The machine gun and howitzer at the point of reference turned the muzzle at the first time and slammed into the rapidly approaching Thorns.

When Gordon saw it, he immediately understood that the thorns were friends and non-enemy, and said: "The side of the team, to the road to the uninvited guest!"

The Gordon team changed its formation, and a sideway led to the main entrance of the Rose Arms, allowing the thorns to rush.

At this time, only the Han Xiao was on the thorns. A few hours ago, the ghost fox squad was killed. He returned to the Farionan site and repaired the thorns. This time, he was single. The other forces in the Somar Desert will not let go of the emptiness of the Rose Force. The news is that he passed it to Gotton to make it easy for him to fish in troubled waters.

The howitzer, heavy machine gun and small missile launcher on the thorns were all controlled by the sights beside the instrument panel, and they were manually aimed. It was seen that the fire control system was not installed.

There were a lot of shells that could be fired. If they could hide, they would use the outer armor to fight. Han Xiao aimed at a turret on the wall of the base and triggered the fire. The car crashed, and I saw several small missiles and grenade dragging white smoke on the wall of the stronghold, bursting with dazzling fire.

The turret was blown up into countless pieces and spiraled into the sky.

According to the point, Luo Qing’s face was blue and green. She had a premonition that it was difficult to hold her. She called Su, and whispered, “With five people, we retreat from the dark road and give up our stronghold.”

Su nodded and no objection.

The mercenaries left behind in the spot are abandoned. Several people have no voices and quietly evacuated from the secret road. As long as they survive, how many mercenaries there are, and the gold master will send more people.

The mercenaries who are defending against foreign enemies still don't know that they have been abandoned. They are obediently obstructing the turrets to block the Gordon team and the thorns. The guns are filled with ears, the smoke and the flames are full of vision, and they can't hear the companions' shouts. Everyone looks like It is a reef under the tide, fighting alone.


More than a dozen grenade rockets volleyed, the scarred metal gate was finally overwhelmed, and was blown out and the door opened wide!

"Crush in!" Gordon was overjoyed.

The team sneaked in, the Gordon mercenaries armed with submachine guns to sweep the inside of the stronghold, the rose armed mercenaries could not form an effective counterattack, often rushed to leave the fort, and was fired into a sieve.

Han Xiao opened the thorns and took out the hawk's double guns. The people of Gordon swept him and did not stop.

Han Xiao acted quickly. The black windbreaker flew like a cloak with his actions. Like the black ghost wandering in the battlefield, he quickly walked the rose armed positions and encountered two rose arms hired. The soldiers were smashed by his first two shots, and one of them was quite beautiful. Wearing a bikini is expected to become a beautiful scenery on the beach. Han Xiao secretly regrets and knows that he will not start.

Looking for a circle, did not see the rose armed leader, Han Xiao brow wrinkled, found that things are not simple.

"There should be a secret road."

It is not unusual for the Somalia to erupt in battle every day.

Han Xiao quickly discovered the anomaly. Luo Qing and others walked in a hurry and left footprints. He followed the footprints to find a cellar hidden in the floor, which was black and scented with a damp smell of water.

"Underground dark river?"

Han Xiao lost a fire, and the depth was about five meters. It was confirmed that there was no danger and he jumped.

Under the ground of the rose, there is a huge rocky mountain. Under the mantle is a tunnel that has been dug out. It is like a mine in the mine. The wooden shelf supports the rock wall. There is a black shovel in front. There is no light source. The dust on the ground is clear. Footprint, leading to the front.

Han Xiao reached out and touched the rock wall. The touch was a bit moist and cold, and there might be an underground dark river nearby.

The situation in front was unclear. He thought about it. He took out the spider detector that he carried with him from the windbreaker and placed it on the ground. He started it through the tablet computer. This mechanical little spider was standing upright, as if waiting for the commanding soldier.

"Just call you the first spider."

As usual, the name of a great stick, Han Xiao controlled the first spider to penetrate the channel, the camera shots appeared on the computer, the first spider's camera has a night vision function.

The propeller was taken for a while and suddenly hit the rock wall and reached the end of the passage.

Confirming that the passage was not dangerous, Han Xiao took out the flashlight and walked quickly to the end of the passage. There was a hidden door on the head, and a piece of sand fell after it opened.

Han Xiao probed it. Outside the mantle was a rock cave with a sloping terrain. The sun shone from the hole in the **** and there was a rut on the ground.

Three steps into two steps out of the hole, the eyes suddenly open, here is a weathered rock formation, looking far away, you can see the outline of the stronghold in the distance, two ruts from the other direction in the desert Leave traces.

"The rest of the Rose Armed Forces fled in the car and had to catch up."

Mindful of this, Han Xiao put away the first spider and hurriedly returned to the stronghold from the passage, ready to track the thorns.

According to the point of view, Gordon has cleared all the rose armed mercenaries, is dismantling all kinds of materials to be taken away, see Han Xiao came out, have slow motion, focus on him, with the color of alert, let Han Xiao The heart sinks.

Gordon took a group of mercenaries around the thorns. Han Xiao quietly touched the gun and walked over. Shen Sheng said: "Let's make it."

"Who are you?" Gordon looked up and down Han Xiao, thoughtfully.

"Not important, please let go from my car."

"your car?"

Gordon glanced at the thorns and revealed a playful smile. He gave a look, and the mercenaries around him faintly surrounded, as if they would pull the gun at any time.

Gordon smiled and stared at Han Xiao repeatedly asked: "Is this your car?"

The threat is beyond words.

As if Han Xiao didn't know the time, he would have to smash people.

"Hey--" Han Xiao said nothing, and then stepped forward three meters, the eagle eagle like a long sword, topped in the eyebrows of Gordon, as fast as Haiyan, a black lightning.

"Fast!" The mercenaries around were shocked and hurriedly took guns at Han Xiao. The ghostly speed of Han Xiao’s eruption made them nervous, and the boss was pointed at the gun, and the mercenaries did not. Dare to shoot, the situation suddenly stagnated.

When he was shot at the head, Gotton was not panicked and scared. He was a swearing man with a **** knife. He sneered: "If you want to threaten me to let my men put down the gun, then you can save energy."

Han Xiao turned a blind eye to the guns around him and calmly said: "You guess my identity, the owner behind you will not want Dashui to rush to the Dragon King Temple."

This sentence made Gordon's face change slightly. He frowned and nearly for a minute. When the atmosphere became more and more tense, he waved his hand and let the man put down his gun and pulled out a stubborn smile. He said: This is really your car."

Han Xiao held the eagle and was indifferent.

When Gordon saw it, he turned sideways and let a road open.

Han Xiao was moved, and passed away with Gordon. He sat on the thorns and raised his eyebrows: "A good try, the milk is dead."

A foot throttle, go away.

Gotton looked at the shadow of the car, took a smile, turned his head and saw his men looking at him with a sigh of relief. He didn’t have the air: "Look at what, look at it and move things."

Although the Thorns made him jealous, he did not want to bear the risk of angering the back of the family. Gordon guessed that Han Xiao was the killer of the reward. It was half a person. Since Han Xiaoxiao broke, he would not be able to do it. If the big thing of the club is broken, his end will be very miserable.

Moreover, Han Xiao itself is also an unintelligible killer. Gordon considered it and decided to put away greed and keep things right.