush forward one by one.

Can't you stop and reflect?

What is "extraordinary and free from vulgarity" and what is "cut off emotion and desire" Mo Ming also wondered, where did this come from?

Who taught these mortals?

If only one person and two people think so, that's OK, but the key is that the mortals in the whole world follow this principle. Isn't this nonsense?

It's hard to change one's heart, let alone the hearts of all the people in the world!

Mo Ming has always agreed with a saying: God can not save people, only themselves can save people.

Even if the gods are willing to save a person, but if a person's heart is not willing to accept, it is useless.

Mo Ming used to try to do the so-called "extradition" to guide a person, but it was useless

He wanted to teach people to fish, but those people only wanted fish

This is the mortal world, the mortal world.

If the world is distorted, it is up to the people in this world to make changes and correct all the mistakes themselves. Only then can there be hope.

Mo Ming saw the distortion of the world, but he didn't want to be the one to correct it.

Mo Ming this person is like this, in the bone has a "cheap" strength!

If he is not "cheap" for three days, he will feel uncomfortable.

Not only will he not stand up to help the world correct the distortion, but he will also set a trap around in this distortion, for nothing else, just to trap people.

For nothing else, just because of the pit, he felt comfortable!

He knew that in such a situation where all the people in the world blindly pursue the so-called cultivation strength, he would never get good results if he stood up himself!

Who is mo Ming?

A living for nearly 40 million years, he is too clear about people's hearts!

Even if a certain cognition is wrong, once everyone believes it, then don't try to overturn it.

There are so many things like this. When I was in heaven, I watched TV when I was free. I could often see such a plot.

What group of people are trapped in a narrow space with unexplained forces outside. Then one of them talks about it, and then with some coincidence, it looks like a miracle. Then a group of people with correct ideas immediately turn the rudder and follow the gods.

Although it was only played on TV, Mo Ming had no doubt about it.

The most unpredictable thing in the world is people's heart!

With the current trend of the world, if he stands up now, he will not be appreciated, but will be misunderstood.

Mo Ming would bet that if he jumped out and preached something about not practicing blindly, others would scoff at him and treat him as a fool!

Mo Ming is not such a person!

Mo Ming has always felt that he is a good man!

People don't like things, he absolutely do not do, such as this kind of thing, he jump out, others are not happy, then he will not jump out!

How to say this, in fact, according to the normal concept.

Immortals that is to guide people to good. You see, those immortals in the legend of the world mainly play two roles. One is the spiritual sustenance of mortals.

There are limits to human resources. When you encounter something that you can't handle, your spirit will inevitably be fragile. At this time, having a spiritual sustenance can be regarded as a little comfort.

For example, who's son is going to travel far away, what else can parents do in addition to expecting their children to come back safely?

I believe that with the help of gods, there can be spiritual sustenance and hope. If there are no gods, what can these old parents do?

In fact, they also know that there may not be gods in the world. Even if there are gods, they may not really protect them, but they are willing to believe.

It is not because of their innocence, nor because of their ignorance, but because of their spiritual sustenance.

It's not like that when children go out for a long journey, their parents are indifferent, or look forward to their children in a bad way?

For the most ordinary and ordinary mortals, the so-called God is actually a kind of people's expectation and yearning for a better life.

According to the general routine, there is a deviation in the thinking of all living beings in the world now, and without any accident, the world should eventually go to the end as before, and Mo Ming, as an immortal from the heaven, should do something about it.

However, Mo Ming didn't do it.

It is a pity that he did not lead these ignorant people to a more wrong way!You have to use a word to describe Mo Ming, that is "damage"!

Just like now, how miserable have these Yan's children been trapped by Mo Ming?

One wave after another, and one more wave after the other. The wool is almost plucked!

And the most ridiculous thing is, these people still have no way to deal with him!

It's ridiculous to say that before, these little gangsters hate Mo Ming and gnash their teeth, but now, are they not honestly following others to pay money to Mo Ming?

It's not to say that Mo Ming people are so bad, they can only say that they are very realistic!

These Yan's children are very realistic. Mo Ming is more realistic than them!

People live without money, but people can't live without money

Of course, Mo Ming is not stupid. He has his reason to do so.

He fell out with Yan Ping today. He may not know why the other party is making trouble. He has to think about his future life.

Let's talk about his future life in Yan's family.

Yan Ping is the head of the family. He is choked by Mo Ming one after another, and he is still choking positively. What do you think he will do?

Don't say it's the head of a family like Yan Ping. It's a matter of being choked by others in person. Who will be happy in the heart?

Even if you are choked by others, you will feel uncomfortable.

Not to mention that the person who choked himself is still a person younger than himself.

It's one thing to be positively choked by someone much younger than yourself, and that's another thing!

By a better than their own people, their elders, their superiors These people are choking, that's nothing.

But if you are choked by one's own younger generation and subordinates, even if it is not positive choking, it is also a matter that cannot be expressed.

Not to mention a teenager choking head on.

Just like the behavior of Mo Ming before, not to mention that it is unfair, it is difficult for anyone to bear it.

However, due to the "prestige" of his elder sister and his stepmother, Mo Ming did not dare to make a statement.

But Yan is not the same. He is the head of the family. In front of a group of outsiders, he is choked by a teenager in his family. Can you bear it?

Is the head of the family wrong?

Do you want this face?

Haven't you seen anyone since?

To tell you the truth, Yan Ping, if you stand in front of Mo Ming and tell him that he is not uncomfortable, Mo Ming doesn't believe it!

Mo Ming is not happy about this matter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!