Song Zhi Xu subconsciously glanced at the lounge, and only after a while, he then said, “I’m working overtime at the company. I’ll be back later, you can go to the security guard room for a while.”

“How long will it take?” The other party asked again, but it was obvious that her tone was not as good as it had been just now, with a hint of dissatisfaction.

“More or less…an hour.” Song Zhi Xu thought for a moment and said. The person on the other side was silent for a long time and quickly after that, she removed her gentle tone of voice just now. She disdainfully spit out, ‘Pah!’ and said in an angry voice, “Heartless thing, just like your father.”

Before Song Zhi Xu could say anything else, the other party already hung up the phone.

He sighed helplessly, put the phone in his pocket and went back into the lounge.

Lin Ran on the bed was still asleep, his body curled into a somewhat restless or uneasy ball.

The bed in the lounge wasn’t very big, not as big as the one in the villa. Lin Ran was sleeping unfaithfully again, rolling around and reaching the edge of the bed, already on the verge of falling off.

Song Zhi Xu stepped in faster, holding Lin Ran’s body and moving him in a little, fearing that he might fall off.

Lin Ran was a light sleeper, not to mention in a place he was unfamiliar with, so he woke up as soon as Song Zhi Xu touched him.

A little frightened, he opened his eyes but after seeing that the person in front of him was Song Zhi Xu, Lin Ran relaxed and subconsciously leaned into Song Zhi Xu’s arms and gently rubbed against him.

“Song Zhi Xu.” Lin Ran called out his name in a small voice and muttered with some sleepiness, “You didn’t lie to Ran Ran, Ran Ran woke up and saw you.”

Song Zhi Xu gently touched his cheek and said in a low voice, “Did I scare you? Do you want to sleep a little longer?”

Lin Ran shook his head, he wasn’t afraid anymore if it was Song Zhi Xu. He relaxed his body and pressed his full weight on Song Zhi Xu.

It took a moment before he really sober and got his spirit back and asked in a small voice, “Did Ran Ran sleep for a long time?”

“Not long, less than an hour.” Song Zhi Xu had seen the time before he came in.

“So when are we going home?” Although it was only him and Song Zhi Xu here, Lin Ran still thought about going home. This place was considered somewhat unfamiliar to him. 

“Let’s go now.” Song Zhi Xu let go of Lin Ran, knelt down to help him put on his shoes, then took both of their coats and gave them to Lin Ran. Song Zhi Xu took out the little turtle that was still soaking in the water and casually threw it into Lin Ran’s bag. He wore it over his own shoulder before finally picking up Lin Ran.

Ofa Olc Ejc rla lc atf mgbbx bo tlr jgw, Vbcu Itl We erfv tlr batfg tjcv ab bqfc atf vbbg jcv ifjnf.

Olc Ejc byfvlfcais teuufv Vbcu Itl We’r cfmx jcv joafg ifjnlcu atf boolmf, tf abbx j qffx bearlvf jcv rjk atja cb bcf kjr atfgf jcswbgf.

Ktf kffxfcv kjr reqqbrfv ab yf bnfgalwf jcv joafg atf kbgx kjr vbcf, atfs cjaegjiis ifoa. Rbk, atfgf kfgf bcis akb bo atfw lc atf mbwqjcs. Vbcu Itl We abbx Olc Ejc klat tlw, abbx atf iloa vbkc ab atf qjgxlcu iba, obecv tlr mjg jcv qea Olc Ejc lc la, atfc uba lcab atf vglnfg’r rfja.

As he drove the car, Song Zhi Xu thought about it and told Lin Ran in advance about the person who had just come to his house.

“Ran Ran, after we go back home later, there’s an extra person at home. She may have to stay for a few more days. Don’t be afraid of her. I’ll remind her to stay away a little from you.” 

“Someone?” Lin Ran was stunned, his hand subconsciously clutched the bag in his embrace and asked in a small voice, “Who is it?”

“It’s my mother.” Song Zhi Xu said honestly.

Lin Ran relaxed a little when she heard that it was Song Zhi Xu’s mother, but then he tilted his head sideways in some confusion and asked in a small voice, “Is it the same as Ran Ran’s mother?”

He glanced down at the bag in his arms, his mother was inside the photo frame.

“No, you’ll know when you see her.” Song Zhi Xu didn’t know how to explain to Lin Ran for a moment.

What was inside the frame was just a photo, it didn’t count for anything. When he thought of the Lin family’s disregard of Lin Ran, Song Zhi Xu even wanted to tell Lin Ran that the person in the photo whom Lin Ran had called “mother” for many years, was not his real mother at all, and she didn’t even want to see Lin Ran.

But Song Zhi Xu didn’t say anything in the end. He was afraid that even if he did say it, Lin Ran wouldn’t understand yet he was even more afraid that if he did explain it, Lin Ran would be sad if he understood later. Lin Ran nodded and asked no more questions. He just sat in the front passenger seat, holding his bag steadily.

Back at the Emerald Garden’s residence, Song Zhi Xu stopped the car after entering the door and told Lin Ran to wait in the car while he went to the security room and knocked on the door.

Before he reached the door, he saw a ‘bored to death’ woman sitting in front of the security room with a parasol, all dressed in luxury.

She was sitting casually on the stairway while wearing her private custom-made dress, the only one in the world, with a small electric fan that she had borrowed from somewhere, blowing and messing up her well-done hair. 

“Mom, why are you suddenly coming over here?” Song Zhi Xu walked close to her, only then he spoke out.

Xiao Shilan, who was sitting on the ground, took the sunshade away and looked up before she saw the man standing not far from her. Her eyes widened in surprise and she hurriedly stood up.

“So soon? Didn’t you say about one hour? It’s only been half an hour and you’re already here?” With a smile on her face, she walked over and put her arm around Song Zhi Xu’s arm, “You still feel sorry for your mom.”

