Chapter 227:

Chapter 227

At the same time that Yu-hyun entered the secret laboratorys mind world of Geladric, collectors were fighting hard to stop the runaway of the mind worlds in other places.

The state of national disaster was enough to make even the high-ranking collectors, who usually did not move much, show up on the scene.

And their actions impressed upon the people why they were called high-ranking collectors.

The mind world near Bukhansan National Park, where human footsteps rarely reached.

The collectors who rushed there after receiving the call could not close their mouths at the sight that unfolded before them.

Hey. Youre here? Youre a bit late. Ive already cleaned up everything here.

A 30-something man in a sloppy outfit, high-ranking collector Im Gunwoo, waved his hand at the collectors who had just arrived on the scene.

Around him, giant insect-shaped phantasms that he had just knocked down were turning into text and scattering.

The fight must have been fierce, as the surroundings were a mess that resembled a ruin.

The trees were either uprooted or broken, and the ground was turned upside down as if it had been bombed.

Choi Yeri, who was standing next to Im Gunwoo, sighed.

Is that what you say to your colleagues who came to the scene?

Whats wrong with that? I just told them they wasted their time.


Uh, excuse me

A middle-aged collector who had been looking around cautiously opened his mouth.

Did you, did you clear everything here by yourself, Im Gunwoo collector?

Yeah. Why? Oh, do you think someone else helped me? No way. Of course I did it by myself.

Dont brag. Its disgusting.

Hey, why? I honestly worked hard.

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly at the bickering pair.

Ha, haha. I see. Okay. Then well go to support Seongbuk-gu.

Oh, Seongbuk-gu? You dont have to go there.


At the mans question, Im Gunwoo grinned and looked far away.

The Martial God is there.


The Martial God?

The collectors all let out a gasp of horror at the mention of the name Martial God from Im Gunwoos mouth.

The strongest among the high-ranking collectors in South Korea.

The number one in the Korean ranking, and the only one in the country with a grade 1 collector, Martial God Wi Joo-hyuk.

The fact that he had already gone to Seongbuk-gu meant that the runaway of the mind world there was tantamount to an apocalypse.


Jungneung-dong, Seongbuk-gu, adjacent to Bukhansan National Park.

The collectors who came to the scene could not open their mouths at the sight of the fire that burned as if to turn even the sky into ashes.

If they saw the person who walked out slowly from the center of that blazing hell, carrying a giant sword bigger than his body on his shoulder, anyone would have reacted like that.


Thats the number one collector in Korea.

He went into and came out of a mind world that no one can access, almost bare-handed?

It was more than respect. It was fear, wondering if he was even human.

The world of thought that erupted in Seongbuk-gu was a world of flames and magma.

Collectors without heat resistance couldnt last five minutes inside, and ordinary people would get second-degree burns just by approaching it.

And to make matters worse, the world of thought was eroding, slowly leaking magma around it.

But Wi Juhyuk went in there alone and cleared it.

Wi Juhyuk, who had stabbed a giant sword nearly 2m long into the ground, quietly savored the night air of reality.

His angular face and body looked stiff, but his well-trained muscles stood out even over his tight-fitting clothes.

His neatly trimmed sideburns and beard, and his hair pushed back in a slick-back style made his impression even more intense.

But his calm eyes were filled with gloom, like a bowl.

Is there nothing here either?

As everyone looked at him with awe, Wi Juhyuk thought that he couldnt find it this time either, and slowly moved his steps.

It was time to go home.


Inside a dark and dingy underground laboratory.

Yu-hyun stood on top of the corpses of the solo numbering subjects and fixed his disheveled clothes.

The phantoms that were nightmares for mid-level collectors and could only be hunted by high-level collectors barely posed a challenge to Yu-hyun.

They turned into text and disappeared without even leaving corpses.

[The spirits admire your prowess.]

[The spirits ask you to keep doing this.]

[Current viewers: 12,045]

Even if his heart was pierced, he had several spare hearts in his body, and he could even survive if his brain was blown away. He had modified himself like that.

But Yu-hyun knew that too.




As Geladric tried to pull out the spear, Baekryeons shape changed.

It became a form of countless thorns spreading outward from the part that penetrated Geladrics body.

Kuhuk! Geladric couldnt even scream properly.

He died without finishing his transformation from the countless thorn attacks that cut through his body.

Geladrics fallen corpse turned into white text and scattered.

Yu-hyun retrieved Baekryeon.

You shouldnt show an opening when you transform.

[You have cleared the world of thought Geladrics Secret Laboratory.]

As the world of thought was cleared, the surrounding scenery turned into white letters and crumbled into pieces.

Yu-hyun was transported outside the world of thought surrounded by light.

Huh, huh?

He came out! He really cleared the world of thought by himself!

As Yu-hyun came out, the collectors who were waiting exclaimed in admiration.

Their eyes couldnt leave Yu-hyun and the entrance of the world of thought behind him that disappeared with light.

The erosion that caused a huge metal structure to pierce through the ground also ended with the clear of the world of thought.

Everyone stood in their places, not knowing what to do. Only Kang Hye-rim approached Yu-hyun.

Good job.

Thank you. You did well too. Wasnt it hard running around?

What did I do? You did everything.

She said that, but Kang Hye-rim also worked hard.

She didnt get hurt or anything, but it wasnt easy for anyone to hunt phantoms while moving at almost lightning speed with electricity all over her body.

Still, you caught all of them without missing any.

Thats thanks to Sung Yu-chans support.

Kang Hye-rim was able to hunt the phantoms without getting lost thanks to Sung Yu-chans guidance.

Sung Yu-chan analyzed the positions of the phantoms and Kang Hye-rim and told her the shortest route.

It was a remarkable achievement.

However, Sung Yu-chan was not in a position to thank Kang Hye-rim for her compliment.

Reacting in real time to Kang Hye-rims movements that were like flashes of light and telling her the locations of the phantoms was not something that could be done with ordinary concentration.

Sung Yu-chan was now half-fainted with his energy drained.

What about the other worlds of thought that went berserk?

They said the other high-level collectors took care of them.

Who else are there among the other high-ranking collectors?

They say the God of War himself has moved.

Thats surprising.

The God of War, Juhyuk Wi, rarely moved.

Even more so after he secured his position as the undisputed number one.

He was a man who had awakened right after the Day of Integration ten years ago and fought on the front lines.

But after that, he had no notable achievements or traces until the end of the world.

Yu-hyun thought that his change was just superficial.

If the number one moved, it would affect the other collectors as well.

But right now, what was important was not Juhyuk Wi or the runaway situation of the World of Ideas.

Ding. Ding.

The countless messages from the spirits that poured down.

Yu-hyun carefully looked at some of the specific messages among them.

As expected, I see a lot of spirits that I couldnt see before. Especially from Great Sage Army.

The spirits belonging to Great Sage Army, who had not shown much interest in Yu-hyuns paintings before, also started to visit his library one by one.

Olympus from Greek mythology.

Asgard from Norse mythology.

Hermopolis from Egyptian mythology.

Rigveda from Indian mythology.

Hwaninje and Mabinogion from Korea and Celtic lands, and Anunnaki from Mesopotamia.

Famous spirits that he was familiar with even in his previous life showed off their names and watched Yu-hyun with curious eyes.

But there was one among them who sent him a particularly intense gaze.

[The Brat at the Edge of Greed shows interest in you.]

It was the most unwanted, pure evil and curiosity-filled interest.