CH 1.2

Name:The Litchi Road Author:Ma Bo Yong
Li Shande ran back to the Imperial Palace in a single bound. By this time, the drums had sounded over four hundred times, and the curfew was approaching. He rushed to the corridor of the Shanglin Office, where he heard a hearty laugh and saw Liu Shuling leaving with his colleagues.

Liu Shuling was walking happily when he suddenly saw a black figure with disheveled hair running out. He was so scared that he almost jumped into the nearby pond. The figure did not slow down and crashed into his arms, knocking them both to the ground and making the floorboards crack.

Liu Shuling struggled desperately, only to find the black shadow clinging to his thigh tightly and shouting, “Shuling, save me! Shuling, save me!” He recognized the voice and couldn’t help but shout angrily, “Li Shande, what are you doing?” The colleagues and servants beside them hurriedly helped them up.

Please sign an order to save me! “Li Shande prostrated himself on the ground, looking extremely pitiful.

“Old Li, have you gone crazy?”

Li Shande whispered, “The document you gave me has had its yellow seal peeled off. I humbly request that you re-stamp it.” Liu Shuling was displeased and said, “Is this such a big deal? Is there any reason to panic?”

Li Shande quickly took out the document and pointed at it, “Please take a look, it originally said ‘fresh’ but it was changed to ‘decoction’ with a yellow patch. But for some reason, the label fell off and needs to be reattached. This is an imperial edict, this is an imperial edict, and if it weren’t for your official seal and stamp, it would have been a deliberate act of tampering.”

Liu Shuling’s face suddenly turned cold, “Yellow paste? I don’t remember a yellow patch on the document when I issued it to you – did you add it yourself?”

“How dare a lowly official have such courage, it is clearly…”

“You just said that the pasting of the yellow patch requires the stamping and sealing of the official seal to show fairness. May I ask, where are the seal marks on the fallen yellow patch?”

Li Shande suddenly choked up. Yes, why is there no seam seal on the yellow sticker of the ‘decoction’ character? At that time, he was drunk and only saw the words “Litchi Envoy” on the document, so his mind was distracted and he did not check the details of the document. But then again, who would check a document from his superior as if he were guarding against a thief?

In the heat of the moment, his voice became louder, “Wise official Liu, think about it carefully, sir. You didn’t say that at noon. Didn’t the Inner Palace want some lychee decoction?”

Liu Shuling sneered, “Lychee decoction? You must have gone senile, right? It’s already stored in large quantities in the imperial kitchen. Do we even need to provide it? Have you ever heard me mention lychee decoction at noon?”

Everyone shook their heads. Liu Shuling said, “I was clear at lunch, and the edict was clear as well. The title of ‘Lychee Envoy’ that was bestowed upon you was to procure fresh lychees for the palace. Don’t misunderstand!”

Li Shande’s beard trembled as he could not believe what he heard: “Fresh lychees? You also know the characteristics of lychees – they change their color in one day, their fragrance in two days, and their taste in three days. The distance from Lingnan to Chang’an is no less than 5,000 miles, and there is no way that we can get them there in time.”

So, Envoy Li, you have to pay attention and work harder. The emperor is waiting for us.”

As the sound of the drums outside began to fade, Liu Shuling impatiently jumped up and rushed to the door. Li Shande panicked and reached for his sleeve, but he was pushed back and fell heavily upon the wooden floor again. As he got up, dizzy and disoriented, he noticed the corridor had become completely empty.

Li Shande sat slumped for a while, then suddenly ran like a madman to the storage room of the Department of Agriculture. The night watchman was startled by the disheveled madman and almost called for the guards to arrest him. Li Shande grabbed his arm and begged him to open the library for him. The guard, afraid of being bitten, reluctantly agreed.

There were dozens of large jujube wood bookshelves stacked with a large number of scrolls. The forests, parks, and orchards near the capital were all recorded here. Li Shande remembered that the edict he had signed at noon had been copied three times, with one copy sent to each of the three government departments for safekeeping. The Department of Agriculture had one of the copies. He was determined to find out. If the yellow patch was real, then there must be a trace of it in that archive.

