Chapter 661

When they heard this, the heads of herdsmen and bishops were calm and thinking about something...

only the former bishop Stuart Benson, who despised China very much, stood up with an excited face and said immediately...

"chief herdsman, I, Stuart, would like to be the vanguard and lead the people to sneak into China to extract information for our school..."

Seeing someone stand up, Mr. Hongji glanced at him, but didn't give any instructions...

obviously, he didn't think much of this person's infiltration task...

in fact, Mr. Hongji is not stupid, even quite smart...

Stuart, his strength is not wrong, which can be said to be underestimated, even weaker than himself...

Mr If he doesn't stand up in a frontal battle, master Hongji is afraid to take him out...

but since he plans to take a curvilinear path and not fight the other side head-on, strength is not the first standard, so this guy is not suitable...

this task is to camouflage, infiltrate and investigate intelligence...

the real first key is not strength, but ability to deal with change After all, when he comes to China, it's someone else's territory, which can be said to be behind enemy lines.

although Stuart has good strength, he is arrogant, has always been very successful, and extremely despises China...

if he is really sent to China, this task can be said to have failed ahead of time...

seeing that the old man has not spoken, Stuart's face is a little pale It's ugly. Just at this time, a female bishop with blonde hair and blue eyes stood up...

"archbishop, you'd better give such a task to big Tasha...!"

Tasha Wesley, the only female shepherd in the four regions, spoke...

with a flash in his eyes, Hongji immediately nodded and said, "since Tasha spoke, it's up to you..."

Then, master Hongji immediately said to Stuart, "stu, you are good at fighting head-on, you are not good at plundering people's hearts..."

"This camouflage infiltration mission is really not suitable for you, and I have other tasks to give you..."!

"Among the believers in China, you are the most powerful except me. It's up to you to gather the pious to collect expedition materials and prepare for Jihad..."

Now that the old man has come to a conclusion, both the contented Tasha and the unwilling Stuart respond solemnly and in unison...


With this chorus, the old man immediately said solemnly, "well, the conference hall has been destroyed. This meeting will be here first today. The rest of the arrangements will be discussed after Lauren comes back. Let's go..."


With the old man's words, dozens of high-level dongzhenjiao officials on the scene immediately responded, and then quickly disappeared on the ruins...

the twists and turns of the Zhenjiao Council finally came to an end...

dongzhenjiao finally decided to invade China, and even dramatically took the Xuanwu city of China as their imaginary enemy...

Yifan now I know, I'm afraid I can't laugh or cry...

I've tried my best to deal with it before, but it's time to come after all...

tungshen church, ulanwood Cathedral, the Western Viceroy...

Tasha Wesley, who just took over the task, and her three bishops, sat in a small conference room...

Tasha Wesley, who was originally Mosco before the great disaster Bishop of the diocese, after a series of overt and covert struggles after the disaster, became the only female regional patriarch after the disaster. She was in charge of the entire Western District of Dongzhen Church...

she was about 30 years old, blonde, hot, beautiful, with blue eyes, shining, but not losing her charm...

at this time, she called her men together to discuss the matter of camouflage Now...

looking at the three bishops sitting down, Tasha said: "you should have heard the task just given by the Archbishop

Hearing Tasha's words, the three bishops of the western district all nodded and made it clear...

"well, I won't repeat it. Let's talk about the plans that can sneak into China quietly and spy out the information we want...!"

As for her subordinates, Tasha naturally did not have any ink. She directly asked questions, obviously trying to check the thinking ability of the three subordinates...

the three bishops of the west side, fern Emily, Anna Palmer and philomina Hansa, were not polite when they heard this, so they immediately began to analyze it...

first, fern Emily He is the only male bishop among the three archbishops of the Western District, and he is also the first to speak at that time...

"Lord shepherd, fern thinks that if we want to sneak into China quietly, we must first solve two fundamental problems...!""First, race...!"

"Second, language...!"

"First of all, race. China is white, but Huaxia is yellow. If you sneak in as you are, or in general disguise, it's not called sneaking in, it's called invading...!"

"Then there is the problem of language. After all, what we want is information. Communication is indispensable. If we can't even communicate in depth, how can we get good information...!"

As soon as fern's words were over, one of the female bishops, Anna Palmer, immediately said, "yes, fern is right...!"

"These two problems are really the two basic problems that we have to consider when we sneak in this time...!"

"But now the world is not what it used to be..."

"Changing your body, hiding your body, and mastering your opponent's language are things that you can easily do with abilities, even if you spend a lot of time and energy in the past..."

"However, there are absolutely a few guys with these rare abilities, so I'm afraid there will be a shortage of personnel...!"

Just after that, philomina Hansa, who made the final speech, immediately said with a cool smile: "that's true, but I think this kind of task should have taken the route of elite soldiers. It's not good if there are too many people..."

"If the goal becomes bigger, the probability of exposure will also be greatly improved. In my opinion, the executors of this mission should not exceed five...!"

"However, these five people have to be selected carefully. First of all, they must have the talent of magic form, and they must also be the true mages who awaken their divine power...!"

"Last but not least, one has to be smart..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!