Chapter 593: Leo is there


The huge noise spread all over the field, and it also woke up Betty who was sleeping.

Betty opened her eyes, and immediately found that Bruce was gone.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, she found that the bedroom door was open and she was not wearing any clothes. She immediately got up and went to the living room to check the situation.

But the moment she got out of bed, her legs softened and she almost fell to the ground, and hurriedly sat back on the edge of the bed.

Bruce last night was amazing!

When Betty recalled it at this time, her heartbeat could not help speeding up.

"Bruce, is that you in the living room? I heard a loud noise just now, what happened?" Since she had some difficulty moving, Betty simply didn't leave, and sat on the bed and shouted.




As Betty's voice just fell, she heard three dull voices from the living room one after another, from far to near, it seemed to be... footsteps?

At the same time, she felt the floor shake a little.

"Bruce? Is that you? What happened?" Betty suddenly felt uneasy, grabbed the sheet to cover her chest, and shouted softly.

No one answered, the living room was dead silent.

Betty's unease was amplified by the silence, her breathing began to be rapid, and she could even hear her own heartbeat.

But she was born in a military family. She was very brave and courageous. She reached out and picked up a vase from the bedside table. Resisting the powerlessness in her legs, she moved closer to the bedroom door.

"Bruce?" she called softly as she walked.

But before she could reach the door of the bedroom, suddenly, she felt darkness in front of her, and a black, round thing suddenly blocked the door.


Because of the moonlight on her back, Betty couldn't see what was blocking the door, but she knew that it must not be a good thing, she screamed, threw the vase in her hand, and quickly backed away.


The vase hit an unknown object blocking the door, then fell to the ground and shattered.


Then a loud roar sounded, and the one hit by Betty turned out to be Hulk's head.

Hulk was smashed, burning with anger, he straightened his waist with a loud roar, the threshold immediately made an overwhelmed sound, and the wooden door panel began to deform and shatter.

Betty had already retreated to the side of the bed at this time, and she happened to find a flashlight in her hand. She immediately turned on the switch and looked at Hulk.

What kind of monster is this? ? !

Green skin, ugly face with grinning teeth, arms thicker than elephant legs!

"Ah! Monster! Help!" Betty shouted in fright.

Betty's shouting angered Hulk again, he waved his arm violently, and the deformed door shattered immediately, and Hulk had already impulsive Betty at this moment.


Hulk roared again at Betty and raised his fist.


Betty screamed again, closed her eyes, hugged her head with her hands, and curled up by the bedside, shivering.

But the severe pain he imagined did not come.

After waiting for a few seconds, Betty let go of her hand holding her head suspiciously, and at this moment, the flashlight was still tightly held in her hand.

With the light of the flashlight, Betty was horrified to find that the green monster was still close at hand.

But the green monster at this time seems to be a little different. Its mouth is no longer open, its eyes seem to be full of doubts, and its appearance is kinder, and even... Betty actually found that this face is somewhat familiar.

"Bruce?!" Betty trembled and called out the name that suddenly popped into her heart in disbelief.

When Hulk heard his name, he shook his head and seemed to recognize his girlfriend.

Betty also recognized Bruce, and the shock filled her whole mind in an instant: "Bruce, you, how did you become like this?"

After speaking, she reached out her hand subconsciously, wanting to touch Hulk's face.

"Huh!" Hulk stepped back, gasping like a beast in his throat, he didn't dare to let Betty touch him, he felt that the little sanity he had finally recovered was about to be lost.

Hulk didn't know what was wrong with him, but he didn't want to hurt his girlfriend. Taking advantage of his weak reason, he turned his head and ran out of the bedroom, smashed the door, and ran out into the wilderness.

He didn't know where he was going either. He only knew that the farther away from home, the better.

The Hulk ran so fast that he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Betty couldn't even stop it. She was stunned for a few seconds, and then she felt back to her senses. She quickly pulled out her mobile phone and found the Marvel Legion. , shouted:

"Stim, there's something wrong with Bruce Banner, he... he's turned into a green monster, please help him!"

Due to Leo's advance arrangement, Stim immediately sent Betty's distress message to Leo.

And Leo...he was there, the size of an ant.

A nano-detector was implanted in Bruce's body by Naurux. As early as when Bruce felt hot in the middle of the night, Leo had already known through the detector that Hulk's transformation was imminent, and came over quietly.

This also means that when Betty was in distress, Leo was in the house.

Originally, when Hulk was about to punch Betty, Leo almost showed up, but seeing that Hulk stopped at a critical moment, Leo decided to continue to wait and see.

There was no other reason. Betty was still naked at this time. If Leo suddenly appeared, it would be a little troublesome to explain.

If the Hulk misunderstands that he was green, then the fun will be great.

Although Hulk is green all over, the top of his head is the original color anyway, so he naturally wants to protect it.

Hulk took advantage of the remaining rationality to run away, and Leo hurriedly followed, and at the same time did not forget to ask Stim to reply to Betty, "Don't worry, someone has been sent to deal with it."

But the comforting effect of this sentence on Betty is almost nothing.

Hulk's legs don't look long, but he can run very fast. He can span dozens of meters in one step, like flying, and soon he ran to a hillside.

When he got here, Hulk completely lost his mind, and frantically outputted to a large number of big trees that were hugged by one person.

Seeing that the venue is spacious enough, Leo nodded slightly, returned to normal size, put away the Viper armor, and wore a flexible nanofiber tights, step by step toward the sinking Hulk in a state of madness walked away.


Hulk uprooted a big tree and waved it vigorously, smashing other big trees, causing damage, and venting his anger.

Leo approached Hulk leisurely, until he reached a distance of about 20 meters, and Hulk noticed him.

"Roar!" Hulk threw the dilapidated tree in his hand towards Leo when he found a little guy approaching him.

Leo was like an ant in Hulk's eyes, he felt that he could easily run over him.


Leo stretched out his palm and blocked the smashing tree with a light block. Then he hugged the tree with both hands, turned around with force, and let go of his hand suddenly, and the tree flew towards Hulk at a faster speed. went back.

Like a cannonball!


Hulk wanted to catch the tree, but he didn't expect the power contained in the tree to be so great. He was smashed and flew backwards and fell down the hill.

Leo jumped up forcefully at his feet, and flew with his mind holding his body, chasing after Hulk.

His purpose is very simple, beat the Hulk violently, and beat the Hulk in fear!

Then convince Bruce to continue irradiating Bruce with gamma rays, to force the Hulk out, and fight again!

Until the IQ Hulk is beaten out!

To deal with the Hulk, such a simple and rude method should be used.