Each document here has a corner tag exposed on the outside. This is called a “chao mu,” and it lists the reason, the government office in charge of the matter, and the date for easy inspection and investigation. Li Shande quickly found the backup document and eagerly pulled the scroll out of the rack. As he unfolded it and looked at it, his heart suddenly stopped beating.

There was no trace of the yellow patch on this document. The words “ten jin of fresh lychees” were clear and neat without the slightest smear.

“No, I have to go to the Ministry of Personnel and the Imperial Records Office to verify the other two copies!”

Li Shande still refused to give up and did not dare to give up. Everyone knew that this was a task given by the emperor. If he couldn’t do it well, there was only a dead end. Therefore, he had to figure it out, what exactly does the emperor want?

He was contemplating how to get into the three storage rooms when he accidentally noticed the corner of a label inserted into the scroll, covered with densely packed words*.

*”密密麻麻” means something is densely packed, covered, or written in small, tightly packed characters or details. 

When a document passes through various government offices, the official in charge of filing it was often lazy and does not change the label, but simply crosses out the old words and writes the new title. Therefore, those who are observant*, can know the circulation process just by looking at the label.

*”有心人” literally means “a person with a heart,” but it also has a figurative meaning of someone who is attentive, and diligent in their work. It suggests that the individual has a strong sense of responsibility and is prepared to put forth the time and effort necessary to accomplish their goals.

Li Shande picked up the document suspiciously and examined it carefully. He found that it had passed through the hands of the officials at the Shangshi Office, the Taifu Office, the Gongshi Officer, and the Lingnan Court Envoy before being sent to the Department of Agriculture. Without hesitation, the Department of Agriculture sent it directly to the Shanglin Office*.

*I will explain all these offices in the footnotes :]

After reading this copy, Li Shande felt dizzy. He realized that there was no need to go to the Ministry of Personnel and the Imperial Records Office for verification.

From the beginning, the emperor wanted to eat Lingnan lychees on the first day of June.

Not lychee decoction, but fresh lychees.

Lychees spoil within three days, and even with a dragon horse that can travel a thousand miles a day, it’s impossible to bring fresh lychees from Lingnan, which is 5,000 miles away, to Chang’an. Therefore, sending someone to get lychees is already a doomed mission. It’s not a desirable task, but rather a life-shortening talisman that every government office tries to avoid.

So Li Shande saw a polo game unfolding in the document: the Shangshi Office passed it on to the Taifu Office, which passed it onto the Gongshi Officer. The Gongshi officer passed it onto the envoy of the Lingnan court, who then sent it to the Ministry of Agriculture. The Department of Agriculture had no one else to pass it on to, so they had to force it down to the Shanglin Office.

Although Li Shande was honest and loyal, he had been in the official circle for decades. At this point, how could he not know that he had been tricked?

As luck would have it, he happened to take a day off to look at houses, and in his absence, the others conspired to give him the task. To trick him into taking the hot pear*, Liu Shuling gave him food and drink until he was drunk. Then they deliberately changed “鲜” (fresh) to “煎” (fried) on the official document. As long as there was no official seal, Li Shande wouldn’t be able to prove that he had been tricked, even if he discovered the trickery later.

*Similar to the English idiomatic expression of “hot potato”.

As soon as he realized the situation, Li Shande’s body involuntarily convulsed and he collapsed to the floor of the storage room. Dazed, he felt like he was trapped at the bottom of a narrow, pitch-black well, his body submerged in the icy well water. He lifted his head and saw the house he had not yet moved into slowly collapsing at the mouth of the well, accompanied by falling osmanthus flowers that soon blocked out any trace of light…..

