Chapter 49: The Second Quest

༺ The Second Quest ༻

“Kania, did you do well on the exam?”

“What do you mean?”

On my way back to the dormitory after finishing the final exam, I asked Kania, who was quietly walking beside me.

“As you know, I fully remember the previous timeline. So of course, there’s no way I won’t do well.”

“...I see.”

She replied to me with a dumbfounded look, wondering what the hell I was on about. Then she quickly scanned the surroundings and began talking in a hushed tone.

“Also, I think it’s not very smart to ask such a question when we are outside. Even now, the Young Master is having a hard time trying to walk...”

“...All right, sorry, sorry.”

Interrupting her words, I leaned against the wall for a moment and heaved a deep sigh.

“It’s just, it’s one of the things I always wanted to say when I finally made some friends... so I tried it this time.”

Upon hearing those words, Kania let out a sigh, and murmured.

“I apologize. But in your current state, if even one more person finds out, there will be no turning back......”

“You think of my well-being that much? Thank you, Kania.”

As I hastened my steps after replying to her, I hurriedly pulled out a handkerchief from my pocket and started coughing.

“Cough!! Cough!!!”

Then, in an instant, the handkerchief began turning red.

“Kania, get me a handkerchief with self-cleaning magic.”

I put the handkerchief in my pocket while forcefully trying to make a composed expression on my face, and ordered Kania, who was watching me quietly, to bring me the thing I needed the most right now.

“I’ll get you one of the finest quality ones.”

Having said that, Kania opened the door to my dormitory, which she had just arrived at, and spoke in a serious tone.

“Oh, and there are two important reports.”

“...Is that so?”

Kania’s expression was unusual, so my expression turned serious as I settled down on the bed and began listening to her report.

“First and foremost... I think I’ve found a clue about the ‘teleportation scroll’.”


Soon enough, good news came out of her mouth, so I inquired with a bright glint in my eyes.

“So, what kind of person swapped the scrolls?”

Then Kania looked at Frey with a slightly troubled expression and shook her head in denial.

“No, I didn’t find out who swapped the scrolls.”


“I found the source of the scroll.”

Hearing that, I felt a little disappointed, but when I thought about it again, the source of the scroll was a pretty important clue.

“Do you remember the last time the Young Master had asked me to track down the ‘one behind the scrolls’?”

“Why all of a sudden? Wait, maybe...”

“Yes, I’ve heard a rumor that a person who matches the description that the Young Master gave me is running a scroll business in the back alley.”

As I frowned deeply upon hearing those words, Kania continued speaking in a serious tone.

“And almost all of those magic scrolls were scams, and most of those sham scrolls were teleportation scrolls.”

“...What is the level of craftsmanship?”

“They said that it would only be possible to identify them by performing a detailed analysis in the Magic Tower. They said it was also understandable why Ms. Arianne was deceived.”

“I feel like I’m going to die...”

My head is beginning to ache more and more.

Obviously, the owner, who never ripped me off, is running some kind of scroll scam.

In addition, the craftsmanship is enough to be recognized by the Magic Tower. I knew that the skill of the artisan was superior to that of any other artifact crafter, but... if even the Magic Tower acknowledges its quality, the story changes a lot.

‘Somehow... Although they were basically robbed, I started to think that something was strange from the time they fought evenly with Isolet using the artifact they possessed...’

Although Isolet is now an academy professor, she is definitely a person who possesses the qualities to become the next Sword Saint. Even though the owner was eventually defeated by her, he did compete with her to some extent ... After all, the owner is not an ordinary back alley trader.

“...Secure the owner. You can buy him with money, or even use force if that doesn’t work.”

“All right.”

I needed to know for what purpose the owner was using those scam scrolls, why they didn’t scam me, and where their unusual skills came from. My head began to ache.

“The second report is about the punishment of the Young Master as decided by the Imperial family and the Church.”


I tilted my head and asked her as Kania replied with a slight frown.

“Yes, even though you were forced to do things with ‘mind control’... It is true that you took the side of the Demon King, and public opinion throughout the Empire is also horrible, so this is an unavoidable punishment.”

“...So what’s the punishment?”

I asked Kania, feeling a little anxious, and she sighed in reply.

“Forced volunteer work at the orphanage that we established.”

“It’s crazy, really. This dogshit game.”

After hearing her words and spitting out swear words, I hurriedly asked Kania a question.

“Is it true that the relationship between me, my family, and the orphanage is perfectly hidden?”

“Yes, it’s perfectly hidden. Unless the Young Master reveals the truth himself, it won’t be discovered.”

Fortunately, I wouldn’t die by vomiting all the blood in my body. Then I suddenly frowned and asked a question.

“But why... why the Orphanage we built?”

“I think the specific punishment was decided because the orphanage that Young Master established is currently the largest orphanage in the Empire. In addition, the fact that it’s located in the Imperial Capital, so the difficulty of the punishment was judged to be suitable.”


Fortunately, after listening to Kania, it seems that the truth about the orphanage’s origins hasn’t been leaked. Well, if the information had leaked out, I would have died even sooner.

“So, when does the volunteer work start?”

“From today.”


I, who was sighing in relief initially, frowned, having heard Kania’s words that I would have to do volunteer work from today, and then grabbed my throbbing head.

“My body feels like it will crumble at any moment... and I have to do volunteer work...”

