Chapter 9: Symiril Tusker (2)

Name:The Legendary Fool Author:
Chapter 9: Symiril Tusker (2)

If the [Ankra Beast] was willing to kill him for his soul card, would it be safe to assume that it would also try to hunt other Beasts?

Perhaps not of its own species but back on Earth, evolution had deemed that there would be a law of the jungle, the prey and the predator.

So far, this forest hadnt been teeming with beasts he had travelled quite a distance before he encountered his second foes.

Perhaps not all beasts hunted down each other, but where there were resources to be found, there was conflict to be had.

Assumptions stacked upon assumptionsbut that was all he had.

A spark flashed in his mind. A stupid, bizzare idea made its way to the forefront of his consciousness, refusing to budge.

There was no time to be wasted if he wanted that card.

[Inventory], thought Tom, and a crack in the void metaphorpized into reality.

Tom reached inside. But it was not the rapier he grabbed. Instead, Tom yanked out a slab of smelly, yellow meat the meat that he had obtained from killing the [Ankra Beast]. The smell was so bad that it it made him gag, every inch of his body struggling not to throw up. He wondered if he was really supposed to eat this if he wanted to survive, or if hed die with the first bite.

He had a short window to act before the smell wafted over to the [Symiril Tuskers]. His gaze shifted to one of the wide trees that was roughly situated between the two boars. Thanking himself for playing baseball as a child, Tom hoisted the slab of meat with both his hands.

Please, dont miss.

Tom hurled the slab of meat forward with the intensity of a baseball pitcher, immediately collapsing back into a crouch. He silently watched the slab of meat arc through the air, before slamming square in the center of the wide tree before it slid down onto the floor.

The [Symiril Tuskers] were faster, far faster than what Tom had envisioned in his mind as they backpedalled from their feasting spot with the agility of a feline beast. Their quizzical gazes landed upon. what appeared to be a slab of yellow meat at first glance, but they didnt immediately approach.

Instead, they slowly begun circling around each other, slowly widening the radius of their circular movement. It gave them a three sixty degree view of the entire forest but their action seemed to be directed more by animalistic instinct rather than intelligence, for if they were truly intelligent they would immediately see the slab of meat for what it was.

The next ten minutes passed as Tom remained rooted to his spot, watching the [Symiril Tuskers] circle the perimeter of their clearing. One of the Tuskers had come dangerously close to his hiding spot, and Tom had been prepared to blast it with [The Flame] card, but thankfully it didnt come to that.

Level 1 my ass, Tom resentfully thought to himself.

The female tusker let out a muted grunt, before she finally stopped her patrol.

The male tusker stopped as well.

Tom was almost certain that these creatures were omnivores at this point. Herbivores would have long fled at the slightest sign of danger, whilst he had seen them eat plants with his own eyes, so they couldnt be carnivores.

Tom refused to die the same way twice.

The card held forward, he finally said the words in his mind

The Flame.

A powerful gout of flame burst out from the card held in his palm, but thankfully the heat emanating from it didnt seem to affect him.

Howls of pain rang out the next second, followed by loud grunts that seemed to resemble a cry for help. In the flames of his inferno, he saw two glows of light, one a small sphere of water and the second the yellow outline of a tusker that seemed to glow with a powerful radiance.

The sphere of light flickered in and out of existence, whilst the Earthen glow seemed to dim with every passing second.

Perhaps they were waiting for him to run out of Soul Power, but. that wasnt going to happen.

A tear streaked down Toms face, his hands trembling as he kept [The Flame] card aloft with his left hand.

Thirty seconds passed and the blue light winked out of existence, this time permanently.

This was the consequences of his actions.

As much as he wanted to avert his gaze. he couldnt. That was the respect he would afford to his foes.

The only thing he could offer.

He wanted to snuff out his flames but

He couldnt fight the tusker in a fair confrontation. And the Tusker would not show him the same mercy.

A minute later, the Earthen Glow that seemed to be shielding the tusker finally winked out of existence.

Tom collapsed onto his knees.

Before him lay the charred corpses of the Tuskers, his flames having burnt off their facial features. The smell of charred skin made him want to heave over, but he resisted the urge.

This was the world hed come to.

This was Artezia.

And he would either have to adapt or die.