…..When he woke up, it was the morning of February 4th. The Imperial City had been closed the previous night, making it impossible for anyone to enter or leave. Li Shande couldn’t remember how he had gotten back to his duty room at the Shanglin Office, or even when he had fallen asleep. He felt a glimmer of hope when he reached out to touch his pillow, but unfortunately, the imperial decree was still there, and the words “fresh lychee” were still clearly visible.

It seemed that yesterday had not been a nightmare. He rubbed his eyes in disappointment, feeling weak and limp all over. The bright sunlight streamed through the crack in the window, but it couldn’t bring even a little strength.

For a man who had been sentenced to death in advance, these scenes were meaningless. Twenty-eight years of caution and prudence have led to an irreversible situation with just one careless moment. His wife and children had endured so many years of hardship with him in Chang’an, and when they finally had a home of their own, it was destroyed in an instant. When he thought about it, Li Shande felt a sudden pain in his heart, and after the pain came endless despair.

What can a mere Shanglin Office Supervisor, who is only ranked ninth, do?

He sat in a daze until the afternoon, then finally got up, ran his fingers through his hair, and stumbled out of the Shanglin office. Many colleagues saw him, but no one approached him. They just whispered to each other from a distance, as if they were watching a prisoner on death row.

Li Shande didn’t want to pay attention to them. If those people hadn’t flattered* him yesterday, he wouldn’t have been fooled so easily. He didn’t want to speculate on the minds of these despicable people, he just wanted to go home and be with his family.

*”蝇营狗苟” refers to people who flatter and curry favor with the powerful for personal gain, often at the expense of their dignity.

He left the imperial city and walked back home by instinct. As he was walking, he suddenly heard a cry, “Brother Liang Yuan*, what are you doing here?”

*”良元” This would be a friendly form of address (specific) between friends or people who are familiar with each other. For Li Shande, the name they have given him is ‘良’ (liang) which means virtuous and ‘元’ means primary, first, and so on. This together can be interpreted as a character with good character and virtue.

Li Shande turned around to see two men in green robes standing on the street corner. 

One of them had narrow eyes and a wide jaw, with a perfectly round face resembling a bronze mirror. The other was a middle-aged man with a thin face and eyebrows shaped like the character “八,” as if a worried expression was always on his face.

They were both acquaintances. The chubby one’s name was Han Cheng, and he was an official in the Ministry of Justice. Because he was the 14th child in the family, everyone called him Han Shishi (fourteen). The skinny one was called Du Fu*, and well… Li Shande only knew that his poetry and writing were good and that he had won the favor of other scholars. He had stayed in Beijing for the selection process, but other than that, Li Shande did not know much about him.

*Du Fu is considered to be one of China’s greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty with Li Bai.

As soon as Han Cheng saw Li Shande, he excitedly dragged him out for a drink, saying that Zimei* had just been given an official position and they needed to celebrate. Li Shande reluctantly agreed and was dragged to a tavern in the Western District.

*”子美” (Zǐ Měi) is used as a friendly and informal way of Han Cheng for addressing Du Fu. “子” usually means “child” or “son,” but can also be used as an honorific for someone younger or as a term of respect. “美” means “beautiful” or “exquisite”.

A plump waitress greeted them and took a quick look at their attire before leading them straight to a corner of the tavern. Han Cheng, feeling that she was being snobbish, reached into his waistband, pulled out fifteen large coins, and slammed them down on the table. He said, “Today, Lao Du has been given an official position. We should celebrate in a fitting manner. Bring in a music band here to add to the festivities!” When the waitress heard that one of the three actually held an official position, she quickly changed her attitude and called for two Kucha musicians.

She also brought three cups of Guijiu from the counter, saying that it was a gift from the tavern, which improved Han Cheng’s expression. Du Fu, feeling a bit embarrassed, said, “Shishi, I am not such a high-ranking official, there is no need to spend so much.”

“What is there to fear? Some other day, you can just give me a poem or a piece of writing,” Han Cheng said generously, waving his hand.

