Side Story Chapter 217

Side Story Chapter 217

Coal said that it was going to explode, meaning...

‘You’re going to... die?’ Kireua asked.

-Death. Annihilation. If they mean the same in human terms, then yes, I’ll die right after I swallow it.

“Why?!” Kireua shouted out loud, forgetting that he was talking in his head.

-My vessel can’t handle it. Other demons would only be tempted to go through the gate, but I can tell that there are many gods and thousands of vengeful human spirits.

Kireua's eyes widened. “Gods? Then does that mean that the gate actually leads to another dimension? And that world has gods too?”

-No, it’s what’s called the Gray Zone or Chaos, not another dimension. That place doesn’t belong to the Angel Realm or Demon Realm.

“What do you mean? Let me understand what is going on, please!”

-The Gray Zone is the Gray Zone, and Chaos is Chaos. To go into a little history... There was someone who was abandoned by both the Angel and Demon Realms. After being hunted over and over, he confronted his numerous pursuers from both realms in a neutral zone called Chaos. A battle of unmatched proportions took place.

Kireua’s eyes slowly widened as Coal’s story began to connect with one he’d heard before.

“Is that story—?”


Before Kireua could finish his question, the last survivor collapsed. The portal had absorbed all of the survivors’ vitality.

-The Angel and Demon Realms are completely gone, and the gods in them were annihilated. Some of the gods survived and scattered all over the Human Realm or threw themselves into Chaos. It’s nothing but an empty void where one nightmarishly terrifying person fought off their pursuers, but they had no other choice.

“Coal, did you... recover your memory as Greed?” Kireua asked doubtfully. “Is that why you’ve been quiet...?” New novel chapters are published on

-Yeah. A shame. I hoped I could meet my previous owner one last time.

As Kireua expected, the terror from Coal’s story was the Emperor of Avalon in his past life.

-There’s no time. I have to eat that before the gate is completed. Otherwise, Chaos and the Human Realm will be connected.

“What do you mean?”

-A door opens both ways. A pathway will be created once the gate is complete, and all the gods in Chaos will be able to get here. Chaos will come to the Human Realm, literally. These gods will be a lot stronger than the ones already here since they’ll have their real bodies.

Kireua swallowed nervously. The demons and people with angels’ abilities that he had met so far were already problematic enough, but just when he’d handled most of them, literal gods were going to come here!

-That’s not what you want, is it?

“But after destroying the gate, you...” Kireua trailed off.

-You don’t have to rely on me anymore, Kireua. Most humans now think that you’ve gotten strong. You’ve come far from the boy I met.

Kireua choked up. Even now, he could tell that Coal was growing up. Coal used to talk like a four-year-old, but now it was trying to console him.

From their first encounter to now, Kireua and Coal shared many treasured memories and faced danger time and time again. In fact, Kireua had escaped most of the danger thanks to Coal’s help, so he had grown attached to it. Kireua didn’t want to say goodbye. Aside from the debt he’d accrued from Coal saving his life numerous times, Kireua considered Coal family.

“...I’m not a boy,” Kireua muttered quietly.

-Besides, only my ego will disappear. You’ll still be able to use ebon flames and my power, so you don’t have to worry—

“...That isn’t what I was worried about.”


“I’m not sure if I should say this...” Selim hesitated for a moment and then let out a long sigh. “...I’m more worried about Kireua than me.”

“Oh.” Tremblin smiled wryly. “Still, I can only say the same thing. Sir Cain is with him, so you should focus on your mission. You already know that Prince Kireua’s pride would be hurt if he knew that you were thinking like that.”

Despite the duke’s assurance, Selim’s expression was grim. Even if Kireua and Cain managed to infiltrate Hubalt, how much damage could they really do to the empire on their own? They might get captured and suffer instead...

“Duke Tremblin is right, Selim. Cut it out already. Who do you think you’re worrying about right now?”

Selim and Tremblin slowly to the source of the voice behind them.

Tremblin bowed. “Princess Iruca.”

Iruca bowed back. “It wasn’t intentional, but I apologize for eavesdropping, Duke Tremblin.”

“There is no need for an apology.” Tremblin shook his head as he was aware that Iruca was approaching them the whole time.

“You should consider it lucky if Kireua fails,” Iruca said to her brother.

“...What in damnation are you saying?”

“Aren’t you guys competitors? I think you’re misunderstanding something here—there is only one throne. Although the nobles are supporting you right now, that could change if Kireua succeeds.” Iruca stood in front of Selim and looked him in the eyes. “No... it will change.”

“...I hope so. That would be best for everyone in Avalon,” Selim quietly replied.

“Kireua will be hell bent on succeeding with or without your concern. Ah, you’re so annoying.” Iruca scratched the back of her head exasperatedly, disregarding how it would make her look. “You may look like Dad, but you’re always too soft-hearted, you know that?”

Selim frowned. “What do you expect me to say right now?”

“Stop trying to be considerate of your competitor in front of the people who trust you to lead the empire,” Iruca snapped. “Don’t tell me you don’t know how rude you’re being to them right now. Their families’ future depends on their choices, so they’re already nervous enough.”

Before Iruca could continue her rant, Selim and Tremblin heard the faint sound of horses running toward the fortress. Iruca noticed their reactions and stopped.

“Your Highness!”

“...Yes, I noticed. Are they here?”

“Yeah, they are.”

“Those damned Hubalt guys are faster than I thought.” Iruca turned to descend from the ramparts.


The princess gave Selim a questioning look.

“You said that the nobles who chose to support me will be nervous if I continue to act like this.”

“So?” Iruca sourly asked.

“There’s nothing for them to worry about.”

Selim summoned Longin into his hand and leaped high into the air.

“I’m going to prove myself with my abilities, just like His Majesty did.”