Duck spirits all covered in gold swam out of the ground. They were gliding, running, or swimming on the ground.​​

Where there are many yellow monsters, duck sperm will chase them.

After arriving at the place where the yellow monsters gathered, a group of duck spirits fell down one after another, stretched their necks, and faced the ground for a while, scrambling for food.

Both festive and lively.

The yellow monsters were swallowed by the duck sperm, and the hard skin of the monsters was just a decoration in front of these duck sperm that didn't need to chew.

Of course, the yellow bugs didn't want to wait to die. When the duck essence rushed over, they rushed on the duck essence, as if they wanted to resist with their powerful corrosive liquid.

But these resistances were in vain. The golden feathers of the duck sperm kept the yellow monsters and their corrosive liquid out of the body.

The duck essence was completely crushed against the insect monster.

Leo looked at the picture through surveillance and was speechless for a while.

Needless to say, these duck sperm are the natural enemies of the giant yellow worm.

But what exactly are these duck sperm? Leo had no way of knowing.


The monster illustrations given by the Kerry Empire are indeed fake, this is not the end!

Not only did Leo see this weird picture, but other people in the Marvel Legion also had a panoramic view of the duck sperm eating the little yellow worm.

Steve's video call was immediately called: "Captain, what are those monsters with duck heads outside?"

"I don't know either." Leo shook his head.

"Then how do we deal with it?" Steve asked again.

"The Legion base will not be in danger, just wait and see and listen to my arrangements." Leo gave this conservative order, and then continued to check everything that happened on Io star through the surveillance screen.

At least half of the animals on Io star have moved to the top of the mountain, and the yellow monsters that originally drilled out of the plains or the mountains naturally began to chase the top of the mountain.

And because of the appearance of duck sperm, those yellow bugs seemed to sense the breath of natural enemies, and they became manic and aggressive.

Those animals that didn't have time to get to a safe place in the future, without exception, all became food for the yellow monsters.

As the yellow monsters devoured more and more animals, it seemed that they had accumulated enough energy, and some yellow monsters were attached to tree roots or stones, standing still.

At the same time, the black rings on their bodies began to spread, and in a short while, the whole body became pitch black, and under the setting sun, it reflected luster.

Those monsters that have had enough to eat are actually forming cocoons!

Duck Jing ignored the strange insects that had formed cocoons, and chose those insects that were still yellow to put their mouths down. It seemed that after the insects formed a cocoon, the smell became unpleasant.

As time went on, the sky gradually became dark, but Io star did not return to calm.

The animals are still running for their lives, the yellow monsters are still chasing animals, and the duck spirits are still preying on monsters. This extremely rare food chain lasts from dark to dawn.

Leo didn't close his eyes all night. Anyway, he has no problem with not sleeping for a few days now. He has been observing the strange phenomenon of Io star.

Out of prudence, Leo didn't rashly grab a duck sperm to study, he wanted to take a look.

Its daybreak.

After a cruel night, the animals of Aioux were exhausted, and most of them chose to lie down on the top of the mountain, never wanting to move.

The yellow monster doesn't know how much the duck sperm has eaten, but Leo knows that there are not a few insects that have successfully formed cocoons.

Because the originally lush Io ​​star was now covered with black, fist-sized cocoons.

Without the insects to eat, those duck sperm also stopped for a while, lying together in twos and threes, as if they were resting, and they seemed to be chatting! ?

Leo was surprised when he discovered that duck sperm seemed to be intelligent creatures.

Leo called Carroll, Steve and others to explain the situation, and everyone brainstormed.

In the end, several people reached an agreement and decided that Leo, the head of the regiment, would go out in person to catch two ducks and bring them back for interrogation.

As soon as he said it, Leo raised his hand, opened a portal, and plunged in.

The next moment, his body appeared in the air, and then activated Pym particles to shrink in size, becoming the size of an ant, and flew toward the ground.

The target of capture had already been set, and Leo flew directly towards the two lucky ducks.

I saw two ducks snuggling together in the grass in the distance.

They spoke in duck language that Leo could not understand:

"Caldrin, are you full?"

"I've only eaten more than 600 rock worms, and I'm 60% full," said the duck spirit named Calderin.

"That's not bad. Wait a minute. There will be more delicious rock moths later. It's not a loss to keep your stomach."

"Yes! We must eat more this time. Rock moths are rich in nutrients, and if we accumulate some energy, we can have children."

"Well, okay, I'll be the father."

"Why?? Wei Luo, didn't you say you were going to lay eggs last time?!"

"Caldrin, is there something like this?"

"Yes, don't you want to deny it!? Then I'll go find Da Ya now." Calderin's tone was not good.

"Don't, don't, I'll lay the eggs when I lay the eggs, but you must come next time." The name changed from Wei Luo to Wei Luo's duck Jingdao.

"Okay, Wei Luo, you know, I love you." The duck spirit whose name almost became Calderin chose to forgive her.

The two ducks have discussed major life events and are looking forward to a bright future.

But suddenly it was dark, and they were locked in a small dark room by a beautiful man who did not want to be named.

When the two ducks saw the light again, they found that they were each locked in a grid cage, surrounded by several strange animals walking upright watching them.

"Viluo, are you alright!" Calderin turned his head and asked with concern.

"It's okay," Wei Luo shook her head, then angrily stretched out her hand to break the cage in front of her.

As a member of the strange duck clan, Wei Luo believes that the metal cage that can close her does not exist yet!

But, she failed.

No matter how hard she tried, the cage made of vibranium didn't move.

Calderin also smashed the cage hard, looked up at the animals walking upright in front of him and shouted: "Hey, you two-legged monkeys, let us go! Otherwise, you will suffer the wrath of the strange duck clan! "

The people standing around the two ducks are naturally Leo and his team members.

At this time, seeing the two ducks squawking and unable to communicate, Leo reached out and adjusted the universe translator, activated the adaptive mode, and began to try to communicate with the two ducks.

"Hello, o, こんにちは, ????..."

With a smile on his face, Leo greeted the two duck spirits in various languages ​​recorded in the cosmic translator, and chatted casually, regardless of whether the other side could understand it or not.

The translator in the adaptive mode will automatically record and analyze the voices and movements of the ducks, and quickly analyze the matching, and parse out a set of languages ​​of the ducks.

It stands to reason that as long as the duck spirits are really an intelligent race and have a systematic language system, after a limited number of trials, Leo can communicate with the duck spirits in front of him through the cosmic translator.

After talking with ducks and chickens, about five minutes later, Leo felt that his face was about to stiffen with laughter, and finally heard the first meaningful sentence through the universe translator: "Alien, hello, quack~"

The super **** mechanic in the American comics