Two musicians from Kucha with high noses and deep-set eyes came over. They first unfurled a thin curtain and hung it on the hooks in the corner of the wall. Then, from behind the curtain, they began to play a tune from the Western Regions. 

Han Cheng picked up his cup, smiled at Li Shande and said, “Brother Liang Yuan, there are things you are not aware of. Originally, the Ministry of Personnel wanted to appoint Zimei as the county official of Hexi, but he declined the position. Instead, he was given the role of military staff officer in the Garrison Office of the Right Guard- an idle position, but still a position within the capital. The current emperor has a great appreciation for poetry and literature, so as long as Zimei remains in Chang’an, he will have a day to hold one’s head high.”

Li Shande mechanically clasped his hands and made a polite gesture, while Du Fu self-deprecatingly remarked, “Being a military staff officer is not my preference. It’s just for the sake of a few stones of salary rice. Otherwise my family would starve. Unlike the esteemed Mr. Wuliu, who can remain unbowed, my aspirations pale in comparison to those of the sages of the past.” 

When Han Cheng noticed that Du Fu was about to start talking again, he quickly lifted his wine cup and said, “Come, come, let’s not emit yin energy. You were a scholar at the Imperial Academy, so your future is limitless, unlike us mundane officials.”

The three of them raised their wine cups and drank it all in one gulp. This Guijiu, a fragrant wine made by blending osmanthus flowers with rice wine, had a rich aroma. As Li Shande took a sip, he couldn’t help but feel a wave of sadness. He realized that he wouldn’t live to see August, and he wouldn’t even see the osmanthus tree blossom in his new home. Tears streamed down his face as he set down the wine cup.

Han Cheng and Du Fu were both astonished and quickly asked what was going on. Li Shande had no reservations and took out the imperial edict and truthfully explained the situation. They both stood there in stunned silence after hearing it. After a moment, Du Fu couldn’t hold back and said, “Such absurdity!  The Lingnan Road is far away, and the lychees are fickle. These are things that are beyond human control. Has no one brought this to the Emperor’s attention?”

Han Cheng sneered and said, “The emperor holds the authority of heaven in his mouth. Once he has made a decision, who dares to advice him otherwise? Do you recall An Lushan? Many people suspected that this foreigner had rebellious intentions, but the emperor had no reservations in tying up those who offered advice and sending them to Hedong. That is why, in the case of this lychee issue, those government departments would rather pass the buck down than dare to urge the emperor to withdraw the decree.”

“The Emperor is an exceptional leader, rarely seen in the world, but it is a pity… He has enough intellect to reject advice and enough eloquence to justify his actions,” Du Fu lamented.

“The Emperor’s decrees are irrevocable, so it would be best to find a scapegoat to take on this appointment. If that person fails and dies, only then will there be peace in the land. Brother Liang Yuan, have you ever played the game ‘Passing the Drum and Flower’*? You would be the one holding the flower when the drum stops.*”

*Passing the Drum and Flower (鼓花传) is a traditional Chinese children’s game. Basically, a drum and a flower are passed around the participants while music is played. The players have to be careful not to hold either of the objects when the music stops. Players who are caught have to suffer the consequences according to the game. 

*The phrase “鼓声住时手里握花的那个人” is a metaphorical expression that refers to being entrusted with a difficult or burdensome task or responsibility. It implies that Li Shande would be the one entrusted with the challenging task, analogous to the person who ends up holding the flower when the music stops in the game.

Han Cheng’s words were blunt and sharp. Unlike the other two, he was the chief official of the Revenue Division in the Ministry of Justice, responsible for auditing the financial records of various departments. His work gave him a deep understanding of officialdom.

Du Fu was greatly astonished when he heard this and exclaimed, “If that’s the case, then Brother Liang Yuan is left with no solution. How unfortunate, how unfortunate!” He patted Li Shande’s back affectionately, showing genuine sympathy.

