Side Story Chapter 304

Side Story Chapter 304

Hawke wasn’t the only one who sensed the energy of death. It seemed that all of the Martial Knights had also noticed given that they abruptly stopped talking. For a moment, the sound in the vault was the knights’ swords clashing, and eventually the odd tension led the two knight orders to cease fighting entirely.

“Fuck...” One of the Martial Knights cussed aloud, looking at skeletons that surrounded the knights.

The undead had killed everyone from Hubalt except the Martial Knights. The concentrated energy of death sent shivers down the Black Knights’ spines even though they were on the same side.

“...They’re on our side, right?”

“O-Of course. We’re the just, and they’re the villains.”

Despite what they said, the Black Knights continued to steal glances at Kireua. As they were from Avalon, they were somewhat used to undead, but they were still humans. A situation like this made them feel uneasy.

Kireua ignored them and pointed his sword at the Martial Knights. “I need to wrap this up quickly before I become hated. So why don’t you help me out here and surrender?

The undead released their demonic power.

“You make me look like a villain here, but you guys are the invaders.” Letting out a sigh, Kireua smiled crookedly. “Keep in mind that I will use any means necessary to protect my people.”

The taunt made Hawke’s face crumple up.

“Don’t back down!” he shouted. “They’re still just undead!”

He and the Martial Knights were already using their true mana, so there was no turning back. They tried to rally their spirits with a chorus of energetic battle cries.

“I guess that’s your answer.” Kireua signaled the skeletons. “Guys, get rid of them.”

Kireua swung his sword and the undead swarmed the Martial Knights, initiating a fight between the legion of death and the knights burning away the last of their vital force.

“Die! Die!”

“We are the great Martial Knights!”


It was a massacre. Even Selim could do nothing but watch blankly. The undead legion was not only effective against paladins, who primarily used divine power, but also against the Martial Knights. Even though the Martial Knights were burning up their vital force, the undead rose again and again, no matter how many times the knights put them down. Even when the undead lost their limbs, they used their teeth to bite the Martial Knights.

While the undead lived up to their name, humans’ stamina was finite. Over time, it was the Martial Knights who fell, never to stand again.

“...He’s a villain,” Selim muttered unwittingly.

Kireua frowned. “You’re insulting His Majesty, you know. Besides, only an idiot wouldn’t make use of the weapons they have.”

Selim didn’t say anything, but Hawke was less restrained.

“Stop!” Hawke shouted. “Martial Knights, listen! Stop fighting and try to escape!”

Kireua and Selim gave him a wide-eyed look. That was the last order they had expected him to give.

“Are you planning on running?” Kireua shouted. “You said this place would be your grave!”

“The Martial Knights aren’t foolish enough to insist on fighting when it’s clear that their odds aren’t in our favor—but don’t worry. I’ll stay here until I’ve cut your head off.” Hawke brandished his sword.

His two captains saw that Hawke had embraced death and clenched their fists in frustration.

“Commander! We’ll stay too.”

“No! You need to lead the knights for me! Go! This is my last order as your commander!” Hawke firmly shouted.

The Martial Knights had no choice but to change tactics. Instead of maintaining their defensive line, they turned to offense, but their primary focus wasn’t on taking down the enemy anymore.

“...Martial Knights! Clear a path and run for the exit!”

“Yes, sir!”

Selim frowned. “Kireua! Get them! Take the undead and the Black Knights!”

“What? What about you?

“There’s one thing I envy about Selim. I don’t want his gift in the spear as desperately as I do you guys. I always wanted to have my own knights—no, comrades who I can trust to have my back on the battlefield.” Kireua chuckled.

His sudden confession made the Black Knights’ jaws drop.

“But you know what? I have comrades I can trust now.”

The Black Knights were only more confused.

Kireua grinned. “Those low-class undead weren’t the only things I inherited from His Majesty.”

Kireua unleashed a great amount of demonic power and sent it rushing toward the exit.

“The Second Prince of Avalon’s Dark Knights will handle this.”

The Martial Knights were getting close to the door now; they had almost escaped the vault.

“We’ll smash through the door!”

But then, several people came flying out of the ground.

“What?!” The Martial Knights’ stumbled, shocked by the identity of the people now blocking their path.

“D-Death knights!”

The death knight standing in the rear stood out the most; the sawtoothed greatsword he held was as big as he was.

‘I’ll trust you with this, Wild King.’

-Leave it to me.

Kireua smiled. “Now, let’s finish this hunt.”


“Your Majesty!”

“Ah, shit!”

Another intense battle raged in the graveyard behind the palace.

Cazes, Viper, and Valmont had reached the Superhuman level long ago, but the Blood Flower Knights fought them on equal terms; it made them wonder how they hadn’t been aware of these knights' existence until now.

The biggest problem was that Joshua, the person they had been counting on the most, was on the floor for unknown reasons.

“Your Majesty! Are you alright, Your Majesty?!”

“...Interesting,” Joshua quietly said.

Valmont's eyes widened as he watched Joshua stagger to his feet between swings of his sword.

“You’re pushing yourself too much,” First Flower commented with a furrowed brow.

“Now... is the time to push myself. Actually, this body’s owner... is also quite annoyed.”

First Flower chuckled. “Then let me tell you one more important fact.”

“Are you... buying time?”

Joshua knew that time was not on his side because this damned spell was only causing more pain.

“It costs you nothing to listen to the story.”

Joshua drew up his aura, but First Flower’s next remark made him come to a halt.

“Even if you survive and recover your original body, you’ll never be able to beat Bel because he’s like this spell but designed specifically for you.”


“He was born to be your counter.” First Flower smiled. “Don’t you want to know how a one-of-a-kind genius like Bel suddenly showed up out of nowhere?”