Chapter 167:

Chapter 167

“First of all, don’t you have Pandemonium and Eden on your side?”

Yu-hyun was quite disappointed when he didn’t get the answer he expected.

“Yes, I do.”

Satan and Michael, who represented the two great armies, were his regular visitors in his library.

They were interested in the history of Earth, so it was natural that the movements of the two great armies were also focused on Earth.

“But that’s not the answer you’re looking for, is it?”

Yu-hyun gave a bitter smile as he read Galiaz’s smile.

‘As expected, he knows that I have something.’

It was no wonder that he was the guardian of the Dragon King.

He had raised a chief-level teller, and he was a legend among the tellers.

Galiaz’s insight was not easy to deal with.

Yu-hyun nodded his head, as he had nothing to hide.

“Yeah, well.”

“Hmm. I’ve heard something that might interest you. Recently, some of the great armies have taken an interest in the environment of Earth.”


That was it.

Yu-hyun was almost certain. The interest that had not been there until now, but suddenly increased recently. Some of it might have been caused by Yu-hyun himself, but there was no doubt that someone else had a different idea.

“Where are they?”

“There are three places. One of them is Hwaninje (桓因帝). You’ve heard of it, right?”


There was no way Yu-hyun didn’t know about Hwaninje. Especially if he lived in Korea.

Hwaninje was the great army that provided the seed of mythology to the Korean peninsula.

This place, which was relatively small among the great armies, was the army where Hwanung, who could be called the protagonist of the Dangun myth, belonged.

Yu-hyun nodded his head in agreement. It made sense that Korea’s situation was unusually hot lately.

“The second one is Sukhavati (極樂淨土).”


Another name was Sukhāvatī.

Sukhavati was the great army that provided the seed of mythology to Earth’s ‘Buddhism’.

It was one of the most famous places among the great armies. In a way, it was the second largest place in Earth’s mythology after ‘Eden’.

‘The spirits there are interested too? That’s surprising. They seem to be the least likely.’

Galiaz uttered the next one.

“The third one is Cheongyesamsipsancheon (天界三十六天).”

“I see.”

Yu-hyun also knew Cheongyesamsipsancheon well.

It was where Oh Heum, who had caused trouble in Yu-hyun’s previous library and was forcibly kicked out, belonged.

Cheongyesamsipsancheon was the great army that provided the seed of mythology to Earth’s ‘Taoism’. And it was also a place that had a close relationship with Sukhavati in some ways.

‘Hwaninje, Sukhavati, Cheongyesamsipsancheon. They’re all similar places.’The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

It seemed obvious why they were interested in Earth when he thought about where Yu-hyun was active.

‘Is there someone among these three that I should be wary of?’

Yu-hyun felt a bit puzzled.

It would have been easier if it were Olympus or Asgard, which had bad reputations, but the three examples he gave were hard to pinpoint no matter how he thought about it.

They were all places that had good images as great armies, so it was difficult to identify who exactly they were.

‘I narrowed down the choices, but I’m getting deeper into the maze. They’re all formidable places.’

Yu-hyun checked Laplace’s fragment out of curiosity.

[Information collection rate: 21%]

Considering that it was 9% last time, it had increased considerably.

There was definitely a culprit among them. Someone who had been targeting Seosumin since his previous life, and who made her wary in this life as well.

“Are there any other places?”

“Why not? But apart from those three places I just mentioned, they’re still showing a bit of lukewarm movement. The great armies are usually hard to move.”

“ ‘Chuckle’. That’s true.”

“More importantly, you know what? I heard another story recently.”

And the fact that his hot desire that he thought had disappeared was wriggling somewhere in his chest again.

It dyed Galiaz’s dry emotions back to those days.

‘I said I would trust and leave it to him, but I’m still worried. But I can’t help him directly either.’

As Galiaz was wondering what to do,

“Master! I came to visit!”

The door opened and Celestina came in.

Galiaz’s eyes lit up.

“Oh, really. Celestina. You came at a good time.”

“Huh? What’s wrong with you, master? You’re welcoming me like this.”

“You, let’s do something with me.”


[Your request for library expansion has been completed.]

[Your library will be expanded.]

[Sub-mission accomplished!]

[Maximum capacity 10,000 -> 20,000]

Yu-hyun nodded his head in satisfaction as he checked the notification window that popped up on his way back.

His request to expand his library was successfully accepted, and with this, the number of spirits that his library could accommodate increased to the maximum.

‘Now I don’t have to worry about my library exploding even if I have more than 10,000 viewers.’

It would only make Celine busier, but Yu-hyun was not worried.

Her skills and will were genuine.

She would probably burn with enthusiasm in this situation, as if to show off.

‘With a poker face, of course.’

Yu-hyun chuckled inwardly and recalled the information that Galiaz had told him.

‘Three great armies. One of them is related to Seo Sumin, the transcendent.’

Seo Sumin also knew that she was in conflict with someone.

She was wary of Yu-hyun when they first met, thinking that he might be a spy sent by the great army.

‘She knows that she is involved with someone. Even though it’s a matter of her previous life and she reincarnated, the fact that she reacted like that means that she also knows that her opponent is not an ordinary being.’

And a great army could make that possible.

Yu-hyun wondered which of the three great armies that Galiaz had told him was the most likely candidate to be related to Seo Sumin.

The answer did not come easily.

Hwaninje, Sukhavati, and 36 Thousand Heaven Realms were all great armies with impressive presence and similar tendencies.

36 Thousand Heaven Realms was relatively more free and diverse than the others.

Baekryeon asked him, noticing that he was silent and still.

[What are you thinking about so hard since a while ago?]

‘Just. About the great armies.’

[Great armies? Why all of a sudden?]

‘Just. I thought I might get involved with one of them soon.’

[Ah. The one you talked about with that dragon earlier? Cheongye something or what was it?]

‘Close enough. I think it might be there.’

[Is it famous?]

‘It’s famous alright. It has its good sides, but also a lot of bad sides. It’s also the place where the most incidents and accidents happened. It’s the place that produced the famous Demon King Alliance, after all.’

[What’s the Demon King Alliance?]

Baekryeon was intrigued by the unexpected name.

As far as she knew, the only thing that came to mind when she heard the word demon king was the clichéd genre of heroes and demon kings.

But, a Taoist place that had a rigid image produced a demon king? What could be more interesting than this story?

‘They’re not really demon kings. Well, they are very dangerous places in their own way.’

[What are they then?]

‘The Demon King Alliance (魔王聯合). A great army that rivals Pandemonium in terms of presence.’

It was a place where all kinds of monsters who had turned their backs on the heavenly realm of Taoism existed as divine spirits, and just like Pandemonium had seven lords, this place also had seven demon kings.

The seven first-generation divine spirits who stood at the peak of all monsters.

Among them, the most dangerous and also the most powerful one was.

‘The stone monkey. The place where Jecheon Daeseong resides.’