As soon as Du Fu gently touched him, Li Shande’s grief surged again. He wiped away his tears with the edge of his sleeve and sobbed, “I borrowed 200 guan of incense from Zhaofu Temple. It wouldn’t matter if it was just me who died, but I’m afraid that the mother and daughter will be sold into slavery. It’s heartbreaking to think that they’ve endured hardships with me for half their lives, and just when we’ve finally escaped the clouds, disaster strikes before we can see the moonlight.”

Du Fu also cried as he replied, “How could I not know? My wife and children are in Fengxian, where they are hungry and worried. I am very worried about them, but after I leave the capital, I will not be able to provide for them, and they will also…”

Han Cheng played with the empty wine cup in his hand, watching the two crying their hearts out and shaked his head helplessly. “Zimei, don’t make things even more chaotic. Brother Liang Yuan, let me test you. Do you know who is the most disliked person in our Revenue Division?”

Li Shande wiped away his tears and looked up in confusion. Why did he ask this question all of a sudden? It was obvious from Han Cheng’s expression that he was serious. Li Shande collected himself and replied hesitantly. “Are you talking about tax evaders?”

Han Cheng wagged his finger and said, “Wrong! The ones we despise the most in the Division are you temporary envoys.” 

Du Fu furrowed his brow and said, “Shishi, why do you have to provoke Brother Lian Yuan?” 

Han Cheng replied, “No, I’m not targeting Brother Lian Yuan specifically, but all the envoys. In the eyes of the Division, they are nothing more than dogs eating intestines, runaway slaves.”

He suddenly blurted out vulgar words, causing both of them to stop crying. Han Cheng picked up his chopsticks and gestured at the table while dipping them into Guijiu. He said, “You two are familiar with the court’s financial distribution system. For example, let’s take the expenses of the Shanglin Office in the 14th year of Tianbao. In the first month, Du Zhi Lang Zhong (deputy director) of the Ministry of Revenue prepares a budget. The Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of Storage are responsible for treasury and disbursement. They allocate funds and supplies from the Left and Right Treasury Offices and the Ministry of Agriculture to the Shanglin Office. When these funds and supplies are exhausted, the Revenue Department of our Ministry of Justice also examines the accounts and checks for any misuse or embezzlement – does this process sound familiar?”

As Han Cheng continued his explanation, a straight line of wine stain appeared on the desk and both men nodded in agreement.

“But! In recent years, the emperor has been fond of creating various envoy positions, establishing them on a whim without regard to the official hierarchy of the court. The expenses of these envoys are funded by the national treasury, but they only report directly to the emperor. They operate outside the purview of the Three departments and Six ministries, beyond the reach of the Nine Ministries and Five supervisory offices. And what are the results? The financial planning department has no control, the treasuries have no supervision, the audit department cannot investigate, and the legal systems have no means of supervision. We can only watch helplessly as these envoys take the treasury’s money and disappear over the Ba Qiao Bridge.”

Du Fu shouted angrily, “Parasites! These parasites!” However, Li Shande realized the implication in his words and pondered.

“Let me give you an example. Every year, Zhejiang is required to pay tribute to the emperor in the form of fresh vegetables and oysters. For this purpose, a special envoy of sea products from the eastern region of Zhejiang is appointed. Under the leadership of this envoy, the water transport workers spend a total of 436,000 working hours every year. Imagine the expenses involved! It all comes from the funds allocated by the Ministry of Revenue. But our revenue division has no control over the accounts. The envoys report only to the emperor, and as long as the palace receives the seafood, they are satisfied, regardless of the amount spent.”

Du Fu was shocked by what he heard, while Li Shande’s eyes began to shine even brighter. Han Cheng picked up a dry dough cake and wiped away the wine stain on the desk. He calmly said, “The importance is placed on the envoys, the officials are treated lightly. What is the difference between your position as a Lychee envoy and the positions of the Eastern Zhejiang Sea Cargo Envoy, the Flower and Bird Envoy, or the Melon and Fruit Envoy?”

