Side Story Chapter 266

Side Story Chapter 266

Three organizations had accumulated the bulk of Igrant’s wealth. The first was the mercenary guilds, especially those who specialized in all-out war. In fact, all of them were swimming in coin right now because even those mercenaries whose usual fare were monster hunting and guard details were heading to the battlefield right now. Hubalt was attacking every country on the continent, so the demand for manpower had skyrocketed.

For the same reason, business for the Free Knight Association was booming more than ever. Free knights weren’t affiliated with any country, so they were picky about who they worked for. Their clients had to align with the principles and beliefs of the free knights as well as offer a contract with good terms. Although that frustrated their clients, the reality was that everyone was anxious to recruit as many of the free knights as possible.

There was one organization that was even more successful than the aforementioned organizations: the Magic Tower. The importance of mages in a major war need not be said, and magic artifacts that would protect someone at a critical moment were as valuable as national treasures. It wasn’t hard to find magic artifacts whose price increased tenfold as soon as a war started.

That was why the Seven Mages were invaluable right now. Numerous people tried to woo them, and even kings personally sent the mages messages in a hope of meeting them. That was why Cain was very skeptical about being able to get in touch with them...

-I think I can take care of that for you.

“Truly?” Cain asked, surprised.

-Of course.

Cain beamed at Iceline through the communication crystal ball. In contrast, Iceline looked very grim.

“...My apologies.” Cain, knowing the reason for her dour expression, quickly bowed. “This is no time to be behaving like this...”

-No, don’t be. This isn’t something that you should be sorry for, Sir Cain. Anyway, I’m very proud of Prince Kireua for accomplishing such a difficult mission. I’m sure that Duke Tremblin will be very happy from up in heaven.

“...Kurz is the cause of all the ongoing tragedies on the continent. He should be on his knees begging Duke Tremblin for mercy in the otherworld.” Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

-I hope so. In any case, I’ll trust you with Kireua until the end. Someone from the Magic Tower will contact you soon.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

“Do you really think that pompous Magic Tower will contact us?” Anna asked as soon as the crystal ball went dark.

“They will when Queen Consort Iceline calls.”

“But even if she’s...”

“You and your mouth...” Cain frowned.

“F-Fine. Fine! Even if it’s Queen Consort Iceline, I bet the Magic Tower won’t contact us within three days! For goodness’s sake, I’m technically not a citizen of Avalon anyway,” Anna muttered to herself.

Cain’s frown only deepened. Yes, he didn’t like Anna’s answer, but he was as worried as she was.

‘I hope we get an update by today...’

Cain glanced to the side. Kireua was asleep. It seemed he hadn’t completely recovered yet.

‘The Flame Emperor’s execution is in three days, and Hubalt’s forces will reach Arcadia around the same time. I need to hear something from the Magic Tower within the next twenty-four hours.’

Cain’s prayer was answered unexpectedly quickly.

Less than three minutes since Cain had finished talking with Iceline, he sensed a subtle change in the flow of mana nearby. Given Cain’s incredibly heightened senses, he immediately determined the reason.

“The Magic Tower!” Cain cheered.

Iceline had contacted the Magic Tower practically as soon as she’d finished her conversation with Cain, and they had responded right away.

“Although I have nothing to say if Avalon has its own problems to take care of... what are you going to do about it?” Theta looked at Kireua again because Kireua was the Flame Emperor’s student.

“...That is why we would like you to teleport two groups to different locations.”

“Huh? Two groups?” Theta took a look around, his head tilted in confusion. “I really don’t think your group is big enough to afford that... I’d recommend focusing on one.”

Cain nodded. “I know, but we can’t give up on anyone.”

“That doesn't exactly seem wise to me, but I assume that you’ve talked it out with your Prince over there.”

“Yes, we did.”

Theta nodded. “I’ll have to install two smaller teleportation gates for that, so the price will double.”

“Of course. We should be thorough when it comes to settling our bill.”

“You’re in safe hands, my new best customer. Installing two mini teleportation gates usually requires two of the Seven Mages, but I can pull it off on my own. I’m starting to feel like coming here was the right choice,” Theta pompously declared.

Anna gave him the side eye but stayed silent because of Cain’s warning look.

“How long will it take for you to install them? As you already know, we’re in a bit of a hurry, so I would like to be gone as soon as possible...”

“An hour.”

“A-An hour?”

“Yes, give me an hour at maximum for each of the gates. It wouldn’t even take me a minute to teleport you guys myself, but there’s jamming barriers all over the continent because of the war. I have to have a teleportation gate to break through the barriers.” Theta clicked his tongue.

Cain gaped in amazement. The rest of Theta’s explanation went right over his head. Theta truly was the greatest mage alive—a worthy Tower Master.

‘He just needs two hours to install two miniaturized teleportation gates...’ Cain exclaimed.

“Explain how you’re dividing your group while I install the gates. It’d be best if you tell me which destination is your priority. We can settle the bill later.”

“Thank you.” Cain bowed slightly and then quickly moved over to Kireua. Although he wanted to let Kireua rest a little longer, they couldn’t waste any more time—nor did they have to with Theta’s help.

“Your Highness, it’s time for you to wake up.”

Kireua was silent.

“Your Highness?”

Cain realized that something was off. Kireua was too quiet. Left with no other choice, Cain put his hand on Kireua to shake him awake, but...

“Your... Highness?” Cain’s eyes widened.

“What?” Anna came running after noticing Cain’s reaction. “What is it?”

Cain’s voice quivered.

“His Highness... isn’t breathing.”