Chapter 303 So, You Are A Friend Of Our Mom’s?

Before Karenina left the capital, the queen wanted to make sure that she would not tell Viscount Verhovent about Nicholas turning into a lycan. That's why she asked her not to say anything about what she saw in the tower to her father.

Karenina smiled and nodded obediently, even though she wasn't going to do what the queen said. She couldn't help but tell her father such a big thing.

In addition to getting some space for herself and calming down her mind, her real purpose in wanting to return to Hauntingen was because she wanted to tell her father about the fact that the king was a lycan.

"I understand, Your Highness," said Karenina respectfully.

"Take care and see you soon."

Karenina curtseyed to show her respect and then left the queen's residence. She went straight to Hauntingen.


Lucas' eyebrows dropped sharply. Anyone could see how he didn't like that Luciel and Jan now chatted and laughed with Nicholas.

Nicholas' attitude was so friendly to Luciel and Jan that they quickly liked him, while Nicholas was obviously happy to chat, joke, and exchange laughter with his two children.

"So Uncle is a friend of our mother's?" asked Luciel.

"Well, I came here to meet your mother, but the guard said that your mother is away. Is that true?" Nicholas didn't trust Lucas at all. But he did believe in Luciel and Jan. They would tell him the truth.

"Um. That's right, mother and father are away," Jan explained. "They are on a..."

He turned to Jan, asking for his help with the unfamiliar word. Jan added on his behalf. "They are on a romantic getaway."

His words immediately caused Nicholas's broad smile to fade.

The man was displeased to hear that Sophie was out with Duke Romanov on a romantic getaway, and at the same time, he was saddened that Jan and Luciel called the other man their father.

Nicholas' heart was filled with jealousy, but he tried to suppress the feeling.

"Are you all right, Uncle?" Jan asked him in concern.

It snapped Nicholas out of his daze. The king pulled back his wide smile, then nodded and said he was fine.

Not long after Nicholas gave his answer, Lucas came over to them. Max and Duncan were seen following him from behind.

As he saw the arrival of the three men, Nicholas immediately stood up, and that was how he faced Lucas again. The Beta glared at him, his attitude completely hostile.

Lucas' unkind attitude towards Nicholas left Jan and Luciel feeling confused. They had never seen the Beta behave like that to anyone else. All their life, they knew Lucas as a very easygoing and friendly man. Why did he act so hostile toward this friendly uncle?

"What's wrong, Lucas?" Luciel asked the Beta. His brows furrowed in confusion.

"Max, Duncan, please take Luciel and Jan inside," said Lucas flatly. His eyes never left Nicholas' figure. The two men immediately led the boys into the manor as soon as they heard the Beta's orders.

"Do you want to go out with your own two legs, or do you need to be dragged away?" Lucas asked coldly. He gave Nicholas an intimidating look, but the king wouldn't easily lose his temper even though he was extremely irritated.

"The host can't possibly be kicked out by his guest," Nicholas said. He reminded Lucas that he was the king of the Riga Kingdom.

"I am the ruler of this territory, and you are staying here because I allow it. If I want it, I can revoke the permit and throw you out of here." Nicholas' face was flat, but his eyes threw a sharp glance at Lucas, like an eagle's.

Even after he heard Nicholas' words, Lucas' expression didn't change.

"Go," he said decisively.

Nicholas was silent. For a few seconds, he seemed like he was lost in his own thoughts. But surprisingly, Nicholas then nodded.

"Very well... I don't want to cause a commotion today. I will leave... for now," said Nicholas calmly. His eyes looked behind Lucas, trying to see the shadows of his sons but couldn't find them. "I will be back here until your lady returns and I could meet her. We have a very important matter to discuss."

"Don't test my patience. Just get out of here and never come back again," Lucas said and emphasized each word in his sentence.

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"No, I will keep coming back until I could meet Lady Sophia," Nicholas said stubbornly. "I come in peace. I am sure you don't want to look for trouble while your leader is not around."

He turned around and left with his horse. Nicholas decided to stay in the royal villa because it was closer to Duke Romanov's manor. He could come there every day easily.

Gosh... his feelings were mixed between happiness, regret, and sadness. He was overjoyed after he finally saw the two boys and talked with them. He was convinced that they were his. However, he was also deeply saddened by their circumstances.

How did he lose the woman he loved and his children? If only he could turn back time, he would do anything...

Anything to get them back.

The butler in the royal villa was surprised to see the king arrive at the gate, looking so disheveled and wearing a commoner's outfit. If he didn't know the king so well, he might think it was a stranger who came through the gates unannounced.

"Your Majesty," he bowed down and approached the king. "Do you want us to prepare you dinner?"

It was already really late and Nicholas had not eaten anything all day. He traveled non-stop since morning because he was so eager to reach Livstad as soon as possible.

The food given by the boys earlier was taken away by Lucas when he stormed out to chase him out. So now he was hungry. He also suddenly felt fatigue wash over him.


"Yeah, please. Just bring the food to my room. I will eat there," Nicholas said.

He went to his room to take a moment to lie down for a bit. Soon, several servants came and told him that his hot bath was ready. The man took off his clothes and washed up.

After he finished and changed into fresh outfits, he ate dinner.