This is not a criticism of the imperial government; this whole envoys thing is clearly an encouragement to take advantage of the situation and become a corrupt official without restraint. Li Shande thought to himself with some uneasiness in his heart, “As a low-ranked official of the ninth rank, dealing with trivial matters like lychees, I’m afraid…”

Han Cheng sneered and picked up the imperial edict. “Brother Liang Yuan, you are too naive. Look at the deadline written here, ‘before the first day of the sixth month’ – don’t you see the hidden meaning behind it?”

Li Shande looked puzzled, and Han Cheng uttered a tsk in disapproval. He picked up his chopsticks and tapped the rim of the wine glass, reciting a verse in a mocking tone,

“In my mind, I put on a flowing robe and imagine your exquisite beauty,

As the spring breeze caresses the doorstep, the dew reveals its rich splendor.

If I did not meet you on this majestic mountaintop,

I would meet you under the moonlit Jade Terrace.”

Upon hearing this poem, Du Fu’s eyes filled with deep emotion. “This is… a poem by Li Bai,” he said.

Han Cheng turned to Du Fu and smiled, “I don’t know how Brother Li Bai is doing in Xuancheng. During this year’s Lantern Festival, I came across copies of his new work, ‘Seventeen Poems of Qiu Pu River’, which he wrote while in Jingxian County. His poetic style is as captivating as ever, although I must admit that ‘For Wang Lun’ is perhaps a bit vulgar.

As soon as poetry was mentioned, Du Fu became excited. He leaned forward and said earnestly, “Who is this Wang Lun? What kind of deep friendship did he have with Li Bai? Why did Li Bai write a poem especially for him? I don’t know, and I don’t want to know. But as for the composition of this poem, Shishi, you are wrong…”

The two of them began to discuss poetry, chatting away. Li Shande, who didn’t understand much of it, sat in the same place, his mind filled with thoughts of Han Cheng’s implications.

This Li Bai’s poem was written in the 3rd year of the Tianbao era. At that time, the Emperor and the Noble Consort were admiring peonies in the Chenxiang Pavilion. Li Guinian wanted to come forward and sing, but the emperor said, “Why use old musical lyrics when you are admiring famous flowers with the consort?” So Li Bai was summoned urgently to the palace. Still groggy from drunkenness, Li Bai wielded his brush and completed three poems of “Qing Ping Tiao” and this is one of them.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was no need to add a surname before the title of Noble Consort, because everyone knows that her family name is Yang. Her birthday happens to be the first day of June. About 90 percent of these fresh lychees are intended as a birthday gift from the emperor to the Noble Consort.

So that was the meaning of Han Cheng’s words!

This is about getting fresh lychees for the Noble Consort’s birthday, and it seems to be even more important than the Emperor’s own affairs. Who dares to interfere?

He was a dedicated and hardworking official who was just concerned with getting things done, but he had never considered the enormous power behind this task. This skill was not mentioned in the “Official Genealogy” or in the Imperial Decree. It was intangible, shapeless, and unspoken. However, once Li Shande broke through this barrier in his heart before the first of June, he could act freely.

At that moment, the waitress brought a jar of Green Ant Wine and placed a small strainer on the opening of the jar so that the guests could filter it themselves.

“What about after the first of June?” Li Shande was suddenly confused. No matter how powerful his title was, it couldn’t solve the problem of transporting the lychees. If this problem wasn’t solved, everything would be in vain.

Han Cheng broke away from Du Fu’s endless discussion about poetry and looked at him with a serious expression. He uttered two words, “He Li*”

“He Li?”

“He Li!”

*Refers to the divorce of husband and wife by consent.

Li Shande suddenly understood the meaning behind Han Shishi’s words. Those two characters struck his chest like a huge hammer.

The lychee business is doomed to failure. Therefore, Li Shande must separate from his wife early and have an amicable separation so that his family will not be involved in the future. Li Shande can use the remaining four months to make some profits, accumulate some wealth, and try to repay the Xiangji loan. At the very least, he can leave a house for widows and orphans.

