"Ah, dead man, help!"

Hans was so frightened that he sat down on the ground and stepped back with his hands and feet, but he heard a sharp scream in his ear. A woman covered her stomach and fell to Hans' right hand.

The woman twitched a few times, but she couldn't stand up again, and she lost her voice after a while.

Hans was so frightened that he stopped shouting, but looked up at the sky blankly.

I saw more than a dozen shuttle-shaped aircraft suspended in the air. Each of those aircraft had six energy weapon jets, and they were frantically shooting energy bombs towards the ground. Wherever the energy bombs went, a deep hole would be hit in the wall or the ground. , leaving the ground full of ravages.

The policeman not far away took out their guns and fired wildly at the aircraft overhead, but the outer wall of the aircraft started to ripple, and the energy shield easily blocked all the ordinary gunpowder bullets.


At this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded, making Hans immediately shrink his head and look in the direction from which the sound came from.

There was a school not far ahead. A huge beam of light came from the sky and shot onto the school's tallest clock tower, directly interrupting the building. The loud noise just now was the sound of the upper half of the clock tower falling to the ground.

Hans was a little dazed. The school was a rather high-end middle school. Every day when he passed by the entrance of the middle school at work, he looked at the children inside with envy.

But at this moment, Hans was suddenly a little fortunate that his son was not the middle school student. The clock tower was cut off by the middle and fell to the ground. How many students will die this time...

When Hans, who was lucky to survive, didn't pay attention to the sky, the shuttles quietly ceased fire, and three to five strangely dressed blue-skinned humanoids jumped from each aircraft.

Wearing sci-fi armors and holding oddly-shaped firearms, they jumped down from a height of tens of meters, and as they landed, they fired at all the humans they saw, wantonly slaughtering them in front of them. Everything, the whole connection, seems to have become a **** on earth.

These Leo alone can fight a hundred ordinary Cree soldiers, and when facing ordinary earthlings, one can also fight a hundred!

No ordinary person can get close to a Cree soldier, not even a police officer with a gun, let alone an ordinary person. If an ordinary person wants to survive, he can only escape.

At the same time as the ordinary people fled, the Cree began to chase, and as they chased and fled, gradually the Cree soldiers scattered all over the city, turning into mobile murderers.

When Hans, who was squatting on the ground, turned his head, a Cree soldier had appeared not far away from him. Hans and the Cree had finished looking at each other.

Hans's mind suddenly went blank, and the Kree soldier raised the energy gun in his hand blankly and aimed at Hans who was sitting on the ground. Corner termites look like.

The Kree shot, and Hans closed his eyes subconsciously, but the expected tearing pain did not appear.

Hans thought the Kree had missed, and immediately opened his eyes, only to find a strong black man squatting in front of him.

The black strong man held a spear-shaped cold weapon in his right hand, the sharp tip of the spear shone with blue light like life, and he raised his cloak in his left hand to block it in front of him, like a shield.

Hans rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and when he opened them again, the strong black man had already rushed towards the cruel blue-skinned alien shouting in a language he could not understand.

A scene that made Hans unbelievable happened. When the energy bullets fired by the strange firearms that the aliens had no advantage in hit, they were all blocked when they hit the thin cloak shield of the black strong man.

The black strong man was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he ran to the blue-skinned alien. The strong man raised the spear in his hand and slashed angrily, cutting the blue-skinned alien into two halves. The Wakanda warriors who have been blessed by Lilith are as reckless as butchers!

The strong black man shouted another sentence, then ran and disappeared at the corner of the street.

The last sentence the black strong man shouted out in English, Hans understood it, it meant "Long live the legionnaire", but he didn't understand what it meant.


In front of the United Nations Building, it was a mess.

The originally magnificent United Nations building has been battered with holes and thick smoke billows from the building. Obviously, some places have caught fire.

On the square in front of the building, the originally flat floor had become bumpy, and on the bumpy ground, there were both Earthlings and Cree people.

And all of this happened in a short moment.

In the first time when the Cree suddenly fell from the sky just now, compared to other places in New York City, there were more Cree people gathered here at the United Nations Building and more firepower.

Although there are hundreds of Wakanda warriors and Wakanda battleships equipped with vibranium weapons on the human side, as well as Leo and others, the Kree still fight with more numbers and fierce firepower. The human side was caught off guard and instantly destroyed the entire United Nations building.

However, the human side also quickly reacted. Under the command of Leo, the Wakanda warriors who were blessed and inspired by Lilith rushed towards the Kree who fell from the sky. Wakanda's combat aircraft They also attacked each other in the sky and the shuttle-type combat landing modules of the Cree, and the human police and agents also began to carry guns to attack.

Coupled with the high-end combat power of Leo and others, soon, both humans and Kree left behind a lot of corpses and aircraft wreckage.

Then, for some unknown reason, the Cree soldiers who had assembled in front of the United Nations Building suddenly dispersed. They formed a team of three to five and rushed in all directions.

Afterwards, the battlefield spread out naturally, and the two sides started a street fight where you chased after me.

Wearing a Viper armor, Leo reduced his size and flew towards the three Kree who were hiding behind the thick concrete wall in front of him.

Relying on the advantages of equipment, the three Cree people beat dozens of police officers to the point where they dared not come forward!

If you want to kill the Kree quickly, you still need high-end combat power like Leo.

In this level of battle, all the bells and whistles are meaningless. All actions are aimed at killing the enemy with the highest efficiency, so Leo did not return to his normal size, maintaining the size of an ant, the whole person is like a bullet, and instantly It penetrated the heads of three Kree people, like an arrow pierced through three!

At this moment, a Kree shuttle-shaped spaceship flew by overhead, spraying energy bombs on the ground while flying, frantically destroying the buildings on the ground.

Leo's figure rose instantly, and with a faint golden light flashing, Leo, who was very small, instantly fell on top of the spaceship, using the characteristics of mechanical force to firmly attach himself to the spaceship's outer shell.

Small spaceships are actually more tightly crafted than large spaceships, and the gaps are naturally smaller.

Back in the day, even the missiles made by earthlings, Dr. Pym and his wife had to shrink to subatomic size to get in If Leo didn't want to risk being engulfed by the quantum realm, he would absolutely It is impossible to enter the shuttle-shaped spaceship through the shrinking properties of the Pym particle.

The outer shell of the shuttle is also very strong, and Leo is not Carol, so he can't break it easily.

With Leo's attitude towards life, he naturally wouldn't take the risk of getting lost in the quantum realm to kill the spaceship, but the spaceship had to be destroyed, and the situation seemed to be in a dilemma.

Fortunately, he still has a portal!

Visually measuring the size of the shuttle-shaped spaceship, Leo quickly calculated a teleportation coordinate in his heart. The next moment, a golden light flashed, and the reduced Leo appeared in the middle of the shuttle-shaped spaceship, just in a gram. Not far from the back of the driver's head.

And the Kree pilot was unaware that the deadly danger was behind him.

Without hesitation, Leo grew slightly larger, raised his fist, and shot the Kree's head with a palm cannon from back to front, smashing the operation panel of the shuttle ship by the way.

This shuttle-type battleship was immediately scrapped.

Leo dodged again and reappeared outside the spaceship.

Using a similar method, Leo alone has killed hundreds of Cree soldiers and a dozen Cree shuttle-shaped spaceships in a short period of time.

But as the Kree became more and more dispersed, Leo's killing efficiency became lower and lower, and it often took a long time to find the next target.

And the ordinary people on the ground are dying more and more!