“...By the way, Young Master. Would you face any problems by doing volunteer work?”

I was already unhappy because it felt like my whole body was aching, but Kania inquired with a worried look on her face.

“In any case... if volunteer work is recognized as ‘good work’...”

“...Don’t worry about that.”

I made an expression that there would be no problem and opened the ‘Inherent Skills Window’ that I had never purposely opened since the freshman welcoming party.

[Inherent Skills Window]

When I and Ferloche entered, the female employee who was working inside greeted us with a cold sweat.

Judging from the look on her face, it seems that she is under a lot of pressure.

After all, from her point of view, suddenly two key figures of the Empire visited her place of work.

“Hello! My name is Ferloche! Are you the owner of this Orphanage?”

“Oh, I... that’s...”

“Wow... It’s a really spacious and comfortable place... It’s several times bigger than the school operated by the Church...”

After shaking hands vigorously with the girl, Ferloche began walking around the orphanage as her eyes twinkled.

“O-Over there... Lord Frey? I-I mean...”


I, who was blankly watching her, heard a female employee next to her talking to me with a trembling voice, so I answered in an icy tone.

“Uh... you need to change their clothes...”


Upon hearing my answer, the female employee made a troubled expression as she bowed her head and said.

“Please. We also got a message from the Church yesterday, so it’s embarrassing, but... If Young Master Frey doesn’t do volunteer work properly, the budget may be cut down...”

“...What do you mean?”

I inquired with my brows furrowed when I heard that the budget might be cut down. Hearing my question, the female employee lowered her head again and answered.

“Yes, yes... So, there are people who donate anonymously to our orphanage... The amount of support is quite large...”


“If you are a person who can offer that amount of support, they must be tied to the Imperial family or the Church... So it’s a big deal if you act like a horrible person...”

After listening to her for a while, I replied, thinking for an ordinary female employee she has quite the good head on her shoulders.

“It’s not my job.”

“Yes, but... Then the kids in the orphanage could end up on the streets again!”

Due to her restlessness and fear, she immediately closed her eyes tightly and exclaimed.

“You, what’s your name?”

I liked her quite a bit, so when I asked for her name, the female employee looked at me nervously and answered.

“...It’s Ruby.”


As I was memorizing her name, she suddenly knelt down and started crying.

“Please! Please... our orphanage...!”

“What are you doing!?”

Eventually, she grabbed my leg and started begging, and all the attention of the people in the orphanage turned to me.

“You! What are you doing now!”

In such a situation, as I was staring blankly at Ruby, who was crying, Ferloche, who had been looking around the orphanage, approached me with a furious expression on her face.


“To make such a kind-hearted employee cry...! She didn’t do anything wrong...”

Eventually, Ferloche, who came right up to my face began preaching to me in a furious tone, but...


She suddenly turned around and started searching around.

“...What’s the matter?”

She looked quite unsettled, so I inquired with a bit of concern. Upon hearing my question, Ferloche, who had been scanning the surrounding until then, suddenly frowned, grabbed my arm, and started heading somewhere.

“...What, what? Why?”

Eventually, Ferloche entered the empty warehouse and opened her mouth, glaring at me.

“You, you’re trying to use some kind of sinister power!”


“Lord Sun God in heaven, watch over us and save us from the endless pit of evil...”

Eventually, she chanted her spells and began to launch her powers, as she started pouring out all her holy power at once.

“I can’t stand it any longer! Be prepared! Member of the Demon King’s Army!”

Ferloche, who had been launching her power for a while, began to look at me, exhaling a rough breath.

“...Why are you fine?”

As I frowned, she approached me with a bewildered expression and began poking my body.

“It’s strange ... I definitely felt a sinister aura ...”

“What are you doing?”

I was so annoyed by her that I tried to leave the room, but Ferloche grabbed onto my arm and started speaking in a demanding voice.

“You, from now on, answer my questions.”

“...All right.”

My condition was so bad that I didn’t have the confidence to fight her at all, so I resolved to go along with what she would say.

“What is the most dangerous strategy among the Demon King’s recent plans?”

But when I heard the words coming out of her mouth, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Oi, don’t laugh! You think I don’t know that you belong to the Demon King’s Army!”

“...I see.”

“Yes! I don’t know why you’re still fine even after being hit by my powers... Anyway, you’re definitely a member!”

Having said that, Ferloche began glaring daggers at me, emanating more holy power and shooting it at my whole body.

“That’s enough, back to the volunteer work...”

“Then, answer me. What the hell is going on in the cellar of the Sun God’s Church?”


Ferloche, who had been shooting every nook and cranny of my body with her powers, hurriedly asked a question when I picked up a broom from the warehouse.

“What do you mean—”

[Main Quest occurs!]

As I was looking at Ferloche, who suddenly inquired about the Church’s cellar with a mysterious expression, a quest window suddenly appeared in front of me.

Main Quest: Secret of the Sun God’s Church

Quest Content: Uncover the secrets of the Sun God’s Church and drive away the darkness.

Reward: Increases the Awakening Progress of the Hero’s Armament.

Failure Penalty: Death of Ferloche Astellade.

“...If you make a deal with me, I’ll help you.”

After seeing the contents of the quest window, I quickly changed my approach and offered a suggestion.

It seems like I’ll never have time to rest.