“In the end, I still have to die…”

Li Shande’s fist opened and then tightened, his gaze fixed on the sediment in the wine, which resembled the corpses of ants floating after drowning. Han Cheng looked at his old friend with sympathy, picked up the filter, and slowly sifted a cup of pure wine before handing it to him.

When Li Shande was in charge of auditing at the Revenue Division, he was aware of a type of account used by businesses called the “sinking a boat and not saving it” account – when the boat is sinking and there’s no way to save it, the only option is to cut losses. While his approach may have seemed ruthless, it was actually the best course of action for his old friend.

After the music ended, the musicians were paid a few coins, and they lowered the curtain and left. Only the three of them remained in the corner, surrounded by silence as there were not many customers drinking in the afternoon. Li Shande’s lips trembled as he took out a pen and paper from his bag.

“If that’s the case, I’ll write a letter of divorce and ask you both to witness it…..”

Before he could finish his words, Du Fu quickly grabbed his shoulder and turned to Han Cheng, angrily shouting, “Han Shishi, they are a happily married couple. How can you propose a divorce?” Li Shande forced a smile and said, “He means well. The situation with the fresh lychees is insoluble. My fate has been sealed, and all I can do is try to make a little extra profit.”

“Even if you have arranged everything for the afterlife, will the sister-in-law and your daughter be happy for the rest of their lives?”

“Then tell me, Brother Zimei, what else can I do?!” Li Shande was provoked by his aggressive tone.

“Have you been to Lingnan? Have you seen fresh lychees?”


“You haven’t even been there yet, so how can you just casually say that it’s unsolvable?”

“Ah, Brother Zimei, you excel in poetry and intellectual debate, but you don’t understand the complexities of ordinary affairs…”

Du Fu interrupted him once again and said, “I may not understand ordinary things, but aren’t you also at a dead end with no solution? Instead of being trapped in this situation, why don’t you listen to someone like me who doesn’t understand and go to Lingnan to see for yourself before making a decision?”

Without saying a word, Li Shande watched as Du Fu lifted his robe and sat across from him. Du Fu said, “I may only excel in composing gentle and simple poems, but I have a story to tell you, my friend Liang Yuan. Li Shande glanced at Han Cheng, who tilted his head and made a gesture indicating that he was all ears.

“When I was ten years younger than I am now, I had a single-minded desire to make a name for myself in Chang’an and serve the country. Unfortunately, luck was not on my side. Whether it was submitting essays or taking the imperial examinations, I couldn’t fulfill my aspirations. This continued until the tenth year of Tianbao, when I still had nothing to show for my efforts. On my 40th birthday, my friends invited me to celebrate by taking a trip to Qujiang. But halfway there, a thick fog enveloped the shore, and I was suddenly overcome with despair. Wasn’t this a reflection of my own life? More than half of it had already passed, yet the future remained hazy and uncertain. I left the boat feeling lost and disoriented. I had no desire to drink or write poetry, and even the vibrant flowers of Weiqu lost their color in my eyes. I wandered aimlessly like a walking corpse, contemplating ending my existence in some forgotten corner of Chang’an.”

“Unconsciously, I found myself outside the Chunming Gate, a mile away from the eastern part of the city, in an area known as Shanghao Fang. In truth, it was far from being an excellent place, let alone a proper neighbourhood; it was just a chaotic burial ground. It was where the unclaimed bodies of those who died in the capital were taken for burial, and it seemed fitting for me to find my final resting place there. I chose a mound at random and lay down on the ground. I soon encountered an old soldier guarding the graves. He had weathered features and had lost an eye, and his demeanor was rather grim. He did not like me taking up space and kicked me away, then continued to drink by himself. I asked him for a sip and that led to a conversation between the two of us. It turned out that he was a soldier from the Western Regions who had also engaged in some unsavoury activities in Chang’an, though hardly anyone remembered him now. The old soldier had retired and chosen to live in Shanghao Fang, where he dedicated himself to guarding the graves of his fallen comrades who had been forced to their deaths in the past. We talked for a long time that day, and he told me many stories from the past. Among them, my favorite passage was not a story.”