Song Zhi Xu didn’t say that it was because Lin Ran woke up quickly, but just gave a faint and indifferent, “Hm”.

Xiao Shilan was happy and carried Song Zhi Xu to the security room, returning the small fan she had borrowed and nodding to the security guard. “Thank you for the fan, I’ll leave now.” Xiao Shilan said as she changed her face into a warm smile again.

“Fine, fine.” The security guard inside replied to her, his eyes glancing at the two of them several times.

Xiao Shilan was extremely well maintained and had been spoiled since childhood until now, living a comfortable life, and her age didn’t show from her face. At over forty years old, she looked just like a few years older than Song Zhi Xu when she stood with him. If they didn’t say so, outsiders would never associate them as mother and son. The two of them left the guard room and walked towards Song Zhi Xu’s car while talking.

Before they could even get close, the front passenger door was opened and Lin Ran quickly ran to Song Zhi Xu’s side, pulling him over with force, then biting his lip as he stared at Xiao Shilan.

Lin Ran’s body had some trembling, but he still kept Song Zhi Xu behind him, forbidding Xiao Shilan to come closer.

He had just seen this woman with the same umbrella as Song Zhi Xu, while the two of them were holding arms and talking intimately, so Lin Ran didn’t want that, he didn’t want Song Zhi Xu to have other people by his side. 

“What’s going on here?” Xiao Shilan was dumbfounded, looking at the child whose hair reached Song Zhi Xu’s shoulders and kept Song Zhi Xu on his back, as if he was about to attack her if she took one step closer.

Song Zhi Xu could only see Lin Ran’s back, but he was in a good mood, since he didn’t even expect Lin Ran to rush over and pull him away.

What is this? The little fool’s possessiveness toward him? Inexplicably, it put him in some kind of good mood.

“Ran Ran, this is my mother. Didn’t I already tell you?” Seeing that Lin Ran’s body was trembling a little, Song Zhi Xu hurriedly pulled him over and gathered him in his arms, holding his hand.

“Song Zhi Xu’s mama?” Lin Ran was a little confused. Song Zhi Xu’s mother was different from his own mother.

“Whose kid is this? Is he in your car just now?” Xiao Shilan still hadn’t figured out what was going on.

“Hn, this is Uncle Lin’s family’s son. His name is Lin Ran, he lives with me now.” Song Zhi Xu explained it in a simple way. 

“Your Uncle Lin’s son? It’s been years since I’ve seen him, I barely recognize him.” Xiao Shilan sized up Lin Ran for a few moments, sighed again and said, “Poor child.”

Although she couldn’t make it back when the Lin family had an accident and had to let Song Zhi Xu go over to take a trip there, Xiao Shilan and Lin Ran’s father were old friends and had known each other since they were children. It was still sad that something like that had happened. Lin Ran stood beside Song Zhi Xu, relaxed his body and after a while, he called her in a small voice, “Auntie.” After that, he said again, “I’m sorry.” 

Xiao Shilan also didn’t bother about it so she waved her hand.

“It’s alright, when the two of us are together, people can’t tell it’s a mother and his son. It’s alright.”

The sun was a bit hot outside and Xiao Shilan couldn’t stand it, so she told the two to go back first.

Looking at the two people who naturally went up to the front row, Xiao Shilan frowned slightly.

She always felt that these two people were not right, just now he seemed to have seen Song Zhi Xu holding Lin Ran’s hand, although it might have been for comfort. However, there still seemed to be something too intimate about it.

Once inside the villa, the air conditioning cooled down the surroundings, only then Xiao Shilan put away her umbrella and felt a little more comfortable.

She walked towards Lin Ran and tried to talk to him, but was avoided by somewhat timidly Lin Ran, who hid behind Song Zhi Xu and kept his head down. Song Zhi Xu also knew that Lin Ran was afraid of people, so he didn’t say anything and took Lin Ran to the kitchen first and poured a cup of water on the coffee table for Xiao Shilan to drink, and then said to Lin Ran.

“Ran Ran, go and put your bag back to your room and take Xiao Guai out of the bag too, otherwise it’ll die of thirst later.” Although the tortoise was able to leave the water, it was still easy to die of thirst if it left water for too long.

Lin Ran nodded, but didn’t move his feet and stole a look at Xiao Shilan who was sitting on the sofa again.

Song Zhi Xu lowered his head and laughed lightly, somewhat helplessly, “That’s my mother, you don’t need to be afraid of her.”

Only then did Lin Ran obediently go upstairs.

When Song Zhi Xu also walked over to the sofa and sat down, Xiao Shilan came over and whispered, 

“Zhi Xu, is your Uncle Lin’s son’s name Lin Ran? Why do I remember that he is only a year younger than you. Moreover, this one doesn’t seem like it. Have you been tricked?”

“No, the eldest son of Uncle Lin’s family is called Lin Mu, this is his younger brother, his name is Lin Ran. He is six years younger than me, he…” Song Zhi Xu didn’t know what to say and simply said, “He has been raised outside and has just been picked up.”

“Younger son?” Xiao Shilan frowned tightly, how could she not remember that the Lin family had two sons? Moreover, he was six years younger than Song Zhi Xu, “Mom, you don’t need to doubt, it was Lin Mu who handed him over to me. There is no mistake, probably because it has never been disclosed to the public before, so you don’t know.”

Song Zhi Xu explained again.

Xiao Shilan didn’t reply, and only after a while did she suddenly seem to remember something, “I remember it now, I took you to Lin Family’s house when you were little, it seems like I did see a child, a little younger than Lin Mu. I took a quick look at the child but he was pulled away. He was good looking and timid. I still remember some of it, it was the time when you fell into the water.”