“The old soldier said that when he was young, he was forced to leave his hometown and serve on the frontier of the Western Regions. It was the first time he had been separated from his loved ones and the first time he had been on the battlefield, not knowing when he might meet his end. Military law was strict and there was no escape. As a young boy, he lived in constant fear and despair, feeling utterly hopeless. One day, he found himself pinned down on the battlefield by a fierce enemy, on the verge of death. In a desperate act, he used his teeth to tear off a piece of the enemy’s cheek, narrowly managing to kill him in return. At that moment, the old soldier had an epiphany. Faced with a desperate situation and no way to retreat, why not fight with all his might, risking everything, as there might still be a faint glimmer of hope? From then on, he relentlessly practiced swordsmanship and horseback riding, and every day he would charge down from high mountains and stoop down to snatch away the enemy’s flags. With this unyielding spirit, he survived countless battles and finally returned safely to Chang’an from the Western Regions.”

“After hearing his story, I was deeply moved. How did my own situation compare to that of the old soldier? If he could find the strength to strike one more blow against destiny, why couldn’t I? As you all know, when I returned home, I regained my strength and composed the “Three Great Poetic Expositions on Rites”. Eventually, I won the favor of the scholars and was appointed to the Imperial Academy. Although my achievements today are not worth mentioning, my creative direction has become clearer compared to the past: I want to record all those nameless people and events and make sure they leave an indelible mark on history. So I returned to find the old soldier’s name, hoping to write poems in his honor. However, the old soldier steadfastly refused to reveal his name, allowing me only to write anonymously about his experiences as a soldier. And so I composed the nine poems of the “Beyond the Frontier” series, and the story I just told you is in the second poem. Now I present it to you as a gift.”

Du Fu grabbed the brush without grinding the ink and dipped it directly into the wine. He quickly began to write. In no time, a new five-character ancient poem appeared on the paper.

Long since I left home, so

No more a raw recruit;

The warmth of family love

Still remains with me, though

I know that at any moment

I might die; bridle falling off,

Reins still in my hand,

Or when leaping down a hillside

To seize the enemy flag below.

Du Fu forcefully threw the brush aside with a loud “snap” and stared straight at Li Shande, his gaze as sharp as the sword in the hands of Aunt Gongsun*.

*’公孙大娘’ – Honestly, I couldn’t find any context or explanation for this, so I am sorry about that. If anybody know about this part, please let me know^^

“The bond of flesh and blood cannot be broken, and a man is always ready to die. Since there is no retreat, why not advance with a desperate struggle?”

As Li Shande read these vivid, wine-soaked verses, his wrist holding the scroll suddenly trembled, as if something was stirring in his chest.


Shangshi Office: Shangshi was in charge of imperial administration.

Taifu office: It was an administrative and financial institution in ancient China that was responsible for managing the imperial treasury and finances of the central government.

Gongshi Officer: It was an official position in ancient China, responsible for overseeing the management and regulation of markets in the capital city, especially those located within the palace.

Lingnan Court Envoy: It refers to the official position of the “envoy to the southern court” during the Tang Dynasty. It was responsible for managing the relations between the Tang Dynasty and the southern states, which were located in what is now modern-day Guangdong, Guangxi, and Vietnam.

Translator ramblings^^

ok, another pain in the ass to translate, but was a really fun and thought-provoking chapter to read^^

didn’t think the main character would have interactions with actual historical figures, but that was great though surprising!!

also i just love li shande… he is just this big sweetheart, naive, and of great character… didn’t think i would appreciate a middle aged man, but it happened lmao

thought i announced a small break, but i didn’t… well everything in my mind got jumbled up as i was hit by the sudden death of a closed one… rest in peace my lovely aunt and i hope she got her wish of getting a dog..

see u next time, bye<3